Four Central Kentucky newspapers doing away with their sports departments.

As one of the millenials driving this change....why on Earth would I pay for yesterday's news just to have it in hard copy form. I understand the desire to have a physical piece to read, thats why books havent totally tanked. ebooks just arent the same (though i do use a lot of audiobooks. I do however also buy a lot of books.)

But the days of paying to see yesterdays news and scores, and not even having all the scores are over folks (game started at 9 or 10...we couldn't get that coverage to print so now youll get that info 2 days later :lol: )

Love it or hate it, print newspaper is a dinosaur in the ephemeral media industry. And before someone decides to go on a diatribe about the writing, I subscribe to the Athletic because I do appreciate quality journalism and am willing to pay for it.
Went to watch a very good game last week between Male and Covington Catholic which Male won ...happened to read the Courier Journal the next morning where MlL was in rehab and not one word mentioned about it in the paper. No box score nothing. Have been trying the past two day to find wher the 7th regional tournament is being played and can't find it either.
It’s all a product of the gotta have it now mentality of the world nowadays. I used to read Chip Cosby, Larry Vaught, etc on Sunday’s morning to get my fill of UK sports, now it’s available anytime. Newspapers just a thing of the past.

So are real reporters for the most part. Goes together perfectly. Now we have idiots behind a keyboard with a check mark that people think represent great opinions and news.
The Herald Leader has never done itself any favors with its more liberal slant. I dont want this to turn into a political thread, so please, no one take this and run with it on some tangent. While politcally, Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state, its still a majority conservative. I personally would rather just have local news covered without any political slant. Each issue is its own individual and one side or the other doesnt have a monopoly on right or wrong. I just hate yellow journalism that tries to insert their own inherent bias into pieces, even if its not malicious. The H-L seemingly sticks to its guns doggedly with its slant in spite of the majority (well, at one point in history anyway until media changed) of its subscribers being more conservative. Not exactly a sustainable business model...tick off your customer base. All of that notwithstanding, the news in general needs to just report the news, from the local level on up to national. Let the people decide how they feel on each and every issue that affects them individually. Left and right arent right on every issue. Compromise, civility, finding common ground etc.
As one of the millenials driving this change....why on Earth would I pay for yesterday's news just to have it in hard copy form. I understand the desire to have a physical piece to read, thats why books havent totally tanked. ebooks just arent the same (though i do use a lot of audiobooks. I do however also buy a lot of books.)

But the days of paying to see yesterdays news and scores, and not even having all the scores are over folks (game started at 9 or 10...we couldn't get that coverage to print so now youll get that info 2 days later :lol: )

Love it or hate it, print newspaper is a dinosaur in the ephemeral media industry. And before someone decides to go on a diatribe about the writing, I subscribe to the Athletic because I do appreciate quality journalism and am willing to pay for it.

It’s really more about local sports journalism that’s taking a hit in this article. How much of a loss that is may depend on your own experience with it.
Went to watch a very good game last week between Male and Covington Catholic which Male won ...happened to read the Courier Journal the next morning where MlL was in rehab and not one word mentioned about it in the paper. No box score nothing. Have been trying the past two day to find wher the 7th regional tournament is being played and can't find it either.
You can try the KHSAA web site.
As one of the millenials driving this change....why on Earth would I pay for yesterday's news just to have it in hard copy form. I understand the desire to have a physical piece to read, thats why books havent totally tanked. ebooks just arent the same (though i do use a lot of audiobooks. I do however also buy a lot of books.)

But the days of paying to see yesterdays news and scores, and not even having all the scores are over folks (game started at 9 or 10...we couldn't get that coverage to print so now youll get that info 2 days later :lol: )

Love it or hate it, print newspaper is a dinosaur in the ephemeral media industry. And before someone decides to go on a diatribe about the writing, I subscribe to the Athletic because I do appreciate quality journalism and am willing to pay for it.
It’s all about the clicks.
It’s all about the clicks.
That it is. Im not advocating they switch horses midstream and pander either. Just report the facts ma'am. Intentionally alienating the local subscribers...pretty short sighted.

Anyway, yeah, this is about sports, I was looking more big picture at the medium overall. Forest for the trees as it were. This is just the first tree to fall in that forest.

Hot takes is what works now. Sports and otherwise. Ugh.
This makes me sad. I was a small town one- man-high-school-sports band in the early 2000s. One of my favorite jobs. Paid starvation wages but required a degree and willingness to work 60 hours a week on salary aka no OT or holiday pay, but I was getting paid to watch and write about sports.

I also understand why this is happening and I’m thankful I was able to leave journalism for another industry that is thriving.
The decline of newspapers is happening everywhere. It’s really sad to see what it means for how the papers cover sports.

Back in the 1980s, the Evansville paper had an Indiana edition, a western Ky edition, and southern IL edition. Depending on where you lived you would get in-depth reporting of actual local news. With regard to sports, there would be detailed write ups of every high school FB game and BB game with box scores etc. The Sunday paper would have feature articles on top athletes.

Today, there’s a one size fits all edition where you can read about Friday night games in the Sunday paper. The Evansville paper is now printed in Louisville, so the press deadline is like 5pm.

Sorry for the rant, but for middle aged dudes like me and @Robcatt24, an old way of news reporting is passing away in real time, and it’s sad to see.
That it is. Im not advocating they switch horses midstream and pander either. Just report the facts ma'am. Intentionally alienating the local subscribers...pretty short sighted.

Anyway, yeah, this is about sports, I was looking more big picture at the medium overall. Forest for the trees as it were. This is just the first tree to fall in that forest.

Hot takes is what works now. Sports and otherwise. Ugh.
Nothing changes if it is not better for the bottom line. it could much less convenient for the consumer, that matters not... if more profit is made.
The Herald Leader has never done itself any favors with its more liberal slant. I dont want this to turn into a political thread, so please, no one take this and run with it on some tangent. While politcally, Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state, its still a majority conservative. I personally would rather just have local news covered without any political slant. Each issue is its own individual and one side or the other doesnt have a monopoly on right or wrong. I just hate yellow journalism that tries to insert their own inherent bias into pieces, even if its not malicious. The H-L seemingly sticks to its guns doggedly with its slant in spite of the majority (well, at one point in history anyway until media changed) of its subscribers being more conservative. Not exactly a sustainable business model...tick off your customer base. All of that notwithstanding, the news in general needs to just report the news, from the local level on up to national. Let the people decide how they feel on each and every issue that affects them individually. Left and right arent right on every issue. Compromise, civility, finding common ground etc.

The Herald-Misleader dug its own grave. The vast majority of people in its market are Kentucky fans, yet the Herald continues to employ Jerry Tipton, a "reporter" that frequently antagonizes Kentucky fans. The Herald has spit in the face of its customers for years, and it can't die soon enough in my opinion.
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I delivered the Advocate-Messenger for almost a decade.

Something unique about an afternoon paper with that volume of sports coverage was that you could actually see stories about things that happened the night before (or even some news that broke in the morning) that you missed in the morning paper.

Since we delivered papers, we had them early. One day in November 1991, I remember my brother flipping through the sports section and saying to me, "the Lakers lost to the Clippers!

"Oh, wait, Magic didn't play"

Within 30 minutes, a friend called - "Magic Johnson has AIDS".

In 1996, the day after the NBA Draft, after details of a Lakers-Hornets trade had leaked (Divac for Bryant), I remember listening to sports radio in the AM, hoping to get an update on whether Divac would agree to go to Charlotte (he was threatening to retire, I think)

That afternoon, I flipped open the sports page of the Advocate and saw the headline, "Divac accepts trade".

And a new chapter of Lakers history was born.

By contrast, when Kobe died last month, I received an alert from the Drudge Report on my phone: "Kobe Bryant Dead".

Times change.
The Herald Leader has never done itself any favors with its more liberal slant. I dont want this to turn into a political thread, so please, no one take this and run with it on some tangent. While politcally, Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state, its still a majority conservative. I personally would rather just have local news covered without any political slant. Each issue is its own individual and one side or the other doesnt have a monopoly on right or wrong. I just hate yellow journalism that tries to insert their own inherent bias into pieces, even if its not malicious. The H-L seemingly sticks to its guns doggedly with its slant in spite of the majority (well, at one point in history anyway until media changed) of its subscribers being more conservative. Not exactly a sustainable business model...tick off your customer base. All of that notwithstanding, the news in general needs to just report the news, from the local level on up to national. Let the people decide how they feel on each and every issue that affects them individually. Left and right arent right on every issue. Compromise, civility, finding common ground etc.
Not arguing but if Lex is conservative why does it vote liberal almost every election. Lexington is very liberal. Don’t think getting rid of sports department has any bearing on political views!!
The Herald-Misleader dug its own grave. The vast majority of people in its market are Kentucky fans, yet the Herald continues to employee Jerry Tipton, a "reporter" that frequently antagonizes Kentucky fans. The Herald has spit in the face of its customers for years, and it can't die soon enough in my opinion.
I noticed it at an early age in the late 80s and early 90s when I'd read the Sunday sports section. His column then always had UK tidbits, and then he'd insert some laudatory snippet about "Happy Birthday Coach Knight/Crum/K" whoever. On its own, sure, it's classy and I would applaud it. But in tandem with the backhanded compliments in each little subpiece, it definitely came off, at the very least, as someone who didn't love UK. Not asking for smoke being blown up our keister, but it's sports. You can have a positive attitude in your writing without being an enabling sycophant like the CJ. He's the type who likes to chalk it up to journalistic integrity, but there's a line between being fair, and frankly, just being a salty miserable s.o.b.
The Herald-Misleader dug its own grave. The vast majority of people in its market are Kentucky fans, yet the Herald continues to employee Jerry Tipton, a "reporter" that frequently antagonizes Kentucky fans. The Herald has spit in the face of its customers for years, and it can't die soon enough in my opinion.
The LHL has had a long history of being anti-UK, but especially so when it comes to sports. I liked Chip Cosby when he covered UK FB but the other LHL guys I’m indifferent at best, except for Tipton who is absolutely pathetic.
Not arguing but if Lex is conservative why does it vote liberal almost every election. Lexington is very liberal. Don’t think getting rid of sports department has any bearing on political views!!
The LHL has long been a very liberal newspaper; of course most major newspapers with the exception of the Wall Street Journal are pretty liberal.
The LHL has had a long history of being anti-UK, but especially so when it comes to sports. I liked Chip Cosby when he covered UK FB but the other LHL guys I’m indifferent at best, except for Tipton who is absolutely pathetic.

Tipton wrote an article once that included some harsh insults towards a player, because the player's father had filed bankruptcy. It was some of the most mean-spirited and hateful writing I've seen in a newspaper.
Why are newspapers or news outlets or any business politically partisan in any way? I ask that question to make a point. They should never be partisan politically, yet they are. The media is a propaganda machine that doesn't need to be one, and it all will translate into their ultimate demise. I'm a business owner, and I LOVE everyone. Newspapers won't last much longer. One of the great innovations of the 1980s was USA Today. I loved that newspaper--thick, informative, fresh, colorful, insightful. But, they had to take sides politically. Now, they've been reduced to about the size of a greeting card. Why would you alienate millions just so you can side with one party or another. Same with KEA/NEA. Someone explain that to me. Please.
Nothing changes if it is not better for the bottom line. it could much less convenient for the consumer, that matters not... if more profit is made.

It’s not about profits, it’s about an outdated business model. Who wants to read todays news tomorrow? Buggy whip manufacturers went out of business when cars came along. Newspapers are losing money but it’s because technology made it obsolete.
It’s not about profits, it’s about an outdated business model. Who wants to read todays news tomorrow? Buggy whip manufacturers went out of business when cars came along. Newspapers are losing money but it’s because technology made it obsolete.
Really. You think corporate world doesn’t solely revolve around profits. And I am sure, you are sure the earth is also flat
Went to watch a very good game last week between Male and Covington Catholic which Male won ...happened to read the Courier Journal the next morning where MlL was in rehab and not one word mentioned about it in the paper. No box score nothing. Have been trying the past two day to find wher the 7th regional tournament is being played and can't find it either.

Exactly, that is what I miss. I truly think someone could start a Kentucky high school sports website, with scores, stats, articles and be very successful.
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The Herald Leader has never done itself any favors with its more liberal slant. I dont want this to turn into a political thread, so please, no one take this and run with it on some tangent. While politcally, Lexington is more liberal than the rest of the state, its still a majority conservative. I personally would rather just have local news covered without any political slant. Each issue is its own individual and one side or the other doesnt have a monopoly on right or wrong. I just hate yellow journalism that tries to insert their own inherent bias into pieces, even if its not malicious. The H-L seemingly sticks to its guns doggedly with its slant in spite of the majority (well, at one point in history anyway until media changed) of its subscribers being more conservative. Not exactly a sustainable business model...tick off your customer base. All of that notwithstanding, the news in general needs to just report the news, from the local level on up to national. Let the people decide how they feel on each and every issue that affects them individually. Left and right arent right on every issue. Compromise, civility, finding common ground etc.
Typical! "I don't want this to turn into a political thread after I give my political opinion." The funny thing is I really do believe this guy can't see the duplicity he represents here.
Tipton wrote an article once that included some harsh insults towards a player, because the player's father had filed bankruptcy. It was some of the most mean-spirited and hateful writing I've seen in a newspaper.
The LHL had another guy in their sports department back in the late 80s / early 90s who was very anti-UK. Can’t remember his name.

I cancelled my subscription to the LHL and told them why in a letter. I got a response from the publisher that was obviously a form letter addressed to those who canceled their subscription over their UK coverage. It didn’t persuade me to re-subscribe.

I actually think their UK coverage excluding Tipton has gotten better as of late. They’ve toned down the hate for UK quite compared to 30+ years ago.
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My observation for what it is worth is when newspapers were the source of news far, far more people finished what they were reading and then held their head up and talked to the person next to them. Today people hardly pick their head up to talk to each other, seem less informed and aware of anything other than contemporary memos. Their digital info seldom seems to be entirely accurate or complete as if it came from just another untrained or uneducated "man on the street". The "truthiness" as Colbert explains come not from the actual world around us but our feelings about the world around us. Certainly true about some liberals no doubt, but more actually displayed far more so by people who believe anything Donald Trump has to say. That evidence is in grand supply.
As one of the millenials driving this change....why on Earth would I pay for yesterday's news just to have it in hard copy form. I understand the desire to have a physical piece to read, thats why books havent totally tanked. ebooks just arent the same (though i do use a lot of audiobooks. I do however also buy a lot of books.)

But the days of paying to see yesterdays news and scores, and not even having all the scores are over folks (game started at 9 or 10...we couldn't get that coverage to print so now youll get that info 2 days later :lol: )

Love it or hate it, print newspaper is a dinosaur in the ephemeral media industry. And before someone decides to go on a diatribe about the writing, I subscribe to the Athletic because I do appreciate quality journalism and am willing to pay for it.

Sport, this isn’t an either or thread. You can still have your millennial way. Nobody gonna take it away from you like an all day sucker. Why does everything on here have to be challenged? Millennials, you guys act like it never got done til you showed up. Spare me.
I try to buy a Herald Leader once or twice a week to show my support. I typically buy one the day after a basketball and/or football game. I couldn’t justify buying an entire subscription, though.

Don’t get me wrong, I wish I had the money to spend it and not worry about it, but when news is so accessible, so quick, and from a wide variety of sources it’s hard to justify said subscription. It’s unfortunate as I fear for the HL’s future.