Four Central Kentucky newspapers doing away with their sports departments.

If readers consider it of value the writers should work together and firm their own for profit business. Business is evolving. Deny it at your own risk.
My observation for what it is worth is when newspapers were the source of news far, far more people finished what they were reading and then held their head up and talked to the person next to them. Today people hardly pick their head up to talk to each other, seem less informed and aware of anything other than contemporary memos. Their digital info seldom seems to be entirely accurate or complete as if it came from just another untrained or uneducated "man on the street". The "truthiness" as Colbert explains come not from the actual world around us but our feelings about the world around us. Certainly true about some liberals no doubt, but more actually displayed far more so by people who believe anything Donald Trump has to say. That evidence is in grand supply.

TDS is making more people sick than the corona virus.
Sport, this isn’t an either or thread. You can still have your millennial way. Nobody gonna take it away from you like an all day sucker. Why does everything on here have to be challenged? Millennials, you guys act like it never got done til you showed up. Spare me.
Lol..."sport"? Its 2020...not the Roaring Twenties. Yeah, you clearly have a firm grasp on where things are headed. Spare me the stories about walking uphill both ways. Newspaper is dead. Deal with it.
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The sports pages have become another way to spread the leftist message. They were not happy with just every other part of the newspaper. So they injected it into sports writing and sport in general. Hopefully the news media fails before taking down sports itself.
The money just isn’t there. Businesses aren’t going to spend their money to advertise in the paper when they can do it cheaper on line on a bigger site and more often than not free on social media.

Bloggers give you the same opinion as a a sports columnist but they do it cheaper and faster
The sports pages have become another way to spread the leftist message. They were not happy with just every other part of the newspaper. So they injected it into sports writing and sport in general. Hopefully the news media fails before taking down sports itself.
This is my fear. Sports getting so deep into politics it kills the game.
There's no left wing/right wing reason for the demise of newspapers. It's simply a matter of most people not wanting to pay to read yesterday's news. My wife subscribes to the St Lucie Tribune and USA Today, which also gives us digital access to them. The Tribune does an awesome job covering high school sports here on the Treasure Coast, and all of their news coverage on the website is updated as it happens. She just likes having that paper to hold. I keep trying to get her to drop the print editions and pay for digital only, which are cheaper, but she's stubborn. She says she likes getting the sales papers. I show her how you can get the weekly ads online, but it doesn't phase her.

Back in Tennessee, the Times-News may as well fold their sports department too. They have minimal coverage of high school sports, and there is a group of guys who used to write for them and a couple of other local papers who started a website to give in-depth coverage to local college and high school sports, and it's been pretty successful.

At any rate, you want pro/college scores/box scores? Look online. You want high school scores/box scores? It's online. You want to look at the classifieds? Tons of stuff/real estate/vehicles sales are available online. Hell, even the funny papers are online.
The Herald Leader has never done itself any favors with its more liberal slant. I dont want this to turn into a political thread, so please, no one take this and run with it on some tangent. While politcally, Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state, its still a majority conservative. I personally would rather just have local news covered without any political slant. Each issue is its own individual and one side or the other doesnt have a monopoly on right or wrong. I just hate yellow journalism that tries to insert their own inherent bias into pieces, even if its not malicious. The H-L seemingly sticks to its guns doggedly with its slant in spite of the majority (well, at one point in history anyway until media changed) of its subscribers being more conservative. Not exactly a sustainable business model...tick off your customer base. All of that notwithstanding, the news in general needs to just report the news, from the local level on up to national. Let the people decide how they feel on each and every issue that affects them individually. Left and right arent right on every issue. Compromise, civility, finding common ground etc.

dude you are using far too much rationality for a cat pause thread.

fixing papers is easy, include nudies
As one of the millenials driving this change....why on Earth would I pay for yesterday's news just to have it in hard copy form. I understand the desire to have a physical piece to read, thats why books havent totally tanked. ebooks just arent the same (though i do use a lot of audiobooks. I do however also buy a lot of books.)

But the days of paying to see yesterdays news and scores, and not even having all the scores are over folks (game started at 9 or 10...we couldn't get that coverage to print so now youll get that info 2 days later :lol: )

Love it or hate it, print newspaper is a dinosaur in the ephemeral media industry. And before someone decides to go on a diatribe about the writing, I subscribe to the Athletic because I do appreciate quality journalism and am willing to pay for it.
Good luck with that quality journalism
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I grew up with a real “outhouse”. Newspapers were the toilet paper. And while I’ve made a modest living and can afford the real thing, it brings back good memories of my childhood to use newspaper occasionally. On the days before I make my gut-cleaning chili, I always go out and get a Lexington Herald. The sports section catches the brunt of it. It’s satisfying.
The Herald Leader has never done itself any favors with its more liberal slant. I dont want this to turn into a political thread, so please, no one take this and run with it on some tangent. While politcally, Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state, its still a majority conservative. I personally would rather just have local news covered without any political slant. Each issue is its own individual and one side or the other doesnt have a monopoly on right or wrong. I just hate yellow journalism that tries to insert their own inherent bias into pieces, even if its not malicious. The H-L seemingly sticks to its guns doggedly with its slant in spite of the majority (well, at one point in history anyway until media changed) of its subscribers being more conservative. Not exactly a sustainable business model...tick off your customer base. All of that notwithstanding, the news in general needs to just report the news, from the local level on up to national. Let the people decide how they feel on each and every issue that affects them individually. Left and right arent right on every issue. Compromise, civility, finding common ground etc.

Thanks for not making this a political thread. Let me guess, you just happen to be a conservative.
More and more are going to online service only or closing their doors. Even a city as large as Lexington no longer has a local paper really as the HL now comes out of Louisville and reports aren't even up to date when delivered in Lexington
The Nashville Tennessean is published in Knoxville
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Thanks for not making this a political thread. Let me guess, you just happen to be a conservative.
Interestingly enough poster is right. The Tennessean is nearly dead because it stopped most all high school covering and is totally liberal with its political opinions. Parents like to read about their kids and older conservatives bought the papers. I stopped mine a year ago
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Tipton wrote an article once that included some harsh insults towards a player, because the player's father had filed bankruptcy. It was some of the most mean-spirited and hateful writing I've seen in a newspaper.
He's a worth less dick, plain and simple. Haven't bought one of their papers in years
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As one of the millenials driving this change....why on Earth would I pay for yesterday's news just to have it in hard copy form. I understand the desire to have a physical piece to read, thats why books havent totally tanked. ebooks just arent the same (though i do use a lot of audiobooks. I do however also buy a lot of books.)

But the days of paying to see yesterdays news and scores, and not even having all the scores are over folks (game started at 9 or 10...we couldn't get that coverage to print so now youll get that info 2 days later :lol: )

Love it or hate it, print newspaper is a dinosaur in the ephemeral media industry. And before someone decides to go on a diatribe about the writing, I subscribe to the Athletic because I do appreciate quality journalism and am willing to pay for it.
I will admit print media overall is dying. But our local sports reporter -Evan Dennison does so much more than just the paper. I couldn’t imagine not being able to click on his Twitter account to get updates and insights. The sheer amount of time the sports reporters put in to give us articles, special editions, and overall coverage to me is essential to the sports environment in our local areas.
And I think that sucks

Its really sad in a small town. As a kid growing up and playing ball for my high school, I still have parts of sports pages that my parents kept when I played. It was always cool to have your name in print with a pic showing what you did or how much you scored. Sports in my hometown was the ONLY entertainment there was and buying the newspaper to read about it the next day was a tradition. These youngsters won't never get to have that thrill so its another thing that won't be around anymore. I wish someone would step up and do a family paper without all the trash of telling you who to like and who to vote for and just make it about the community but I guess that wouldn't sell.
At one time we had the telegraph system of communicating news. Which ironically, was actually quicker than the printed page to a small number of people. However, times change and people's attention spans are much, much shorter.

Local newspapers used to have "community news" and "society sections" but, those have gone away too. Very few people get their news from a physical newspaper anymore.

I know lots of people who just can't stand the liberal slant they see in headlines and on opinion pages these days. Most have just cancelled or not re-subscribed. It amazes me that a institution that is in obvious financial peril would voluntarily choose to alienate half of their potential readers. But, real reporting is dead anyway so, I guess my expectations are a little out of line.
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The Herald Leader has never done itself any favors with its more liberal slant. I dont want this to turn into a political thread, so please, no one take this and run with it on some tangent. While politcally, Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state, its still a majority conservative. I personally would rather just have local news covered without any political slant. Each issue is its own individual and one side or the other doesnt have a monopoly on right or wrong. I just hate yellow journalism that tries to insert their own inherent bias into pieces, even if its not malicious. The H-L seemingly sticks to its guns doggedly with its slant in spite of the majority (well, at one point in history anyway until media changed) of its subscribers being more conservative. Not exactly a sustainable business model...tick off your customer base. All of that notwithstanding, the news in general needs to just report the news, from the local level on up to national. Let the people decide how they feel on each and every issue that affects them individually. Left and right arent right on every issue. Compromise, civility, finding common ground etc.
I don't think Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state. Florence likely is.
Schools of Journalism are a waste of tuition money and newspapers are useless. They are the ones at fault for their demise. If they had stuck to telling the truth and reporting facts it might have turned out differently

They will not be missed.

Newspapers and the media in general started going down hill beginning with the Watergate reporting. While I have no problem with reporting the facts, it seems media types began trying to be the next Woodward and Bernstein. It's like they were no longer interested in doing the only thing they were really talented enough to do...reporting facts, writers and reporters wanted to develop a a nobel prize or something. Perfect example was the uk bball thing in the late 80's. It's like the reporter/reporters wanted to make a name for themselves...again, versus simply regurgitating the news and facts. They got their day in the sun but hurt D Casey, whom I still believe go the shaft.

The problem with this? I have no problem with anyone wanting to make it to the top of their chosen profession, but it's like they now are more interested in being societal architects; they want to shape society. They are among the least qualified of all professions to take on that task.
Newspapers and the media in general started going down hill beginning with the Watergate reporting. While I have no problem with reporting the facts, it seems media types began trying to be the next Woodward and Bernstein. It's like they were no longer interested in doing the only thing they were really talented enough to do...reporting facts, writers and reporters wanted to develop a a nobel prize or something. Perfect example was the uk bball thing in the late 80's. It's like the reporter/reporters wanted to make a name for themselves...again, versus simply regurgitating the news and facts. They got their day in the sun but hurt D Casey, whom I still believe go the shaft.

The problem with this? I have no problem with anyone wanting to make it to the top of their chosen profession, but it's like they now are more interested in being societal architects; they want to shape society. They are among the least qualified of all professions to take on that task.
Well stated.
I remember back in the 90s I was a huge NBA fan (still am). We didn't have cable so I relied on the sports talk radio to give me the scores from the previous night (praying I wouldn't miss the score rundown). I would come home from school around 3pm to read the box scores to gain a detailed view of how the players performed. Looking back it saddens me that it will no longer be that way but at the same time, speed and convience is what we are looking for in our society.
There's no left wing/right wing reason for the demise of newspapers. It's simply a matter of most people not wanting to pay to read yesterday's news. My wife subscribes to the St Lucie Tribune and USA Today, which also gives us digital access to them. The Tribune does an awesome job covering high school sports here on the Treasure Coast, and all of their news coverage on the website is updated as it happens. She just likes having that paper to hold. I keep trying to get her to drop the print editions and pay for digital only, which are cheaper, but she's stubborn. She says she likes getting the sales papers. I show her how you can get the weekly ads online, but it doesn't phase her.

Back in Tennessee, the Times-News may as well fold their sports department too. They have minimal coverage of high school sports, and there is a group of guys who used to write for them and a couple of other local papers who started a website to give in-depth coverage to local college and high school sports, and it's been pretty successful.

At any rate, you want pro/college scores/box scores? Look online. You want high school scores/box scores? It's online. You want to look at the classifieds? Tons of stuff/real estate/vehicles sales are available online. Hell, even the funny papers are online.

There is no one answer but the demise of print news began years ago. The internet does not explain the demise of multiple news papers in most large cities. Louisville had the CJ and Louisville Times plus the Voice. I cancelled my CJ subscription because of overt anti UK bias and years of total left wing bias on their OpEd page. I am not and was not the only person to cancel because of leftist open contempt in their OpEd and ultimately into their straight reporting of news. FORTUNATELY the internet came along and news aggregators like Drudge. But these were well after the print media had started to fall on hard times. The internet and 24-hr cable news were the death blow.
I don't think Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state. Florence likely is.

I don’t know, the editor of the Herald Leader came to our church back in the mid nineties to get opinions on how to improve the local paper. There were several comments but I asked him why do they play favorites with political candidates and tell us who to vote for instead of just giving us the facts and letting us decide? He said it was the paper’s place to let the public know who was best for the job and that wouldn’t change. So I told him that many disagree and he wasn’t improving the paper by doing this and he said he was sorry but it was policy.
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Poetic- don’t know what you did after that response but it would have been hard for me to not get up and walk out of the church right then and there. Y’all were in a church, supposed to be worshipping God, who supposedly gave us a brain to think for ourselves, and this guy is saying basically you aren’t smart enough to decide for yourselves, so this is how you should vote. I’m religious, but quit going to church years ago for those same type reasons. That’s just me, but I’ll be damned if I let someone think for me when I’m perfectly capable of thinking for myself.
I live in Indianapolis and a former neighbor of mine is a sports reporter for the Indianapolis Star. They keep cutting staff and he hangs on because he is one of the better reporters. Since the CJ and the Indy Star are both owned by Gannett, they don't send any reporters to the Kentucky Derby anymore, they just pick up on the CJ's coverage, and CJ does the same with their Indy 500 coverage. He doesn't even have a desk at the office, he works out of his house, and sporting events he covers. He is the beat reporter for Butler basketball, plus he does track and field. He went to the last olympics, but it is not likely he will go to the one this year.
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Typical! "I don't want this to turn into a political thread after I give my political opinion." The funny thing is I really do believe this guy can't see the duplicity he represents here.

Thank you...scrolled thru to see if anyone else was gonna call him out. FOH with giving your opinion but asking others to keep quite.
I don't think Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state. Florence likely is.
Don’t know where you get your info but things go on in Lex that would get people killed in conservative spots of our state. Check the voting records Lex is without a doubt more liberal than the rural parts of our state. Northern Ky might be liberal also but almost nowhere is more liberal than Lex.