Folks I cannot let this go officials have now missed calls in both

Jan 24, 2017
The ncaa football and basketball playoffs that changed which team advanced to play in the championship game. That in its self is bad enough but just consider everything else inept officiating does. They determine outcomes of conference championships. They determined coaches win loss record and it could determine if a coach keeps his job or perhaps gets a contract extension or pay raise. Sometimes they call no fouls in one half and tons in the second no consistentcy. They cost universities money. How much money did they cost Auburn tonight. One no call cost them no telling how much in championship apparel sales. But the worst thing is that they killed those kids dreams tonight. The kids and officials know Auburn know should have won the game but the officials took it from them. They will live with this forever and tomorrow the officials will be drinking a beer and wait for the call for the next game to officiate without any punishment for their performance. What the officials did tonight should be criminal and in my opinion someone should sue the NCAA.
Refs missed a walking call on Harper in the 2nd half when Auburn went on a run. Walked a mile. No call
Officiating has been a long time. Suspect officials, with clear biases...controlling the outcome of games. Makes u want to give being a fan.

Been happening to UK for decades.

One of the earliest phantom foul calls I can remember, 93 vs Michigan, when the officials called a phantom 5th foul on Mashburn to send Michigan on to the title game.
Jesus will be back soon enough chill.

What if the shoe was on the other foot and a VA player fouled an Auburn player, would we see the same call. I highly doubt it.
The NCAA makes a shit ton of these games and the more crappy games because of bad calls the more money they lose. So why not invest in refs and pay them enough to skill their craft all year long Have incentives and consequences in pay for bad calls. Keep records of calls that are reviewed by a committee that can reward or ding ref money. Allowing better reffing to be rewarded with much better money. This would take the crowd pressure and grudge aspect out of reffing games and make refs strive to be better and what motivates like money and who has mountains of money.

I also wouldn't mind each coach having 2 challenges per game or half that don't have to be in the last 2 minutes. This could save games and make sure the right call is made legally. Just like in the NFL coaches would have to use them wisely or lose them.
I can't figure out why everyone is so upset about Auburn losing. If the refs don't swallow the whistle for them in the elite 8 then we play last night instead of them. They played almost 10 minutes of foul free basketball at the end of that game, while Harper was going to the line with phantom fouls. They also clobbered the kid from Florida and had a no call in the SEC tournament. I wasn't on here complaining about referees, just pointing out the Auburn has played with a pretty favorable whistle for a month. I
I can't figure out why everyone is so upset about Auburn losing. If the refs don't swallow the whistle for them in the elite 8 then we play last night instead of them. They played almost 10 minutes of foul free basketball at the end of that game, while Harper was going to the line with phantom fouls. They also clobbered the kid from Florida and had a no call in the SEC tournament. I wasn't on here complaining about referees, just pointing out the Auburn has played with a pretty favorable whistle for a month. I

Auburn fouled UK 3 times on the last possession of regulation last week, refs choked on their whistles. So now Auburn knows what it is like.
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Sorry officers get away with a lot like dui, cheating, so not sure that's true. Seen it a lot while I was in
No idea what you are taking about dui will kill any soldiers career but I am talking about job performance believe me combat officers are held to a very high standard and so should college officials should also