Father Takes Revenge Out On ISIS.

Taken from the article's "Comments" section:

PLO hijacking planes to Cuba during the Carter administration. Hillary Clinton championed the policy of "Cooperating with the hijackers" that Carter adopted. The above opened the doors for 9/11 to happen in the first place.
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims
The Oklahoma "BEHEADER" of 19 yr. old Jacob Crockett was Muslim
The Oklahoma City "BEHEADER" of Colleen Hufford was Muslim
The "Munich Massacre" was performed by Muslims
Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha's living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem
Baha's living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confucians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
**********SO THIS LEADS TO *****************
They're not happy in Gaza
They're not happy in Egypt
They're not happy in Libya
They're not happy in Morocco
They're not happy in Iran
They're not happy in Iraq
They're not happy in Yemen
They're not happy in Afghanistan
They're not happy in Pakistan
They're not happy in Syria
They're not happy in Lebanon
They're not happy in Nigeria
They're not happy in Kenya
They're not happy in Sudan
******** So, where are they happy? **********
They're happy in Australia
They're happy in England
They're happy in Belgium
They're happy in France
They're happy in Italy
They're happy in Germany
They're happy in Sweden
They're happy in the USA & Canada
They're happy in Norway & India
They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame? Not Islam… Not their leadership… Not themselves… THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN!! And they want to change the countries they're happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy and finally they will be get hammered!!!!
Most of the above is oversimplified and a good bit is just plain false. Thanks for copy-pasting, though. I miss this stuff having blocked chain e-mailing relatives.
Please feel free to correct the erroneous parts.

This should be interesting.
Originally posted by Big Blue 1977:

Most of the above is oversimplified and a good bit is just plain false. Thanks for copy-pasting, though. I miss this stuff having blocked chain e-mailing relatives.
and you are awful.
The Oklahoma City Bomber was a Christian
The Klu Lux Klan were Christians
The Centennial Park Olympics Bombing was a Christian
The Gun Powder Plot were Christians
Anti Balaka genocide in Africa were Christians
National Liberation Front India terrorists are Christian
Oshida Monk slayings were Christians
Nagaland in India terrorism are Christians
The National Socialist Council of Nagaland killed 900 people were Christians
The Karatina Massacre was done by Christians
Tel al-Zaatar Massacre was done by Christians
The IRA bombings leaving 1000's dead over the years are Christians
Oslo Car bombing in 2011 was done by Christians
Lord's Resitance Army in Uganda is Christian
The Army of God Abortion Doctor Killings were done by Christians
Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre was done by Christians
Knoxville Unitarian Church shooting was a Christian
Planned Parenthood Bombing done by Christians
Larry McQuillams , massacre in Austin, was a Christian

You people are scary that perpetuate a myth. There are bad people everywhere. There are bad Muslims, bad Christians, bad Jews, bad everything.

From 1980 to 2005, 94% of terrorism was done by non- Muslims. In Europe over past 5 years? 98% by non-Muslims. (That's from FBI, not Fox).
Only a handful of your "Christian" examples are actual acts of terrorism in the name of Christianity. The crusades took place over 700 years ago...a lot of ignorant shit going on back then that civilization has outgrown. Muslims in general are not the problem but radical Islam has no equal for evil or body of work in modern history with the possible exception of Nazi atrocities against the Jews. Are you really that stupid or just trying to be contrary?
No, Uncle Bill, you're awful, which is why I block your racist e-mails.

Regarding the list above, a quick rebuttal is that most of the non-Muslim religions it mentions don't actually get along or have "no problem" with the others. Read an Indian newspaper if you need a primer. Everybody's fighting everybody. Also, drop the "those weren't Christian terrorists" stuff. They were as religious as many ISIS people, who one former captive has described as not even owning a Koran. I despise radical Islamists, but I see no reason to simplify something to the point of idiocy just because it's complicated.
Originally posted by Big Blue 1977:
I despise radical Islamists, but I see no reason to simplify something to the point of idiocy just because it's complicated.
Here, here. The truth is bad enough, no need to dumb it down so much.
I can't resist. I want to, but I can't.

"Christians living with Jews = No Problem", made me do a spit take.
Originally posted by UK_ENGR1:
Only a handful of your "Christian" examples are actual acts of terrorism in the name of Christianity. The crusades took place over 700 years ago...a lot of ignorant shit going on back then that civilization has outgrown. Muslims in general are not the problem but radical Islam has no equal for evil or body of work in modern history with the possible exception of Nazi atrocities against the Jews. Are you really that stupid or just trying to be contrary?
6 million Jews is an exception? bravo.

how about Christianity justifying slavery?

Christianity, for 2000 years has been one of the main reasons for violence in this world. It's also been one of the main reasons for peace. This is my point. They're bad people of all religions. There are good people of all religions. To say one religion is fundamentally more worse than the other is wrong. In every single way. Factually, intellectually, spiritually.
Originally posted by UK_ENGR1:
Only a handful of your "Christian" examples are actual acts of terrorism in the name of Christianity. The crusades took place over 700 years ago...a lot of ignorant shit going on back then that civilization has outgrown. Muslims in general are not the problem but radical Islam has no equal for evil or body of work in modern history with the possible exception of Nazi atrocities against the Jews. Are you really that stupid or just trying to be contrary?
LEK always talks about logic and intelligence but posts disingenuous loads of shit like that list. Copy paste list and and no link to the stats.

There is no comp to the danger of radical Islam presents in their growing influence and/or control of major countries. And those terror activities are being coordinated directly from mosques.
Stipulation: Some genuine Christians have misunderstood Scripture and/or have had mental problems and have done horrible things believing they were doing God's will. Cannot deny that. Cannot defend them.

However ...

1 Everybody in this world who is not an atheist, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist or some other religion cannot automatically be lumped under the heading "Christian."

2 At the very minimum (beyond repenting and asking Christ to be our Savior), a true Christian believes in the teachings of the Bible and at least makes some effort to adhere to them. There are some expectations of moral conduct from someone claiming to be a Christian. That conduct above certainly does not nor ever has measured up to the New Testament's teachings. Even the nonbeliever rightly takes Christians to task by calling them hypocrites when their conduct regularly fails to measure up to what the Bible teaches. Frankly I have never understood why people who disagree with what the Bible clearly teaches, live in daily disobedience to its commands and seldom if ever set foot in a church get angry if someone implies they might not be a Christian. There is certainly more to being a Christian than just believing Jesus once lived, taught some nice things and was a pretty nice guy.

3 Almost all Christians are appalled and embarrassed by acts of "Christians" who have done horrible things in clear violation of what is clearly taught in Scripture.
LEK, most of your examples were folks not killing in the name of Christianity. The Oklahoma city bomber was anti government, and the nazis were killing in the name of Christianity? I thought it was the whole Aryan, strongest race thingy.

As for the crusades and inquisition, what were the crusades in retaliation of? Using your logic the United States murdered millions of Japanese and Germans for no apparent reason. I also think you might be exaggerating the numbers just a bit.

For whatever reason, a larger than normal amount of the Muslim faith do not value life, I don't know why. In Africa they are taking over villages and murdering the men and boys, doing God knows what with the girls. The Middle East apparently is a box of tinder, with Isis taking large parts of Iraq and Syria. What kind of people burn a man alive in a cage!?!? France, Germany, UK, and Canada not to mention our problems. How much longer are we gonna make apologies? What's it gonna take, sooner or later there's gonna be some hard choices to make.
I can't speak to that whole list, but Rudolph and McVeigh were not Christians. Even if they were, their faith wasn't animating, only a coincidence. Like being left handed - does that mean all left handed people are terrorists?
Originally posted by P19978:
Taken from the article's "Comments" section:
Originally posted by Mojocat:
I can't speak to that whole list, but Rudolph and McVeigh were not Christians. Even if they were, their faith wasn't animating, only a coincidence. Like being left handed - does that mean all left handed people are terrorists?
Apply this logic to Islam. Every response when a Christian performs an act of terrorism is that they acted alone. When an Islamic person does it, it's a whole attack on the entire Muslim faith.

Fbi stats. And yes, it's logic and facts.

Rudolph and Mcveigh were both Christians. People use religion as a weapon. Doesn't mean that the religion is flawed.

Its the same as using bigotry to say an entire people/race/religion is wrong.

its wrong to say all Jews are bad, all blacks are bad, all Muslims are bad. Many of you use the sane arguments to justify hatred
for centuries.
I'm by no means a defender of Christianity, but pretending it's anywhere near the level of radicalism as Islam is offensive and nothing but terrorism-enabling and appeasement in the form of trying to be politically correct.

Over HALF of all Muslims in the world are radicalized, believing in Sharia Law and honor killings. It's time for them to leave the 7th century and adapt to modern humanity through an enlightenment (the same process Christianity thankfully went through), or for them to be forcibly exiled from civilized society.

This post was edited on 2/4 12:53 PM by Pope John Wall II
Originally posted by P19978:
Please feel free to correct the erroneous parts.

This should be interesting.
The erroneous part is the fact that in paints all Muslims as the same. I work with a couple of Muslims and they hate ISIS probably more that you do as they perpetuate the stereotype and makes life harder for them.
Add the fact that ISIS is killing as many if not more Muslims as non-Muslims.

I'm pretty sure that all the Nazi's in Germany were Christians...Should we have painted all Christians with the Nazi brush???
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:

Over HALF of all Muslims in the world are radicalized,
Your proof of this is???
Watch the link.
Oh, it's on the internet therefore it must be true.
It's literally cited in the video. Those are actual statistics, from actual polls.

Don't be intentionally dense because you don't approve of the findings.
The Crusades began in an effort to take back Christian lands that had been taken by muslims.
Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:

Over HALF of all Muslims in the world are radicalized,
Your proof of this is???
Watch the link.
Oh, it's on the internet therefore it must be true.
It's literally cited in the video. Those are actual statistics, from actual polls.

Don't be intentionally dense because you don't approve of the findings.
Fact: I can find polls and research to support almost any finding. Sometimes it's referred to as propaganda.
I would tell you not to accept statistics simply because they support a position. Everyone publishing this garbage is connected to right-wingnuts.

Other views
Originally posted by ram1955:

The Crusades began in an effort to take back Christian lands that had been taken by muslims.
Almost like a preview of things to come for centuries to follow, Peter cut off the ear of a Roman soldier. Jesus rebuked him, and fixed the guy's ear.

You can't reconcile it with the teachings of your Lord, but on an emotional level, you can kind of understand the reaction humanly speaking.
Fuzz, Terrorist activity is only gaining traction, getting larger. Sooner or later this will all come to a head.

We can sit around and bicker about being bigots, liberals, neocons, sheep whatever but it's muslims that are threatening society. Not all muslims, no one is saying line them up and shoot them, but to pretend its not an unusally large portion of that population is arguing just for the sake of arguing.
I've recommended this book here before, but "Son of Hamas" is written by the son of 1 of the 7 founders of Hamas.

He essentially says that most Muslims are peaceful, but it's only because they haven't really gotten serious about the teachings of the Koran and the belief system. Once they do that, they radicalize. Problem is, you don't know when that will happen.
This post was edited on 2/4 3:10 PM by wkycatfan
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:

Over HALF of all Muslims in the world are radicalized,
Your proof of this is???
Watch the link.
Oh, it's on the internet therefore it must be true.
It's literally cited in the video. Those are actual statistics, from actual polls.

Don't be intentionally dense because you don't approve of the findings.
Fact: I can find polls and research to support almost any finding. Sometimes it's referred to as propaganda.
I would tell you not to accept statistics simply because they support a position. Everyone publishing this garbage is connected to right-wingnuts.
The Pew Research group is a nonpartisan think tank founded and headquartered in Washington DC, one of the most liberal cities in the country. This was solely done through polling active Muslims.

The truth hurts, pal.
Mom always said two wrongs don't make a right. Just wanted to squelch the notion that Christians were responsible for the beginning of conflict between Christianity and islam.
When you don't like the poll results, just attack the pollsters.

Or behead them. Whichever.
Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:

Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:
Originally posted by fuzz77:

Originally posted by Pope John Wall II:

Over HALF of all Muslims in the world are radicalized,
Your proof of this is???
Watch the link.
Oh, it's on the internet therefore it must be true.
It's literally cited in the video. Those are actual statistics, from actual polls.

Don't be intentionally dense because you don't approve of the findings.
Fact: I can find polls and research to support almost any finding. Sometimes it's referred to as propaganda.
I would tell you not to accept statistics simply because they support a position. Everyone publishing this garbage is connected to right-wingnuts.
The Pew Research group is a nonpartisan think tank founded and headquartered in Washington DC, one of the most liberal cities in the country. This was solely done through polling active Muslims.

The truth hurts, pal.
You're correct that Pew is nonpartisan. You do realize that about ever political think-tank, liberal, conservative or nonpartisan is HQed in DC???

Family Research Council...Washington, DC
Christian Coalition...Washington, DC
Heritage Foundation...Washington, DC
American Conservative Union...Washington, DC
Eagle Forum...Washington, DC

I'll stop here...I went 5 for 5 looking up conservative organizations... so remind me again why where Pew Research is located matters???

The polling you refer to comes all from partisan sources. You're not smart enough to think that they might just play with the numbers, play with the questions, play with the population being polled to elicit a "favorable" response?

By the way...what are "active Muslims"?
Practicing muslims, I should've said. Regardless, insulting my intelligence because you don't like the results of the polls just shows how incorrect you are on this issue. Ad-hominem, how I love thee.

And if over half of these Muslims will openly admit to being radicals, I wonder what percentage of them are who just won't openly admit it?

Islam in it's current state is a blight upon humanity.
When 20,000 Timothy McVeighs start sweeping through the country beheading and burning those that don't accept their views, this comparison might hold water. Until then, please stop the desperate comparisons between these two religions.

And for Christ's sake please find out what the Nazis actually thought about Christianity. Not their public pronouncements when they were seeking power, but the private attitudes held by actual party leaders.