Great Beer....the sequel

Really enjoy Rhinegeist beers. Juicy Truth was exceptional. Citrusy. Grapefruit dominates. Hazy.

Gallant Fox Hillside Hefe. Got the classic banana taste but not too much. Tastes like a light La Fin Due Monde. Outstanding.
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Down in Texas this week and just had a Live Oak Hefeweizen. WOW! Like drinking a citrusy banana. Has to be at the top of the charts for wheat beers along with Hoegaarden. I'm not so sure that I don't like Live Oak better. Un-real.

Hefeweizen Is not a style I typically drink, not a huge fan. I would try that, however. I have had some fruity Saisons that were funky and good.
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Had a couple of really good local IPA's in Phoenix last month. Heading to Vegas next month and always like to see what some of the bars have on their local rotation schedule.
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Re: wheats, Hefeweizens, Weizens, etc.

Best I've yet drank has been Weihenstephaner direct from the keg in Germany. Imported Weihenstephaner often includes a metallic taste.

Close second: Flensburger Weizen. Heavy on banana. Highly addictive. Widely available in USA.

Will be looking for the Flensburger. Never heard of it. Enjoying a Weihenstephaner right now.
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Kentucky Pumpkin Barrel Ale. Not bad. Good pumpkin flavor and not too much bourbon. Good balance. It's a 10% beer so go easy because this is highly drinkable. The Fall beers are coming out earlier and earlier every year. This would be a good cold weather campfire sipper.
Re: wheats, Hefeweizens, Weizens, etc.

Best I've yet drank has been Weihenstephaner direct from the keg in Germany. Imported Weihenstephaner often includes a metallic taste.

Close second: Flensburger Weizen. Heavy on banana. Highly addictive. Widely available in USA.

What a great post! I just came here to post that I had a Wiehenstephaner Hefe Wiesbier with some bone-in chicken wings for dinner. It was like drinking a glass of orange juice and it was FABULOUS. I love that some places have a single beer case where you can try different beers without committing to a six pack. That's how I tried this one. First Bavarian I've had! Loved it!