Fulkerson from Tenneseee

we are on level with uk in basketball.
He and Trey Jones must be in a battle to see how many fouls per game they can get away with not being called. Both of those guys reach, hold, hack and hand check more than anyone else by far.

On the substance... since we're playing this game like two months early... I would say that Tennessee isn't an amazing basketball team, but they are solid.

Turner - I hate this kid. Pretty solid basketball player, but commits about 100 fouls per game. Plays defense with his hands more than any player I have ever seen and somehow gets away with it. Regardless, he has stepped up pretty well with Bone now gone. Scored 17 last night in their win while dishing out 12 assists. Compare that to Hagans, who has just 1 game with over 10 assists. He is almost averaging a double-double and had 16 and 8 against Washington. Turner is a volume shooter and he will try to fill up threes and live at the line. Last night, for instance, he went 3 for 8 from 3, and 4 for 16 overall with 8 FTA. In the Washington game he went 1-5 from 3-12 from the floor while putting in 9 of 11 free throws to give him 16 points. He isn’t a great FT shooter, but he is getting to the line. So, Hagans will have to work to keep him out of the paint. In the past he has been able to hit three pointers at a high clip (32 percent, upwards of 39 percent), but is struggling (25%) this year. He could turn this around and get back to his average, but the point there is that he really helps Tennessee click, and Hagans needs to be on him close.

Bowden - Bowden is a pretty big (6'5) guard that largely lives at the three point line and he can kill you from there. Against Washington he was 3-5 and 6-13 while putting in 18. He, as best as I remember is better at shooting jumpers and threes than he is at getting to the rim. Against UTC he didn’t shoot any FTs and went 6-15 from the field and 1-5 from three. UK will match up with him pretty well with Quickley.

Yves Pons – Kid is a bit of an enigma. I am interested to see if he can keep up his scoring. He is now a junior and has this weird mix of athleticism and awkwardness. Kid can run fast and jump out of the gym, but something about the coordination of it is strange. In the past he has been a relative non-factor (2.2ppg), but he has boomed this year so far, averaging a cool 13ppg. He’s found a shot and is shooting 61 percent from the floor and 50 percent from three to go along with 81 percent from the line. He is not going to shoot as many threes as the others, but he can hit them. He is moreso relying on a mid-range jumper and getting to the rim. He had 15 against Washington on 50 percent shooting, but struggled for the first time on the year last night just getting 5 points on 1 of 5 shooting (3 of 4 from the line). Outside of being able to score, Pons is not doing much, his assists and rebounds are not impressive for a SF. I think Whitney matches up well with him defensively, and Maxey with his athleticism will also probably do fine against him.

Josiah James – The big freshman on the Vols team has largely not lived up to the 5 star expectations. Averaging just 4.6ppg, James has not really been much of a factor outside of getting on the glass for rebounds. He did go 4 for 4 and scored 9 points against Washington, but last night he was back around his average. I don’t know much about him other than that he is 6 foot 6.

Fulkerson - The subject of our thread is the lone big man (of relevance) on the Tennessee roster. Fulk goes 6’9 212. On paper, Kentucky should absolutely abuse him, but it would depend on the type of Nick Richards that shows up. Richards is obviously two inches taller and about 30 pounds heavier than Fulk. So, you would imagine that Richards, if he plays to his potential, could have a big game against them. Fulkerson has played well this year though. Last night he went 4-4 for 14 and against Washington he went 4-8 from the field and hit 6-6 from the line to get another 14.

Tennessee has about 2, maybe 3, guys that they go to off the bench with 2 of them being freshmen big men. They are all 6'9 or under and are not extremely impressive, though one has averaged about 6ppg.

The key so far for Tennessee seems to be that they have stayed out of foul trouble (still entirely unsure how Turner hasn't fouled out of every game ever) and they have rebounded pretty well. I think that UK matches up with them well and has the height and muscle to keep them off the glass and out of the paint. A big deal will be trying to get them to commit fouls. Do that and their short bench will come into play and they will struggle. That is especially the case with Turner. I don't think they have anyone that can replace him.
It seems to me that you cat fans never learn. The majority of you said we wouldn't beat you in football and now, after several years of UT beating uk in basketball - even before Grant and Admiral - you're saying the same thing. Let me tell you straight up - if Evansville can beat you at Rupp then UT will beat you at least once this upcoming season.
It really doesn't matter because the Vols always flame out in the NCAA tournament when it really counts. When the Vols make a final four you can come back on here and discuss basketball like you know what you are talking about.
UUHHH yea in the last couple of years --- LOOK at the record.
It's your frickin' raison d'etre... no wonder you do well against us. The whole, sorry history of Tennessee basketball has been to Beat Kentucky, BEAT KENTUCKY, BEAT BEAT BEAT KENTUCKY... and nothing else. Your "program" is a one trick pony; you'd get some respect if you'd ever done anything else. As it is, it's a complete joke, and the punchline is breathless fans like you on here talking smack to one of the greatest programs in history because it's the only success you've ever known.

You're all pathetic.
UUHHH yea in the last couple of years --- LOOK at the record.

So... two years? That is our criteria? Even if we look at the past two years...

During that time UK has won an SEC tournament title while UT has not won either a regular season or a tournament title. Tennessee made their 8th Sweet 16 in the history of the school while Kentucky made their 38th Elite 8 and 44th and 45th Sweet 16s.

So, in 'the last couple,' Kentucky has actually won something and made it further in the tournament than Tennessee in both years.

But hey, I guess if you want to puff up your chest, you have a few more wins against us than usual and in 2019 you prevented us from possibly winning our 5th SEC tournament championship in a row. Here is your cookie.
UUHHH yea in the last couple of years --- LOOK at the record.

UT is 6-4 against UK in the last 10 games. If that’s enough for you to come on a rivals message board to talk trash then that’s really sad.

UT has one of their best two year stretches in school history and both years don’t advance further than UK in the NCAA Tournament. If that doesn’t tell you where both programs stand then nothing will.

A couple more fun tidbits;

Since Cal has been here UK has been to as many Sweet 16’s as UT has in their entire history.

Since Cal Kentucky has 6 SEC Tournament Championships—UT has four in their entire history.

Since Cal Kentucky has 5 SEC regular season championships—you’d have to go back to 1977 counting UT’s last 5 regular season titles.

If you want to talk trash about winning a couple of games then by all means go for it I guess. But don’t even for a second suggest that it is a trend or that we shouldn’t expect to beat you year in and year out. We have decades of experience proving otherwise. You don’t get that respect and you never will.
It's your frickin' raison d'etre... no wonder you do well against us. The whole, sorry history of Tennessee basketball has been to Beat Kentucky, BEAT KENTUCKY, BEAT BEAT BEAT KENTUCKY... and nothing else. Your "program" is a one trick pony; you'd get some respect if you'd ever done anything else. As it is, it's a complete joke, and the punchline is breathless fans like you on here talking smack to one of the greatest programs in history because it's the only success you've ever known.

You're all pathetic.
The whole, sorry history of Tennessee basketball has been to Beat Kentucky, BEAT KENTUCKY, BEAT BEAT BEAT KENTUCKY... and nothing else. AND we do that so well !!! By the way, love rush's 2112 ---> one of the 10 greatest albums of all time IMO.
Not going to call you names op, I try to discuss things on here as I would face to face. But you know UT is nowhere near Uk in basketball success. Same as we are not in the same class as your football team success wise. Not sure why you are over here selling your wares when you know you have no argument, unless you just like to argue.
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Admit it you don't want to call him an idiot because you don't want to offend idiots.

Not going to call you names op, I try to discuss things on here as I would face to face. But you know UT is nowhere near Uk in basketball success. Same as we are not in the same class as your football team success wise. Not sure why you are over here selling your wares when you know you have no argument, unless you just like to argue.
Doubt he is an idiot, because I doubt he believes what he says. Could be wrong, in which case you would be right.
This is basically the same as an IU fan talking trash to us since they’ve won 2 of the last 3 matchups with UK. Or I’ll even get a little more ridiculous and say an UAB fan saying they’re on the same level as UK since they lead the all time series lol. A very small sample of matchups doesn’t come close to putting any of these schools on the level of excellence that UK has accomplished. But I wouldn’t expect the average UT fan to be smart enough to understand something so simple.
No. No you are not.

Agreed but it is a nice try at making UT seem relevant in the basketball landscape for the UT fan. I rarely engage in these types of discussions because it’s silly. Fans of other programs come here to beat their chests to rile Kentucky fans.

I think Tennessee fans like to only point to today and up to this point in THIS season. I would even give you lately if you could point to Tennessee being Close to splitting with Kentucky historically. Sorry....Tennessee doesn’t stack up. If we are looking at the numbers of a record today at this point in the season....sure but it’s meaningless.

If we are evaluating program prowess, national and international notoriety, fan base, success, wins, championships, not to mention Final Four appearances of which you have none, why do that to yourself as a Tennessee fan. The Tennessee Elite 8 appearances are extremely limited.....seriously it’s just a silly discussion.
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I mean, if it doesn't hurt to lose to us in the regular season ,why are there so many posters on here complaining about it when we do beat you ?

Did you see all the complaining going on when Evansville beat us? Evansville has never been to a final four either! Does that make you feel better?
Been following this for over fifty years.
Listen up young cats:
Tn. plays their best game all year in Knoxville. We usually fold in the sea of prison orange. L
We beat them like a bass drum in Rupp. W
They fall like a house of cards come tourney time.

Rinse and repeat.

Heck, a healthy undefeated Rupps Runts couldn't beat them in that orange hell

Take this to the bank. I have lived through, Mears, stall ball, Aberdeen, BooerwinKle, unicycles, rubber floors, stokley , smokey, Ernie and Bernie,Rodney Woods...Rocky Top is an Orange Bermuda Triangle.

Jodie Meeks has a different memory of playing at UT. :)
The whole, sorry history of Tennessee basketball has been to Beat Kentucky, BEAT KENTUCKY, BEAT BEAT BEAT KENTUCKY... and nothing else. AND we do that so well !!! By the way, love rush's 2112 ---> one of the 10 greatest albums of all time IMO.
UT sucks and you know it.
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Another uk poster with limited vocabulary and a small mind. I wonder - comparatively- who is the better ball team : FSU or Evansville ?

You think UK and UT are on the same level and come here to argue that point and to try to receive some sort of validation.

Not sure you're in the position to question anyone else's intelligence.
If you had read correctly, I did not question uk's position - that being the premier or one of the top three programs of all-times- but that recently UT has had success against uk on a regular basis , for several years now. Look at the record head to head and there is no doubt that UT is not afraid of the might wildcats. And I know your response will be or some other poster's will be , but what about the tournament. Again I cannot challenge that but that isn't what I'm talking about. Now , how intelligent of a response this is : is it true or not true?
To the poster specifically who asked why I would come on here and post and be surprised that I would be called names back, my answer to him and to all on here : I have grown up with this rivalry - 50 + years and I have every right to be here b/c I pay for it and it is available to me. You may not agree and/or even understand why I do that but it doesn't matter. I really have a vested interest in this b/c I live in Ky. ( and I love it here) and the majority of my friends are uk fans , so I want to be informed and know what is going on with my closet rival whether it be football and/or basketball. Why can't people understand this?
I do expect to treated fairly even if you disagree with my point of view. I do not call others names and I do expect the same in return, although most of the time I do get called names. I can live that b/c I know that those who call others names have lost the argument and to some degree acknowledge that at least some point of mine is true. It also shows a limited vocabulary.
Point of this post to begin with is that - as another wise UK poster said earlier - it isn't wise to make predictions about against UT , whether they be football and/or basketball. Lastly, to the reply that inevitably occurs
at the end of each post that " get back to us when we (UT) do something/never been top a final four /etc. "
-- you are exactly right - we are not on your level in any respect BUT head to head , and regular season meetings do mean something or why else play the game, we are on level with uk in basketball. I mean, if it doesn't hurt to lose to us in the regular season ,why are there so many posters on here complaining about it when we do beat you ?

On level head to head? Seriously? You don’t even have a winning record on your home floor?

People call names because we get over run with trolls from pathetic teams and cheating wannabes. The amount of scum and filth that comes through here trying to start crap is amazing. To claim you are on any sort of level with UK in basketball is just the sort of stupidity and trash talking I’m talking about.

Why do we complain with TN lucks up? If you notice, we bitched a lot about Evansville too. That tell you anything?
If you had read correctly, I did not question uk's position - that being the premier or one of the top three programs of all-times- but that recently UT has had success against uk on a regular basis , for several years now. Look at the record head to head and there is no doubt that UT is not afraid of the might wildcats. And I know your response will be or some other poster's will be , but what about the tournament. Again I cannot challenge that but that isn't what I'm talking about. Now , how intelligent of a response this is : is it true or not true?

Your success against us head to head is basically meaningless, which is why it is being mocked. Vandy has beaten you in football a lot recently... would you claim that Vandy is on your level? You took two of three from us last year...what do you have to show for it? No titles. No trophies. No deep NCAA tournament run. If those things were happening to both UK and UT then maybe, maybe, your argument might carry a tiny bit of water, but that isn't the case. Instead, UK has won something like 4 of the last 5 SEC tournaments and at least have 2 Elite 8 finishes, and a final four over the past 5 years while you have two sweet sixteen appearances ([roll]) and a shared SEC regular season title.

I guess the easiest indicator is that Tennessee and its fans celebrate these "accomplishments" while Kentucky fans would largely see them as failures. But hey, whatever you have to tell yourself to feel important.
Son, This is a basketball board. We don’t give 2 sh*ts about football. The fact of the matter is this: UK has beaten the dogsh*t out of Tennessee throughout the history of the rivalry. UK has won over 68% of the games (155-73) and Cal is 12-8 since coming to UK. If you want to puff your chest out because you are lucky enough to beat us roughly 3 out of every 10 times you play us, then go ahead and make yourself look even more stupid. But you must understand, you’re not in UK’s stratosphere as it relates to historical significance in College Basketball. Comparatively speaking, you’re a pimple on UK’s arse. Stay in your lane and you won’t get your feelings hurt.
I. Love. This. What a great response!
It seems to me that you cat fans never learn. The majority of you said we wouldn't beat you in football and now, after several years of UT beating uk in basketball - even before Grant and Admiral - you're saying the same thing. Let me tell you straight up - if Evansville can beat you at Rupp then UT will beat you at least once this upcoming season.
What's that trophy case look like?
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If you had read correctly, I did not question uk's position - that being the premier or one of the top three programs of all-times- but that recently UT has had success against uk on a regular basis , for several years now. Look at the record head to head and there is no doubt that UT is not afraid of the might wildcats. And I know your response will be or some other poster's will be , but what about the tournament. Again I cannot challenge that but that isn't what I'm talking about. Now , how intelligent of a response this is : is it true or not true?

No doubt you have to use what is available to you for competing or talking smack. You would have a good point if there were trophies, banners or other hardware and recognition given for rising to some level of respectability in the regular season.
If you had read correctly, I did not question uk's position - that being the premier or one of the top three programs of all-times- but that recently UT has had success against uk on a regular basis , for several years now. Look at the record head to head and there is no doubt that UT is not afraid of the might wildcats. And I know your response will be or some other poster's will be , but what about the tournament. Again I cannot challenge that but that isn't what I'm talking about. Now , how intelligent of a response this is : is it true or not true?
Sad program Tennessee national titles 2016* 2019* 2013* *=beat kentucky oh and your football program hasnt done anything since bill clinton was getting his nutsack slobbed on
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By the way, I didn't get a response : who is the better team - FSU or Evansville?
Here’s the deal! UK is everyone’s Super Bowl including your vawls! So every team brings their A game against us.
Teams go into the game against the vawls thinking this is just another game! Teams play much harder against UK! I mean what have they accomplished by beating puetee? Nothing!
Nick will wear him out. Tennessee nowhere near the same team without Williams and Admiral. We take both games this year.
I hope so but we have went into Knoxville many times with a far better team than the Vols, and came out with a loss. Especially at Stokely!
Your success against us head to head is basically meaningless, which is why it is being mocked. Vandy has beaten you in football a lot recently... would you claim that Vandy is on your level? You took two of three from us last year...what do you have to show for it? No titles. No trophies. No deep NCAA tournament run. If those things were happening to both UK and UT then maybe, maybe, your argument might carry a tiny bit of water, but that isn't the case. Instead, UK has won something like 4 of the last 5 SEC tournaments and at least have 2 Elite 8 finishes, and a final four over the past 5 years while you have two sweet sixteen appearances ([roll]) and a shared SEC regular season title.

I guess the easiest indicator is that Tennessee and its fans celebrate these "accomplishments" while Kentucky fans would largely see them as failures. But hey, whatever you have to tell yourself to feel important.

Them and AUBARN are elite basketball programs now haven't you heard?
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