Commercial Hatred

I’m fascinated with the ROI for the money spent on advertising.

I get a restaurant as that can be visually appealing but who is buying their insurance cause of a commercial? Or a brand of batteries? And how is having an annoying ad effective if the consumer associates your brand negatively?

There’s local commercials and national commercials that make me want to rip my ears off. Local wise- 🖕 you Dan Cummins.
Dan Cummins ads are horrible
I’m fascinated with the ROI for the money spent on advertising.

I get a restaurant as that can be visually appealing but who is buying their insurance cause of a commercial? Or a brand of batteries? And how is having an annoying ad effective if the consumer associates your brand negatively?

There’s local commercials and national commercials that make me want to rip my ears off. Local wise- 🖕 you Dan Cummins.

Same. Especially endorsements. Imo other than rare exception those absolutely must have an awful roi. No way that athlete is driving up sales or increasing brand exposure in an amount equal to the pay.

Yes of course there is Jordan and a few others. But for every one that does, there are hundreds that dont.
Anything involving Jennifer Coolidge is terrible

I don’t even know what skyrizzi is or what it does, but if a doctor ever recommends it I’m throwing them out a window

Any YouTube ad longer than 10 seconds

Immediate death penalty for an ad that turns into a 10 minute infomercial while I’m gaming and don’t have the wherewithal to hit skip

Anything advertised by podcasters or YouTubers is generally garbage.
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Burger King commercials. I am so sick and damn tired of hearing that one guy sing the same annoying as hell tune for years in every ad. They run it in seemingly every commercial break of no matter what I watch.
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The Discover ad with Stifler's mom doing the 80's hair band look is so f-king stupid and I don't know what the sound she makes at the end is supposed to be l? That "nyah,nyah, nyah" is it supposed to be a guitar? supposed to be funny? I hate it.
Was coming on here just to say this ad is the worst. All of her commercials make me want to jab pencils into my eyes.
Any ad advertising medicine showing two dudes kissing, spooning, or hugging. ( I am OK with gay men and women, but don't make me watch it.

Any ad showing abused animals, auto turn.

Any ad showing deformed kids (the one with kids with cleft lip is the worst), auto turn.

Underwear ads showing severely over weight women in stretchy drawers. SOME of the women are attractive, the others, not so much.
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All of the commercials that want to push their virtue signaling agendas in them. Outside of that, this current Liberty Mutual commercial.

This one is quickly getting on my nerves, and they are only going to more as Tournament time approaches. Seen it 4 times within the first 30 minutes of watching the games on ESPN, ESPN 2 and SEC Network tonight.

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This one is quickly getting on my nerves, and they are only going to more as Tournament time approaches. Seen it 4 times within the first 30 minutes of watching the games on ESPN, ESPN 2 and SEC Network tonight.

Those are so bad and the only saving grace to getting knocked out of the tournament early is not having to watch this $hit. I like Charles ok, but if Spike Lee, Jennifer Garner, Sam L. Jackson and Jim Nantz met their demise on one of these trips, Capital One will have a customer for life.
The Discover ad with Stifler's mom doing the 80's hair band look is so f-king stupid and I don't know what the sound she makes at the end is supposed to be l? That "nyah,nyah, nyah" is it supposed to be a guitar? supposed to be funny? I hate it.

Needs to be fired into the sun