Florida approves HS Nil

"Under the change, student-athletes and their parents or guardians would be required to "negotiate any NIL activities independent of their school, school district, or the FHSAA." The board also agreed to allow high-school athletes to hire agents to assist them in navigating business deals — reversing course on a longstanding prohibition."

Another big mistake !! Next thing you know it will be in grade schools.
OMG, people are allowed to make money off themselves now? WTH is this world coming too!!
Yep. Some may disagree, but I believe a person should be allowed to make money from their effort, and spend the money they've made. If someone wants to pay a 17 to play a sport, who are we to tell them they can't spend their money? 16 year olds get paid to work at McDonald's.
Oh no Gary Coleman is getting paid to act. What’s next? Don’t tell me Miley Cyrus gets paid to sing and act. Oh the horror.

But yeah childhood stars give up their life to be used and abused by the system. Going on for years. Same will happen with many of the athletes. The handlers, family, and leaches will suck them dry.
Yep. Some may disagree, but I believe a person should be allowed to make money from their effort, and spend the money they've made. If someone wants to pay a 17 to play a sport, who are we to tell them they can't spend their money? 16 year olds get paid to work at McDonald's.
True but not 40 hours a week. Their are child labor laws that most fall under until they are 18. Lawyers, agents, leaches, family members will be ruthless and how can you legally bind an 14-15-16 year old to a contract.
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Yep. Some may disagree, but I believe a person should be allowed to make money from their effort, and spend the money they've made. If someone wants to pay a 17 to play a sport, who are we to tell them they can't spend their money? 16 year olds get paid to work at McDonald's.
Should they get paid to be in marching band? Chorus? The academic team?
I don’t have an issue with people getting paid. I’d never pay a hs player, but someone out there will be okay doing it.

Going be a headache for coaches though. NIL pushed out some of the best college coaches, will do the same on the hs level now.
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It would certainly be a radical idea in this country right now, but maybe it would be wise to simply take sports out of the school system ??? There are plenty of leagues and teams that have nothing to do with the school system already, like Little League, Babe Ruth League, Travel teams, etc ...
Is this from the same guy that was gonna spend $1m of taxpayer dollars to sue the NCAA for not putting FSU into the playoffs?

If so, makes sense.
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Another step in removing power from the NCAA. If they can't control any income gained prior to college and they have already set the precedent with Carolina that they don't control academics then what need to they fill?
It would certainly be a radical idea in this country right now, but maybe it would be wise to simply take sports out of the school system ??? There are plenty of leagues and teams that have nothing to do with the school system already, like Little League, Babe Ruth League, Travel teams, etc ...

Unfortunately, removing sports from schools would definitely take away some attachment of alumni and also ways to keep students engaged through the year. For some, sports is what keeps their grades up and out of trouble. And what about kids who can't afford to be on travel teams or other programs? Seems like thos opportunities for athletics dry up.

Fact is, though, that recruiting is already rife in Kentucky high school sports and the KHSAA has been toothless in a lot of cases already.
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And...... What gender are you today? Did anyone think the absurdity would stop until someone stops it? This post is not pointed but in general. Are there no limitations in anything? Yeah,that's to seriously be debated and it seems like it should be soon... The ONLY winners in this crap are attorneys...
"Under the change, student-athletes and their parents or guardians would be required to "negotiate any NIL activities independent of their school, school district, or the FHSAA." The board also agreed to allow high-school athletes to hire agents to assist them in navigating business deals — reversing course on a longstanding prohibition."

Another big mistake !! Next thing you know it will be in grade schools.

im all for this. let free markets reign. no different than child movie stars.
Unfortunately, removing sports from schools would definitely take away some attachment of alumni and also ways to keep students engaged through the year. For some, sports is what keeps their grades up and out of trouble. And what about kids who can't afford to be on travel teams or other programs? Seems like thos opportunities for athletics dry up.

Fact is, though, that recruiting is already rife in Kentucky high school sports and the KHSAA has been toothless in a lot of cases already.
Excellent points. Taking sports out of schools would leave a lot of kids with little to no chance to play organized sports as there are many families who cannot afford club teams and such, as you stated. Sports could become just for the elite in such a situation. Your average athlete who has no aspirations or high talent to play college or possibly pro sports would be left out. And, let's face it, the majority of kids playing on school teams aren't elite athletes. Where would they be able to play on a team?
What kind of an idiot would it take to pay some high school kid a dime because he plays whatever sport
Maybe some local high school sports star is so well known that he/she has advertising value? If the parents are ok with it, and it doesn't violate child labor laws I don't see a problem. That's what NIL is about. Pay-for-play, however, is a different issue that gets conflated I think.
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And...... What gender are you today? Did anyone think the absurdity would stop until someone stops it? This post is not pointed but in general. Are there no limitations in anything? Yeah,that's to seriously be debated and it seems like it should be soon... The ONLY winners in this crap are attorneys...
that’s what i said when the nil started—lawyers are going to be the big winners
but if somebody wants to pay kids of any age to play sports i say have at it, as long as it doesn’t cost me anything. if ticket prices and fees for kids to play are going to increase because of nil then fans and parents can simply be guided by their pocketbooks.
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Yep. Some may disagree, but I believe a person should be allowed to make money from their effort, and spend the money they've made. If someone wants to pay a 17 to play a sport, who are we to tell them they can't spend their money? 16 year olds get paid to work at McDonald's.
I just hope that Pope stays away from those types. Let Piggipari recruit them. I have faith Mark is going to stay away from this crap.
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And...... What gender are you today? Did anyone think the absurdity would stop until someone stops it? This post is not pointed but in general. Are there no limitations in anything? Yeah,that's to seriously be debated and it seems like it should be soon... The ONLY winners in this crap are attorneys...
The only losers are the ones who keep sticking their noses where they don't belong. I guess people have to have something worth creating an argument or fight over.