Are there really still any Cal bashers out there?
Well . . . There are extremists and zealots anywhere you go.
A better question, "Are there any credible Cal bashers out there?
I've not seen a logical argument presented against Cal yet.
Are there really still any Cal bashers out there?
Well . . . There are extremists and zealots anywhere you go.
A better question, "Are there any credible Cal bashers out there?
I've not seen a logical argument presented against Cal yet.
Record breaking year, 38-1, Banner worthy year, Makes UK tie with the most lottery picks and #1 draft pics for a school, and some think it's a dissappoint year, or as some donkey's call it.., "a complete failure".There really aren't any cal bashers at all IMO. There are critics including myself, who some consider a basher if you ever dare question anything cal does in coaching.
There really aren't any cal bashers at all IMO. There are critics including myself, who some consider a basher if you ever dare question anything cal does in coaching.
There really aren't any cal bashers at all IMO. There are critics including myself, who some consider a basher if you ever dare question anything cal does in coaching.
I hate to get into this more, but you have some revisionist history there.Your stupidity evidently knows no bounds. Where in my posts have I said that what Cal has done is NOT remarkable or incredible? Show me one post where I said "this hasn't been much of a run and it's really not that impressive". God you are dumb. I've never said that what Cal has accomplished is not that great. All I've said was that as great as it has been, it could probably be even better given the talent we've had. It's kind of like when you get finished waxing a team by 40
And you say "what's crazy is we could have won by 50". You're not dissatisfied that you won by 40, just pointing out that you could have won by 50.
You won't put me on ignore because A) I doubt you are smart enough to figure out that feature. "Computers" are foreign to you. You don't understand all of this "modern technology". And B) you like reading my post and responding. It's guys like you that keep me relevant here. I actually appreciate that. Wish I could sign an autograph for you and it sounds like you do too.
Still think people are by now taking for granted that he's working every year with a new cast and consistently relies on 18 year old freshmen. That has to be factored in. If he had the most talent and that talent was junior/senior level, then you'd be talking about Dean Smith. But that's not what it is.....
On the "no one is bashing only criticizing" comment, it's all relative. With Cal's record, no one could conceivably say "he's terrible" - mere criticism nearly amounts to bashing when you're talking about that kind of record. Saying that Kate Upton is just merely attractive amounts to a bash - no one could say she's butt ugly......
I know the disdain for me on here is due to my tendency to be repetitive in regard to Cal's shortcomings. Many feel that I simply take every chance I get to knock him down. I don't think this is true.
I will be the constant reminder that we could have and probably should have done more given the talent that we've had. Anyone who doesn't like it can either deal with it or put me on ignore.
But you won't put me on ignore because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall.
The report post finally worked in getting 3rex banned. This Cut Nets dude is going down that same path. Everyone just needs to keep hitting the report button on him, and he won't make it to basketball season, if he keeps it up.I see Cut Nets is still putting down Cal every chance he gets. The ignore feature is great. I suggest more use it. Cut would rather have Bruce Pearl here than Cal. That alone should be enough to know he has no business commenting on the game of basketball.
There's also a nice little feature where you can report a post by clicking on "report" in the post. Do that to trolls.
The report post finally worked in getting 3rex banned. This Cut Nets dude is going down that same path. Everyone just needs to keep hitting the report button on him, and he won't make it to basketball season, if he keeps it up.
Well, that's the sort of comments a basher makes. The guys record here is as good as its ever been. Teams are performing well. No problems with NCAA rules violation. Then we have a "special" few, such as yourself, who claim to be "critics". These so called critics relentlessly hack away with the same pointless comments at a coach who as performed as well as any in Kentucky history. Then these critics pound their chests saying they have the right to comment, which they do. Then these critics cry and whine when someone rebuts their comments.
Generally someone that finds negativity in times of plenty is hardly considered objective. In recent times, these "special" few are often called haters or bashers by everyone except themselves.
One other thing they have in common. They don't like standing in the light.
There is certainly nothing wrong with comments being made that we should have at least one more title during Cal's tenure. It certainly has not been due to a lack of talent. Young talent, yes, but we also won it with Young talent in 2012 and youthfulness has not been the reason we lost in the games I have been most critical of Cal. Played a part, perhaps, but despite being in position to win it more we have not and mostly from my stand point due to bad coaching decisions that have nothing to do with the personnel. As great is Cal is as a coach, he could be even better if he expanded his coaching philosophy. I think all coaches have their shortcomings and it is mostly between their ears. They obviously have the knowledge but are typically to stubborn to see the simplest of things that could be done to make their teams even better and improve their chances of winning.
Cal's biggest deficiency as a coach is he simply will not dictate the tempo of the game or even try. He implements very little strategy for a game and rarely will he ever change much of anything up. He is an extremely easy coach for an opposing coach to game plan for because you know exactly how his team will play. Our 2015 team should have been a nightmare for any opposing coach/team to prepare for yet as the year went along we became easier and easier to score against. Now why do you think that is? With 5 minutes to go in the Wisconsin game, they were gassed and running on fumes, time to put the medal to the pedal and put this game away. Nope, dribble the freaking shot clock out with an insurmountable 4 point lead and get three straight shot clock violations. Was that the players, perhaps, but if it were Cal should have made it known to put this game away. Put Ulis in the game and tell him to push it. Play to win, not to not lose which is also a bad trait of Cal that he needs to overcome. Wisconsin had a really good team, We had a GREAT team. We lost due to coaching, which is hard to take. We were there due to Cal, I agree with that, but most of you will never admit when his coaching cost us a game or games.
If you are going to give him credit for beating teams that were better (OSU and UNC in 2011), then why does he not also get the blame or at least share the blame for losing when his teams were immensely more talented?
Lol why? I've been on here for 6 years. I'm not going anywhere chief.
"He doesn't have my same opinion, ban him ban him!!"
There is certainly nothing wrong with comments being made that we should have at least one more title during Cal's tenure. It certainly has not been due to a lack of talent. Young talent, yes, but we also won it with Young talent in 2012 and youthfulness has not been the reason we lost in the games I have been most critical of Cal. Played a part, perhaps, but despite being in position to win it more we have not and mostly from my stand point due to bad coaching decisions that have nothing to do with the personnel. As great is Cal is as a coach, he could be even better if he expanded his coaching philosophy. I think all coaches have their shortcomings and it is mostly between their ears. They obviously have the knowledge but are typically to stubborn to see the simplest of things that could be done to make their teams even better and improve their chances of winning.
Cal's biggest deficiency as a coach is he simply will not dictate the tempo of the game or even try. He implements very little strategy for a game and rarely will he ever change much of anything up. He is an extremely easy coach for an opposing coach to game plan for because you know exactly how his team will play. Our 2015 team should have been a nightmare for any opposing coach/team to prepare for yet as the year went along we became easier and easier to score against. Now why do you think that is? With 5 minutes to go in the Wisconsin game, they were gassed and running on fumes, time to put the medal to the pedal and put this game away. Nope, dribble the freaking shot clock out with an insurmountable 4 point lead and get three straight shot clock violations. Was that the players, perhaps, but if it were Cal should have made it known to put this game away. Put Ulis in the game and tell him to push it. Play to win, not to not lose which is also a bad trait of Cal that he needs to overcome. Wisconsin had a really good team, We had a GREAT team. We lost due to coaching, which is hard to take. We were there due to Cal, I agree with that, but most of you will never admit when his coaching cost us a game or games.
If you are going to give him credit for beating teams that were better (OSU and UNC in 2011), then why does he not also get the blame or at least share the blame for losing when his teams were immensely more talented?
There is certainly nothing wrong with comments being made that we should have at least one more title during Cal's tenure. It certainly has not been due to a lack of talent. Young talent, yes, but we also won it with Young talent in 2012 and youthfulness has not been the reason we lost in the games I have been most critical of Cal. Played a part, perhaps, but despite being in position to win it more we have not and mostly from my stand point due to bad coaching decisions that have nothing to do with the personnel. As great is Cal is as a coach, he could be even better if he expanded his coaching philosophy. I think all coaches have their shortcomings and it is mostly between their ears. They obviously have the knowledge but are typically to stubborn to see the simplest of things that could be done to make their teams even better and improve their chances of winning.
Cal's biggest deficiency as a coach is he simply will not dictate the tempo of the game or even try. He implements very little strategy for a game and rarely will he ever change much of anything up. He is an extremely easy coach for an opposing coach to game plan for because you know exactly how his team will play. Our 2015 team should have been a nightmare for any opposing coach/team to prepare for yet as the year went along we became easier and easier to score against. Now why do you think that is? With 5 minutes to go in the Wisconsin game, they were gassed and running on fumes, time to put the medal to the pedal and put this game away. Nope, dribble the freaking shot clock out with an insurmountable 4 point lead and get three straight shot clock violations. Was that the players, perhaps, but if it were Cal should have made it known to put this game away. Put Ulis in the game and tell him to push it. Play to win, not to not lose which is also a bad trait of Cal that he needs to overcome. Wisconsin had a really good team, We had a GREAT team. We lost due to coaching, which is hard to take. We were there due to Cal, I agree with that, but most of you will never admit when his coaching cost us a game or games.
If you are going to give him credit for beating teams that were better (OSU and UNC in 2011), then why does he not also get the blame or at least share the blame for losing when his teams were immensely more talented?
There is certainly nothing wrong with comments being made that we should have at least one more title during Cal's tenure. It certainly has not been due to a lack of talent. Young talent, yes, but we also won it with Young talent in 2012 and youthfulness has not been the reason we lost in the games I have been most critical of Cal. Played a part, perhaps, but despite being in position to win it more we have not and mostly from my stand point due to bad coaching decisions that have nothing to do with the personnel. As great is Cal is as a coach, he could be even better if he expanded his coaching philosophy. I think all coaches have their shortcomings and it is mostly between their ears. They obviously have the knowledge but are typically to stubborn to see the simplest of things that could be done to make their teams even better and improve their chances of winning.
Cal's biggest deficiency as a coach is he simply will not dictate the tempo of the game or even try. He implements very little strategy for a game and rarely will he ever change much of anything up. He is an extremely easy coach for an opposing coach to game plan for because you know exactly how his team will play. Our 2015 team should have been a nightmare for any opposing coach/team to prepare for yet as the year went along we became easier and easier to score against. Now why do you think that is? With 5 minutes to go in the Wisconsin game, they were gassed and running on fumes, time to put the medal to the pedal and put this game away. Nope, dribble the freaking shot clock out with an insurmountable 4 point lead and get three straight shot clock violations. Was that the players, perhaps, but if it were Cal should have made it known to put this game away. Put Ulis in the game and tell him to push it. Play to win, not to not lose which is also a bad trait of Cal that he needs to overcome. Wisconsin had a really good team, We had a GREAT team. We lost due to coaching, which is hard to take. We were there due to Cal, I agree with that, but most of you will never admit when his coaching cost us a game or games.
If you are going to give him credit for beating teams that were better (OSU and UNC in 2011), then why does he not also get the blame or at least share the blame for losing when his teams were immensely more talented?
You want some WHINE with that cheese? You written nothing new. Nothing we haven't heard dozens upon dozens of times before. Nothing that is anything more than the triviality of hindsight. You've never coached a single division 1 game. You've never coached a single game in the NCAA tournament. You've never coached a team which was undefeated at that level. You've never tried to get that many young players to gel into a team to compete at that level. You have no credibility.
No team is ever entitled to anything, though you suggest they are. The 2015 teams performance was not dependent in the least on the 2012 teams performance. Again, just pointless and trivial assertions.
GIven all this, I find no reason whatsoever to consider you anything but an unreasonable fan who got his feeling hurt cause his team lost. One who lacks the maturity to understand that somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. One who fails to acknowledge the play of an opposing team while opting to trashing the one he supposedly supports. I don't see any basis for credibility of your comments. I can't find any grounds that others, in particular Calipari's employers that would even give such drivel the time of day. By the definition I gave before, this puts you into the realm of a hater and basher of the Kentucky Wildcats and their coach. I'm sure that the UL, Duke and INC fans thank you for your contribution to Rupp's Rafters.
There is certainly nothing wrong with comments being made that we should have at least one more title during Cal's tenure. It certainly has not been due to a lack of talent. Young talent, yes, but we also won it with Young talent in 2012 and youthfulness has not been the reason we lost in the games I have been most critical of Cal. Played a part, perhaps, but despite being in position to win it more we have not and mostly from my stand point due to bad coaching decisions that have nothing to do with the personnel. As great is Cal is as a coach, he could be even better if he expanded his coaching philosophy. I think all coaches have their shortcomings and it is mostly between their ears. They obviously have the knowledge but are typically to stubborn to see the simplest of things that could be done to make their teams even better and improve their chances of winning.
Cal's biggest deficiency as a coach is he simply will not dictate the tempo of the game or even try. He implements very little strategy for a game and rarely will he ever change much of anything up. He is an extremely easy coach for an opposing coach to game plan for because you know exactly how his team will play. Our 2015 team should have been a nightmare for any opposing coach/team to prepare for yet as the year went along we became easier and easier to score against. Now why do you think that is? With 5 minutes to go in the Wisconsin game, they were gassed and running on fumes, time to put the medal to the pedal and put this game away. Nope, dribble the freaking shot clock out with an insurmountable 4 point lead and get three straight shot clock violations. Was that the players, perhaps, but if it were Cal should have made it known to put this game away. Put Ulis in the game and tell him to push it. Play to win, not to not lose which is also a bad trait of Cal that he needs to overcome. Wisconsin had a really good team, We had a GREAT team. We lost due to coaching, which is hard to take. We were there due to Cal, I agree with that, but most of you will never admit when his coaching cost us a game or games.
If you are going to give him credit for beating teams that were better (OSU and UNC in 2011), then why does he not also get the blame or at least share the blame for losing when his teams were immensely more talented?
You want some WHINE with that cheese? You written nothing new. Nothing we haven't heard dozens upon dozens of times before. Nothing that is anything more than the triviality of hindsight. You've never coached a single division 1 game. You've never coached a single game in the NCAA tournament. You've never coached a team which was undefeated at that level. You've never tried to get that many young players to gel into a team to compete at that level. You have no credibility.
No team is ever entitled to anything, though you suggest they are. The 2015 teams performance was not dependent in the least on the 2012 teams performance. Again, just pointless and trivial assertions.
GIven all this, I find no reason whatsoever to consider you anything but an unreasonable fan who got his feeling hurt cause his team lost. One who lacks the maturity to understand that somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. One who fails to acknowledge the play of an opposing team while opting to trashing the one he supposedly supports. I don't see any basis for credibility of your comments. I can't find any grounds that others, in particular Calipari's employers that would even give such drivel the time of day. By the definition I gave before, this puts you into the realm of a hater and basher of the Kentucky Wildcats and their coach. I'm sure that the UL, Duke and INC fans thank you for your contribution to Rupp's Rafters.
You gotta be freaking kidding me. Calm down there big boy. His post was no where near "bashing". You are the definition of what I'm talking about on here. Someone says "damn I wish Cal would call a timeout" and you say "you've never coached at this level and you are just bashing". Are you serious. Let's just overreact a little harder next time. My God. Talk about crying.
His reply seemed more like a visit to the psych office, laying on a chair. Just had to get it out. Needed someone to hear his take on the situation.
I'm glad he did, I almost forgotten all of these moments... oh wait no I didn't, Cuts says them everyday!
His reply seemed more like a visit to the psych office, laying on a chair. Just had to get it out. Needed someone to hear his take on the situation.
I'm glad he did, I almost forgotten all of these moments... oh wait no I didn't, Cuts says them everyday!
Hey just sharing my opinion. People are so fired up they're trying to get me banned. I certainly don't want a multi year ban from here. Would hate to be told I'm not allowed to be here for an extended amount of time. That would be a bone-headed move cause I love this place.
Hey just sharing my opinion. People are so fired up they're trying to get me banned. I certainly don't want a multi year ban from here. Would hate to be told I'm not allowed to be here for an extended amount of time. That would be a bone-headed move cause I love this place.
You know, Cuts, I'd expect that sort of comment from Bobby Swerve from INC.
He comes here trying to build his team up. You try to tear yours down. I'm not sure which is worse. Maybe there is no difference.
You know, Cuts, I'd expect that sort of comment from Bobby Swerve from INC.
He comes here trying to build his team up. You try to tear yours down. I'm not sure which is worse. Maybe there is no difference.
Nope. He can type up beautiful poems for Coach Pearl, though.Your posts are intelligently written and it would be interesting to see you discuss ANYTHING other than Cal's failures.
Nope. He can type up beautiful poems for Coach Pearl, though.
You gotta be freaking kidding me. Calm down there big boy. His post was no where near "bashing". You are the definition of what I'm talking about on here. Someone says "damn I wish Cal would call a timeout" and you say "you've never coached at this level and you are just bashing". Are you serious. Let's just overreact a little harder next time. My God. Talk about crying.
I don't know, is it? Are free throws a reflection of a coach's emphasis on them? Why does Duke consistently shoot free throws really well? Has Coach K just gotten lucky and all of the players he recruits are solid from the line? No, he places an emphasis on them and I imagine spends a lot of time practicing them. Cal used to always say "Im not worried about free throws, they'll make them when it counts". Really? Guess by your example they sure as hell didn't make them when it counted. I think you are the dumb ass that knows nothing about basketball. Next...
wow...Pitino got your tongue.There is certainly nothing wrong with comments being made that we should have at least one more title during Cal's tenure. It certainly has not been due to a lack of talent. Young talent, yes, but we also won it with Young talent in 2012 and youthfulness has not been the reason we lost in the games I have been most critical of Cal. Played a part, perhaps, but despite being in position to win it more we have not and mostly from my stand point due to bad coaching decisions that have nothing to do with the personnel. As great is Cal is as a coach, he could be even better if he expanded his coaching philosophy. I think all coaches have their shortcomings and it is mostly between their ears. They obviously have the knowledge but are typically to stubborn to see the simplest of things that could be done to make their teams even better and improve their chances of winning.
Cal's biggest deficiency as a coach is he simply will not dictate the tempo of the game or even try. He implements very little strategy for a game and rarely will he ever change much of anything up. He is an extremely easy coach for an opposing coach to game plan for because you know exactly how his team will play. Our 2015 team should have been a nightmare for any opposing coach/team to prepare for yet as the year went along we became easier and easier to score against. Now why do you think that is? With 5 minutes to go in the Wisconsin game, they were gassed and running on fumes, time to put the medal to the pedal and put this game away. Nope, dribble the freaking shot clock out with an insurmountable 4 point lead and get three straight shot clock violations. Was that the players, perhaps, but if it were Cal should have made it known to put this game away. Put Ulis in the game and tell him to push it. Play to win, not to not lose which is also a bad trait of Cal that he needs to overcome. Wisconsin had a really good team, We had a GREAT team. We lost due to coaching, which is hard to take. We were there due to Cal, I agree with that, but most of you will never admit when his coaching cost us a game or games.
If you are going to give him credit for beating teams that were better (OSU and UNC in 2011), then why does he not also get the blame or at least share the blame for losing when his teams were immensely more talented?
Hey, the guy has won everywhere he's been @JayCatz44 . He's not just some stiff posted up behind a computer screen all day. Yes I like Bruce Pearl, and think his past transgressions are pretty minor compared to others. The guy is the closest thing to Cal around in terms of marketing and building brand. Would love to see him get a crack at UK after Cal (but I know he won't and that's ok).
Yet the man has never been to a final four and what, one elite 8. Cal has taken 6 different teams to the final four, 2 of which were mid major. Yet you like to harp that Cal is not a great coach. Bruce Pearl tried to be a freaking narc and get a kid to admit a violation another school had done with him by secretly recording the conversation. That's a flat out low thing to do. Its why he was blackballed from getting a better job for over a decade. I like Pearl but that man can't hold Cal's jock. I mean you bitch about getting to the final four 4 out of 5 years and winning only one title yet your infatuated with a dude who has never even been to a final four period. Pearl took mid majors to a sweet 16, Cal took 2 different schools to the final four.
The would of could of game can go way back. I've been Cat fan since 1960.This. And that is all. Thats not to say I or anyone else is unhappy with final fours and a title. Just makes you think what could have been. Do none of you all ever think "man what could have been"? All the stars have aligned and we could have been on a national title tear with the talent we've had and we have come up short. 2010 was stacked. 2011 made a helluva run. 2014 had a shot. 2015 should have won it all. Would give anything to be like many on here and just be 100% completely satisfied and pleased and happy with what we have done and go on and on about how incredible it is. And it is incredible. But when you factor in the talent, is it not ok to wonder, and even question, could we have done more? (I know I know….. "but Cut, you do it in every thread etc etc blah blah boo hoo boo hoo") I think there is fear that if you question whether you could have done more that it somehow makes you ungrateful for what you have. I don't think this is true. I think we were in such a bad spell under BCG and the last years of Tubby that we have just been absolutely blown away with the success under Cal that we dare question "could we have done more"?
I go back to the race car analogy. IF for years you have been doing "ok" as a driver with a decent car and you have almost forgotten about what it taste like to win, then all of a sudden you get the fastest car around and you start getting top 4 finishes OF COURSE you are going to be thrilled because you are enjoying success that you haven't had in a while. But could you not ask yourself "wait a minute, I've go the fastest car on the track, shouldn't I be winning a few of these"? And if you did ask yourself that, is it not a fair question?
Stings even more when you consider that Uconn and Duke have won 2 a piece in the same time frame.