Reasonable post.
Don't know about Giles being me first... I don't know him that well. As you say, I am sure K can iron that out. Duke usually doesn't have problems with attitudes... K runs the program with an iron fist, and there isn't a lot of leeway allowed.McRoberts never seemed to buy in, and there were problems with the a Rivers team, but generally they are few and far between. The Brand thing was completely embarrassing.
Again, the K/Cal comparisons just aren't valid yet. First, K never dismissed a group of players to make room for his own players. Second, K has had exactly one season with more than a single OAD, and of the three only one was really expected. I assume he will start having more of them, although this next season doesn't seem likely for that to happen (likely only Ingram). I think the Giles/Tatum class will be the second class from K to have more than a single OAD. And the two coaches just don't approach it the same way. Cal has been repeatedly explicit that NBA and individual success are two of his key driving forces. K has been repeatedly explicit that Duke success is his driving force. While some of that is simply marketing of the program, I do think the two have some fundamental differences in how the two approach things. So I just don't see this as a "Well now K is just like Cal" thing.
As a Duke fan, it is interesting having a team where you are suddenly missing so much. But K hasn't seemed like he will be doing huge, repeated classes of one and dones. If he does, then yes, sustaining it will be tough, but k has a lot of experience with bringing in three and four year guys to teach the culture and provide stability. But yes, sustaining excellence is DAMN hard, OAD or not. In the twenty years since I graduated from Duke, K has done a pretty good job.
Agreed on Smith.
And UNC should never get another player again. Cheating sacks of crap... Now trying to throw the women's team under the bus, because, you know, decades of cheating is TOTALLY a about women's b-ball.