FIT.Y.E.R.O. (Meathead, wellness, fitness, diet, exercise) Thread

Back at it in earnest at age 54. Developing the routines and sequences are taking time but I’m getting there. I’m not effing around.

The most sobering reality has been squats and how much power I’ve lost in my legs. It’s damned depressing. I know I’ll never do what I did in the past but damn.
Don’t sell yourself short. Muscle memory is a real thing. If you aren’t coming back from serious injury you may be surprised how much you regain.
MP guys are talking about the tremendous benefits of strength training in as few as 1 day per 2 weeks. Never too late to get back in the saddle.

-8 week cut stats down ~12#'s, down .5#s muscle, BF down 5%. Rocking and rolling now, it's falling off. Mirror test is good. Goal is gonna be tough but it's in play still.

225 x 18(failure)
245 x 8(failure)
265 x 4(failure)
225 x 9(absolute bar stuck on chest failure)

-First time in a year I'm over exerting vs calories. Gonna keep it up for 3 more weeks then back to maintenance.
I've had to focus on work rather than working out for the last month or so. My weight, thankfully, has slightly dropped. I feel slightly weaker but that's probably just from not eating as well and lifting slightly less. It wasn't like I was pushing impressive weight any way.

The wife and I are going to change things up starting tomorrow and plan to try Dan John's new Armor Building Complex. The name sounds stupid but whatever. It is a kettlebell program where you lift 3x/week and alternate between a workout of nothing but kettlebell presses and a workout of nothing but EMOM kettlebell complexes of 2 cleans, 1 press, and 3 front squats.

Our goal is to have something simple and doable to increase functional strength while giving us a ton of time to enjoy the summer. We've had some bad luck with family health the last few summers and just want to have fun. Gonna not worry too much about the diet, spend a month or so without any booze before gearing up for the 4th, and just enjoy ourselves. I'm greatly looking forward to it, tbh. If you've earned it, taking a little break every once in a while is why you do this, imo.
@anthonys735 - I saw you post over in Gyero that strength training is more effective in losing weight than cardio, is this a fact?

I left the military when I was 30 and was in fighting shape and weighed 210 lbs. I’m now 53 and weigh about 275-280 and am trying to get back to 210-220. I ride about 30 - 40 miles a week and have been running 2 miles every other day for the last three weeks. Weight is coming off and clothes are starting to fit better - pretty motivated to continue - would like to know more about weight loss when it comes to strength training
That's what the recent studies are saying.

So, with cardio you're losing fat and muscle most likely. I love cardio and cycling but that should be for cardiovascular health.

Losing body fat is much easier when you're building muscle. Done correctly it will also prevent injuries and make you more agile.

I personally love a combo, and I feel that offers the best success during my cut stages, but you have to really focus on rest and recovery.

Why don't you sub 1 or 2 of those running days for resistance training? Not trying to shame you at all, but at your size and age, running seems like an injury waiting to happen. Adding muscle will reduce BF quickly and you'll stop caring about gross weight. Plus you'll look and feel better. Skinny fat is the worst.
Thanks - running does in fact suck but I used to run a lot back in the day and feel great after I get finished.

I’ll figure out how to work in some strength training during the week - bike primarily on weekends so I wouldn’t be giving that up anyway
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The best thing I ever did was get rid of "cardio" for a bit and focus on a simple and repeatable weight lifting program supplemented by walking. I've screwed around with rowing, jump rope, bro stuff, etc. and seen no results despite feeling like I was working my ass off. All that did was make it easy to continue a terrible diet.

Eating basic low carb 3 times per day, taking a hard walk at lunch, and lifting weights for about 20 minutes and then a brief walk with my wife and the dog before we eat at night >3 nights per week has been life changing. My boy Dan John talks about 3 x 52 being the most important thing you can do, meaning until you've tried working out 3 times for 52 weeks you really shouldn't worry about anything but consistent basic strength training, walks, and a reasonable diet. He might be right.
The best thing I ever did was get rid of "cardio" for a bit and focus on a simple and repeatable weight lifting program supplemented by walking. I've screwed around with rowing, jump rope, bro stuff, etc. and seen no results despite feeling like I was working my ass off. All that did was make it easy to continue a terrible diet.

Eating basic low carb 3 times per day, taking a hard walk at lunch, and lifting weights for about 20 minutes and then a brief walk with my wife and the dog before we eat at night >3 nights per week has been life changing. My boy Dan John talks about 3 x 52 being the most important thing you can do, meaning until you've tried working out 3 times for 52 weeks you really shouldn't worry about anything but consistent basic strength training, walks, and a reasonable diet. He might be right.
My heart doctor says the same thing. Been losing about half pound per week for three months following a similar routine.
Thanks - running does in fact suck but I used to run a lot back in the day and feel great after I get finished.

I’ll figure out how to work in some strength training during the week - bike primarily on weekends so I wouldn’t be giving that up anyway

Have you tried lap swimming? I've got some rough back issues which pushed me into it in 2020, lost about 40 lbs in 5 months combined with 16/8 fasting. Does incredible things for your body, all around. The routine can be a hassle but once you get into a groove and conditioned, it's unreal. Changed my life forever.
Thanks - running does in fact suck but I used to run a lot back in the day and feel great after I get finished.

I’ll figure out how to work in some strength training during the week - bike primarily on weekends so I wouldn’t be giving that up anyway
If you do run, I'd mix in mobility with with the resistance.
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Resistance training is superior to cardio for weight loss, but more importantly body recomp, and it’s not even close. The medical community - despite YEARS of pushing back or just flat out not accepting reality - is finally, slowly even getting on board.

With most forms of cardio, you will lose weight as long as you’re in a calorie deficit, but the amount of muscle you add will be negligible. Still better than doing nothing, and I’m not cool with some of these zealots who are basically “anti-cardio” these days (most of them are just pushing their social media following). Anything is better than nothing.

But with resistance training, you can literally stay the same weight while dropping fat and increasing lean mass (hence the term “body recomp”) and the visual difference can be pretty crazy. Every pound of added muscle burns an extra 8-10 calories per day, to boot. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but it adds up over time.

This isn’t necessarily aimed at you barbour (love the name, btw; still mad about that bullshit Marquette foul, but I digress… 🤬), and I’m sure it’s been said in here before. Just felt that it can’t be said enough.
I feel like some of this is pushed because they are figuring at best people are only going to implement one method. And if there is a choice to be made, weight training, especially as one hits middle age, can help slow a lot of the negative effects we experience. Ideally there would be both, some component of cardio and weight training in a program.
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I feel like some of this is pushed because they are figuring at best people are only going to implement one method. And if there is a choice to be made, weight training, especially as one hits middle age, can help slow a lot of the negative effects we experience. Ideally there would be both, some component of cardio and weight training in a program.
Maybe. They apparently tested a combo program and it was less than just resistance. That goes against what my experience and preferences tend to be. I enjoy tough cardio but it will certainly leave you looking fat skinny. So, for a newbie, lifting is definitely going to be best bang for their buck.
Forgive me if this was covered in the past 40 some odd pages but can anyone give me a rec on a weight bench to start weight training from home? I have an ancient one I'm looking to replace and there's about 1,000 options.
It’s pretty cool what lowering your standards from time to time will do.

I had decided to get 10K steps every day. I wasn’t making it for whatever reason. I lowered my standards to 4k a day and that got me over the hump so that now I’m at 10-12k steps every day…and it’s pretty easy. I’d get more if I had more time.

Sometimes “doing it wrong” is what it takes to get you to do it right.
It’s pretty cool what lowering your standards from time to time will do.

I had decided to get 10K steps every day. I wasn’t making it for whatever reason. I lowered my standards to 4k a day and that got me over the hump so that now I’m at 10-12k steps every day…and it’s pretty easy. I’d get more if I had more time.

Sometimes “doing it wrong” is what it takes to get you to do it right.
I get 4K steps a day not leaving the house. Where were you before that?
Forgive me if this was covered in the past 40 some odd pages but can anyone give me a rec on a weight bench to start weight training from home? I have an ancient one I'm looking to replace and there's about 1,000 options.
Get one that can incline and decline. I bought this when the world shut down.

Easy to assemble. Gym quality. Versatile.
Finally got the Eight Sleep in today. I apparently ordered at literally the worst time (a few days before they announced the new product) and it took them forever to get it to me. They ended up upgrading to the Pod 4 for free -- so that was cool. The set up was surprisingly easy.

I guess now I'll see if I just lit a ridiculous sum of money on fire over a mattress cover.
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Forgive me if this was covered in the past 40 some odd pages but can anyone give me a rec on a weight bench to start weight training from home? I have an ancient one I'm looking to replace and there's about 1,000 options.
There are lots of options now. Rep, Rogue, Stray Dog, Prime Fitness and quite a few more. Depends on your budget. I’d recommend checking FB marketplace because lots of people bought gym equipment during lockdown and have been listing it in new condition. Save yourself a ton of money.
Meant to post this but the last two years there has been a HomeGymCon. Manufacturers and retailers set up booths to show what they have available for people assembling a gym at home. Next spring they are planning to move it to Louisville. If you are planning to invest it will be a great opportunity to do some comparisons and use equipment you’ll otherwise only be eyeballing on the internet.

Here’s the commitments for next year’s.
Damn. That’s pretty dope.

Now that I’ve been doing so for a while, I wouldn’t change being able to train at home for anything. Walk downstairs, get my sets in, and be done with everything in 20-30 minutes. Morning, lunch time, evening after the fam is in bed. Can literally make it work with anything our schedule throws at us.

I know not everyone has the luxury, but if you can do so, home gyms are the way.
Damn. That’s pretty dope.

Now that I’ve been doing so for a while, I wouldn’t change being able to train at home for anything. Walk downstairs, get my sets in, and be done with everything in 20-30 minutes. Morning, lunch time, evening after the fam is in bed. Can literally make it work with anything our schedule throws at us.

I know not everyone has the luxury, but if you can do so, home gyms are the way.
During lockdown a whole cottage industry sprang up to start filling needs. There are many new products being introduced to help maximize the limited space most working out at home have to accommodate.

Some are just simple QoL modifications and some actually give new functionality to standard equipment. Pretty cool to experience the evolution. Love how the quality is improving as well. Tons of stuff made for working out at home for many years has been very poor quality. Now we’re seeing stuff that is better than what commercial gyms use being made available.

You don’t have to give Sorinex 20k and worry if they will answer your phone call since you aren’t ordering 300k in one shot.
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That's what the recent studies are saying.

So, with cardio you're losing fat and muscle most likely. I love cardio and cycling but that should be for cardiovascular health.

Losing body fat is much easier when you're building muscle. Done correctly it will also prevent injuries and make you more agile.

I personally love a combo, and I feel that offers the best success during my cut stages, but you have to really focus on rest and recovery.

Why don't you sub 1 or 2 of those running days for resistance training? Not trying to shame you at all, but at your size and age, running seems like an injury waiting to happen. Adding muscle will reduce BF quickly and you'll stop caring about gross weight. Plus you'll look and feel better. Skinny fat is the worst.
Also, during rest or normal activity, muscle burns more fat hourly so...when you replace fat with muscle, you are burning more calories an hour.
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Resistance training is superior to cardio for weight loss, but more importantly body recomp, and it’s not even close. The medical community - despite YEARS of pushing back or just flat out not accepting reality - is finally, slowly even getting on board.

With most forms of cardio, you will lose weight as long as you’re in a calorie deficit, but the amount of muscle you add will be negligible. Still better than doing nothing, and I’m not cool with some of these zealots who are basically “anti-cardio” these days (most of them are just pushing their social media following). Anything is better than nothing.

But with resistance training, you can literally stay the same weight while dropping fat and increasing lean mass (hence the term “body recomp”) and the visual difference can be pretty crazy. Every pound of added muscle burns an extra 8-10 calories per day, to boot. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but it adds up over time.

This isn’t necessarily aimed at you barbour (love the name, btw; still mad about that bullshit Marquette foul, but I digress… 🤬), and I’m sure it’s been said in here before. Just felt that it can’t be said enough.
Beat me to it.
For those looking for a home gym that does not take up a lot of space, the total gym is great because you can fold it up and put it out of site. It actually works for building muscle (not big, but comparable) and gives you a good stretch. It is adjustable for many levels. I have been using one for around 25 years now and it has helped me keep a good level of strength for what I have to do around the house and other chores.
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First couple of nights on the Eight Sleep were very interesting. It does... something. Not ready to give it a recommendation or review yet but so far I'm very intrigued.

One thing that I found interesting and thought might of some note here. The app's default is that the data for your spouse (or whoever you're sharing your bed with, I guess) comes in the same fashion as your own. I was excited to see my first night's results. I was unsure how to process seeing my wife's HRV, etc.

This f***er even sends you a snoring report for both of you.

The moment I saw it, I thought "This is going to cause a *TON* of couple's fights... maybe I'll at least make my money back on it pretty quick if leads to some business."
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:)cricket, check party city online. It will tell you what’s in store. Also Amazon if you have time. And my basement.
Resistance training is superior to cardio for weight loss,

That is true...and false. Your statement is way too general and it depends on each individual, their diet, etc. One may work better than the other depending on their goals.

And you do not lose muscle w/ cardio.
I never said you “lose muscle with cardio.” For someone who’s always harping about reading comprehension around these boards, you sure aren’t very good at it.

You are out of your league on this one. Trust me.

That said, I will correct my statement to say I should’ve said “fat loss” and not “weight loss” (hence my whole reference to recomp).
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-Super intrigued by the 8 Sleep. I'm constantly covering and uncovering through the night from being hot/cold. Sounds amazing.

-Timing of dinner seems to have an effect on my sleep score. Earlier the better it seems. Makes a ton of sense. That's an easy fix. I guess the 3-2-1 method is what a lot of the social media influencers are pushing.

-Normal cardio should actually help build muscle BUT... that's not taking into account endurance training or poor diet. If you're overextending yourself with marathon training while cutting, you're gonna dip into those reserves. While, building muscle will be more effective at burning fat. So if you're pushing it with then cardio, rest, recovery and diet become crucial. Another, issue with mostly or only 1 type of cardio, say running, you're gonna get some muscle imbalances.
The 3 and 2 I can handle easily. The 1… 😬

(I know that’s terrible.)
The 3 and 2 I can handle easily. The 1… 😬

(I know that’s terrible.)

I can’t do the 1. I watch tv at the end of the night, turn off the tv, and am able to be asleep within 1 min. Outside of when I drink I’ve always been an easy sleeper thankfully
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Eating has utterly no effect on my sleep. I can zonk out after breakfast if it is too heavy. Alcohol, on the other hand, is the devil. If I have a single beer within a few hours of going to sleep, I'll be able to see it in my sleep score.

At this point, is it even possible to go without electronics for an hour before bed? Without getting a divorce and moving to a unabomber shack -- HiTF am I going to avoid electronics for an hour before bed? If I can't, how many people realistically can?

What dumb advice.