I don't think you guys are understanding what I'm trying to say. The overhead camera angle is not a 100% overhead shot. It's a little behind the basket, so it's almost like an optical illusion when the ball looks 100% off the cylinder. The best comparison I can draw is this tweet, which was about a World Cup goal that review called good even though a certain camera angle looked like the ball was 100% out of bounds. If the camera is a little in front of the ball, it doesn't provide a true depiction of where the ball is.
At about 3 seconds in this video is a good depiction of where the overhead camera is, and it would look like the ball is completely on the other side of that line. But if you bring the camera 100% above the ball you can tell it's still over the line. This is the same thing that happens with over the basket cameras, they are not 100% accurate.