Goodman still upset DJ Wagner is not at UL

This is such a wild take for so many reasons. You don’t understand why a guy didn’t want to go to a 4-28 team, probably won’t make the tournament, and who didn’t even get included in the ACC/SEC challenge? You think Wagner is concerned with playing time and shots? Unreal take
On my way from the Subway to my office today in Washington DC, I gave a grubby, deranged, babbling bum $5.

I regret it now, because looking at that clip I'm not at all sure it wasn't Jeff Goodman.

As for his take, that's like saying, "Al Pacino made a terrible decision to be in The Godfather. He'll be competing with Brando and Robert DuVal and James Caan. And to think, he could have had the lead in 'Herbie: The Love Bug!'"
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Couldn’t you say that about any top recruit that committed to a good team? He does t even have competition at the 1 anyway. Why did John Wall or Fox come to Kentucky? They could’ve gone to UL and gotten up 20 shots a game as well.
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It's just weird. Goodman is way too biased to be any sort of a trusted journalist. He's like a blogger who fell up the corporate ladder to be some voice of reason.

I don't really see this in pro sports. You have someone like Joe Buck who displays favoritism.. and I'm sure there are a few others. But a lot of these other guys are beat writers for a specific team. When I watch or read NFL or NBA coverage, you don't see any of the shit you see in college basketball.
Apparently the actual video isn’t in the post I linked anymore (or at least didn’t show up on my phone). I’m sure it’s out there somewhere.
Hey Goodman ...

Sleepy GIF by Cirque du Soleil
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Honestly, didn't know that guy was even still around. He looks like a dude who'd be out mowing yards for a living.
Who cares?
If Wagner had gone to Kansas or Duke, he'd be raving about how they have the best young PG in America and he'll be so great, yada yada yada.

Can you imagine if Wagner had gone to Kansas, and him saying "He really should have gone to Nebraska instead, they'd all be better off"

Zero chance.
Whoever made that comment about the mouth full of marbles in the other thread nailed it.
Im still upset that Goodman is still smuggling testicles in his jaws!!!