Thase cayuts plaid hurible. Jus terible. Farrrr pOpe. i'm so sick of mArK pOPes cochin alredy. he aint dun nuthin at all. these plaires jus want to go nbA and don want ta play fer uK thay outa played fer us insted of them nbA fellers. thay went an embarased at us at clemsun and onli sEc teem thayt losed to thE AcC. there basketbal tema aint gud at alL.
farrrrrrrrrr pOpe!!11?!1
(Hope this made someone laugh today)
In all seriousness. Clemson played their Superbowl. We just struggled a bit on the road and still had a shot to win it after playing pretty bad. It happens, it's December. We weren't going to win every game. The eventual National Champion this year will also have losses.
farrrrrrrrrr pOpe!!11?!1
(Hope this made someone laugh today)
In all seriousness. Clemson played their Superbowl. We just struggled a bit on the road and still had a shot to win it after playing pretty bad. It happens, it's December. We weren't going to win every game. The eventual National Champion this year will also have losses.