God Save the King

Also, how bored are you? That thing was 3-4 hours I bet.

You are completely disinterested, but contributed 8 posts on this thread?

I hereby dub thee, “RogueMocha, The Disinterested!”

[By the tingling in my thumbs, something Anglophile in RogueMocha comes (out)].
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Yeah we don’t have much history besides kicking all their asses or saving them. What has Britain’s done for us? We’re Allie’s and I appreciate them, but did they ever do anything for us
They bled more than the Americans until June 6, 1944 in the Second World War, and suffered far more casualties the did the US in the First World War.

Their Navy was the prime guarantor of the Monroe Doctrine for its first Century, as the non-establishment of European Colonies in the Americas coincided with their own interests. We rode the British Naval coattails until at least Teddy Roosevelt’s “White Navy.”

And as to the long-term, handing down the whole representative government thing was pretty big.

Establishing enduring Republics and Democracies was a British staple for 150 years, with only a handful of non-starters, typically, “East of Suez.”

Oh, the Suez Canal!

British money largely funded our railroad expansion in the latter half of the 19th Century.

British investment in America is still the highest of any country.

They have the 5th biggest economy by GDP in the world, and are not questioning the Dollar as the proper currency for trade.

Still, the Monarchy is boring!

History, though, is interesting and a tad more complex than your post suggests, especially regarding the British.

Yes, the Brits blew us up and set us on fire a few times, but we got better!! And all the while we had the pleasure of popping a cap or two in the Redcoat Arses. It made for some nice songs, and such!

And other than our language, primary political system, perhaps a trillion in direct financial investment, 100 years of their Naval protection, followed by 115 years of formal alliance and victory in two World Wars and the Cold War, we owe the bloody bastards not a damn thing!!
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