Father Takes Revenge Out On ISIS.

^^^^ I finally took the time to watch your link. The simple fact that you would buy what Shapirro is selling insults your intellegence far more than what I could ever do. No disclosure of how these so called polls were performed, no disclosure of the questions asked...what'cha hiding Ben?

I'm still waiting to hear why you discount the Pew research that contradicts Shapirro?
Originally posted by -LEK-:

Originally posted by UK_ENGR1:
Only a handful of your "Christian" examples are actual acts of terrorism in the name of Christianity. The crusades took place over 700 years ago...a lot of ignorant shit going on back then that civilization has outgrown. Muslims in general are not the problem but radical Islam has no equal for evil or body of work in modern history with the possible exception of Nazi atrocities against the Jews. Are you really that stupid or just trying to be contrary?
6 million Jews is an exception? bravo.

how about Christianity justifying slavery?

Christianity, for 2000 years has been one of the main reasons for violence in this world. It's also been one of the main reasons for peace. This is my point. They're bad people of all religions. There are good people of all religions. To say one religion is fundamentally more worse than the other is wrong. In every single way. Factually, intellectually, spiritually.
I want to be the first to welcome you, Barack Obama to BBN message board. Question Mr. President, how did you choose LEK as a name?
Originally posted by fuzz77:
^^^^ I finally took the time to watch your link. The simple fact that you would buy what Shapirro is selling insults your intellegence far more than what I could ever do. No disclosure of how these so called polls were performed, no disclosure of the questions asked...what'cha hiding Ben?

I'm still waiting to hear why you discount the Pew research that contradicts Shapirro?

And I'm still trying to figure out why Obama (and like-minded Progs/Libs) go out of their way to call ISIS and their ilk everything but what they are: Islamic Terrorists. All of the rampant PC BS even has those who are trying to expose the reality of Islamic terrorism sugar-coating the truth --- it's not Radical's simply Islam. Despite what Dear Leader Obama would have us all believe, ISIS IS ISLAM, and anything that is considered 'Peaceful Islam' is actually the 'fraud' according to the Koran.
Originally posted by ram1955:

The Crusades began in an effort to take back Christian lands that had been taken by muslims.
Well, sort of. Keep in mind that Jerusalem had been under Muslim rule since 634, and the first Crusade started in 1096 - 462 years later. Not like the indignity of the Muslim conquest of the Holy Land was fresh in the minds of the Crusaders.
Originally posted by wkycatfan:
I've recommended this book here before, but "Son of Hamas" is written by the son of 1 of the 7 founders of Hamas.

He essentially says that most Muslims are peaceful, but it's only because they haven't really gotten serious about the teachings of the Koran and the belief system. Once they do that, they radicalize. Problem is, you don't know when that will happen.
This post was edited on 2/4 3:10 PM by wkycatfan
Basically the opposite of Christianity.
Originally posted by Bill Derington:
Hadn't Muslims began invading Europe as well at this time.
Yes, but the First Crusade was almost totally focused on recapturing Jerusalem specifically - which hadn't actually been under Christian rule in almost half a millennium.
Originally posted by wkycatfan:
I've recommended this book here before, but "Son of Hamas" is written by the son of 1 of the 7 founders of Hamas.

He essentially says that most Muslims are peaceful, but it's only because they haven't really gotten serious about the teachings of the Koran and the belief system. Once they do that, they radicalize. Problem is, you don't know when that will happen.
This post was edited on 2/4 3:10 PM by wkycatfan
Isn't that kind of like a "Christian" snake handler saying that they are the only ones who are serious about the Bible and when other Christians become serious they will handle snakes too?
Or someone saying when we Christians become serious about the Bible we will start taking an eye for an eye...

People pervert religions. What's new? Never mind that the Bible and the Koran are really quite similar books. The KKK considers itself a Christian organization. Segregationist used the Bible as the reason we shouldn't integrate. How about the people involved with the Salem witch trials...all Christians. People use religion as a way to manipulate people and can do so because sadly there are many stupid and ignorant people. It's why "liberals" try to push religion out of government...meanwhile "conservatives" want us to damn and deny rights to people who they see as sinners based on their religion views. The founding fathers knew and understood the dangers of religion and religious zealots. When people attempt to use God or Allah or any religion to justify their actions it's a dangerous slippery slope.

So a radical Muslim says that when other Muslims get serious, they will be radical too. So when will Christians become serious and radicalize?
Originally posted by wkycatfan:
The Armenian Genocide toward the end of WWI is in interesting study.
How about the Bosnian Genocide that took place only about 20-25 years ago?
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by wkycatfan:
I've recommended this book here before, but "Son of Hamas" is written by the son of 1 of the 7 founders of Hamas.

He essentially says that most Muslims are peaceful, but it's only because they haven't really gotten serious about the teachings of the Koran and the belief system. Once they do that, they radicalize. Problem is, you don't know when that will happen.

This post was edited on 2/4 3:10 PM by wkycatfan
Isn't that kind of like a "Christian" snake handler saying that they are the only ones who are serious about the Bible and when other Christians become serious they will handle snakes too?
Or someone saying when we Christians become serious about the Bible we will start taking an eye for an eye...

People pervert religions. What's new? Never mind that the Bible and the Koran are really quite similar books. The KKK considers itself a Christian organization. Segregationist used the Bible as the reason we shouldn't integrate. How about the people involved with the Salem witch trials...all Christians. People use religion as a way to manipulate people and can do so because sadly there are many stupid and ignorant people. It's why "liberals" try to push religion out of government...meanwhile "conservatives" want us to damn and deny rights to people who they see as sinners based on their religion views. The founding fathers knew and understood the dangers of religion and religious zealots. When people attempt to use God or Allah or any religion to justify their actions it's a dangerous slippery slope.

So a radical Muslim says that when other Muslims get serious, they will be radical too. So when will Christians become serious and radicalize?
I can't tell your if objection is to me or the author of "Son of Hamas". He's not a radical muslim, but rather a Christian now. I feel like he's in a good position to write/speak on the subject.

The founding fathers warned against state run religion, not religious zealots, and believed in freedom of religion.

Since Jesus was essentially a radical, the world might be a better place with more radicals like Him, and practiced the radical message he taught. He, of course, was crucified for being a radical.

If you really believe the teachings of Mohammed as essentially the same as the teachings of Jesus, then I can't help you.
The statement from the Hamas guy is just a tautology. It proves nothing.

And to get back on topic, good for this father. Screw ISIS and everything they stand for.
truth is in the middle

r.i.p. to that father and son

This post was edited on 2/6 2:49 PM by SomeDudeCRO
people are dangerous, religion is merely a tool that is used by those looking to rally the support of the masses for their cause. aspects of christianity in particular catholicism were radicalized many a century ago resulting the in slaughter of humans. there has since been an enlightenment in the way people of our culture view christianity and religion and have moved away from that sort of barbaric nature. islam is currently in a state where it is used by the radical nutjobs to rally support for the people to commit acts of violence against nonbelievers for their own cause.

and yes, the old testament and the koran are very similar. problem is the koran has no "new testament". the old testament is a violent book, and so is the koran. religion can be very dangerous when controlled by the wrong people.
The First Crusade was really more about checking the advances of the Seljuk Turks against what was left of the Eastern Roman Empire than anything else. The (largely French at that point) Crusaders "conveniently" took care of some long-standing issues (like trying to obliterate some Christian heterodoxies) along the way - it's a pretty fascinating conflict in its own right. The Holy Land was a motley crew of Fatimid Muslims, Eastern Rite Christians, and Jews at that point and at various times they fought (together) against both the Seljuk Turks and the first waves of Crusaders.

The Turks had treated pretty much everyone like crap in their expansion around Anatolia and the Levant - they even sacked Jerusalem several times not long before 1095. They treated the Arab Muslims poorly and initiated pogroms against Christians - some of this played into Urban's motivation to call for a Crusade. There are also some who will tie in the ongoing (at that point) Reconquista of the Iberian peninsula from the Caliphate there as Toledo had fallen back to the Christians in 1085 and given the first bit of momentum there. There was also a hell of a lot of internecine fighting among the various Islamic dynasties (Abbasids, Fatimids, Seljuks) during the entirety of the Crusades.

Many of the later Crusades were pretty defensive - they were what we think more classically as the Crusades. They were brutal as hell - on both sides - pretty typical with that time in history. There were also great leaders on both sides - Saladin (who was a Kurd by the way) and Godfrey of Bouillon, to name two.

The Crusades in general were pretty complicated, and any idiot trying to say CHRISTIAN BRUTALITY!!! needs to read a book and understand them a little better. It's always been interesting that some in the West will bring up the Crusades but not the Reconquista.
Originally posted by cbpointblank1979:

Originally posted by ram1955:

The Crusades began in an effort to take back Christian lands that had been taken by muslims.
Well, sort of. Keep in mind that Jerusalem had been under Muslim rule since 634, and the first Crusade started in 1096 - 462 years later. Not like the indignity of the Muslim conquest of the Holy Land was fresh in the minds of the Crusaders.

This post was edited on 2/9 10:48 PM by NDlouisvillian
This thread got so far off course, you couldn't find your way back with a GPS.

R.I.P. to this brave Father & his unfortunate son.

Ok, you guys can return to doing what you do best now......Hijacking threads.
An atheist killed 3 Muslim students an UNC last night.

Atheism = ISIS