Beechwood does not play against the competition, the defenses etc,,, that Trinity goes against, Plus he is a Frosh. Lets see what he looks like as a JR and then compare.I watched 5 of their games this year. He isn't better than Beechwoods QB who is a junior. And I doubt he is better than Boley.
I understand the difference between Fr and Sr. I am factoring in the age difference. He is 15yo. At the end of his HS career he will likely have 4 state championships under his belt. And will have gone against competition levels that the guys you mentioned above never see. Trinity is unique in that scheduling flexibility.
I hate that for Boley but we have, outside of Couch, never had a Ky QB that was an impact NFL style player. Hefty Lefty? In state QBs just dont see the game speed that Trinity sees.