Expectations for 2024-25

I feel like we’ll most likely be a solid 3 seed if we beat Duke and a 5 seed, maybe a four seed with some luck if we don’t. Not a lot of chances to distinguish ourselves that won’t come very dearly to a team of kids all playing together for the first time. But we have a great coaching staff top to bottom, a lot of skill, and a lot of heart.

Bare minimum I think we win two NCAAT games this year. My sense is we’ll probably end up with an Elite Eight exit although I definitely haven’t written off hope of going further.
From the small sample of live action I have seen on this team is hard to tell how good or bad we are going to be.

Everyone on the coaching staff is saying that team is going to play great defense and will be amazing behind the 3 pts line. I am not buying that hype until I see it against quality opponents. Beat Duke , which is a very tall and athletic team and might believe you.
Beat Gonzaga , cause as Coach you know the tendencies of Coach Few, and I will start thinking you might have a chance.
Beat Alabama and TN , win the SEC and I will start believing you have are actually chasing number 9… Otherwise this is just hype which we should temper it off cause otherwise we will have a big disappointment on our hands at the end of the season.

Again, Coach Pope needs at least 3 years to rebuild the program.

My opinion so far he made 3 mistakes so far:
-set expectations way to high based solely on his excitement of being selected as coach at Kentucky. Overselling after Kentucky fan base has been constantly lied by John Calipari might not been the best approach.
- didn’t invite more recruits to BBM which has been always used as a recruiting tool
- transformed the BW game that everyone could not wait to see into a closed circuit highly expensive practice.

Of course, I will cheer for him and hope for the best , but nothing great gets build overnight.
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Record is so tricky due to the variance of close games, injuries, officiating, etc.

Using an analytic tool such as KenPom for instance. We have to rank better than the preseason ranking he had. This needs to be a top 40 team.

Would be hard to excuse anything worse. The program spent a lot of money on a lot of good experienced college basketball players. They can’t be irrelevant and a non tourney level team IMO. Don’t have to be great, but close enough where you can see the vision of this type of group being supplemented by 4 top 30-40 level freshmen and a group of returners familiar with the system being a threat in 25-26.
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How's Sioux Falls? Haven't been up that way in many, many years. One of my favorite transit drivers (Ron Beukelman) passed away not long ago :(
It’s not bad! Growing quite a bit. The outskirts of town keep expanding. And there are lots of new cool spots popping up; breweries, a jazz club, etc. Oddly enough, that name Ron Beukelman is really familiar. Not sure where but I think I’ve heard it somewhere.
Not knowing any of these players it is hard for me to have ANY expectations till I see them play. If Pope makes the NCAA tournament this year I will be impressed considering where he was 5 months ago. We have some solid players but none are yet what you would call high major stars. I hope we get lucky and strike gold, with a couple of the transfers turning into Antonio Reeves kind of players. I hope the 2 KY kids surprise us much like Sheppard did.
I'm happy we got a coach who puts the fans first. Hopefully we get some sweet 1990s throwbacks. I expect 22 wins, a sweet 16, and to go deep in the SECT. I don't expect mucn this year, first year for a new coach and staff, new team, culture has to be laid down etc etc.
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I'll have to say, my expectations have shifted multiple times since the end of the season...

When Mitch and Cal first said Calipari would be staying, with some expected changes (I didn't like it, wanted Cal gone), I expected this year's team to be talented and win a number of regular season games, but to ultimately finish the same way as all his recent teams failed, which was to get a decent seed but melt in the postseason.

April 9th, when Calipari announced he was leaving for Arkansas, I expected him to take everyone and leave the cupboard completely bare for whoever the next coach would be. I expected 2024-25 would be either around a .500 season or maybe even a losing season.

April 12th, along comes Mark Pope. My initial expectations weren't very high. In fact, I initially was upset with the hire. I thought UK could do better. I expected we'd be looking at maybe a .500 season.

April 14th: then came his introduction and I was sold on him as the right guy at the right time. But still, the cupboard was bare, and even with a group of Kentucky unforgettables, I thought they'd be struggling to even get to 20 wins and make the Dance.

And then Pope started recruiting and bringing in his assistants and the team started coming together. I like the experience on the team. I like the shooters on the team. I like that these guys can defend, which was something we were painfully missing last season. I expect Pope, an offensive savant, to get these guys scoring well. When Jaxson Robinson withdrew from the NBA draft, I was very excited. My expectations became much higher at this point, but I was still worried about worried about chemistry and cohesiveness from so many transfers. I was expecting a team that would win a good number of games, likely win every game they're favored to win but lose against the best teams. So, I expected a team that gets to 20, maybe up to 22 wins, makes the Dance in 7-10 range.

July 17: Then comes the practices and scrimmage with La Familia where this team beats La Familia and their shooting is off the charts, followed by additional summer workouts and reports. So, at this point, for better or worse, my expectations soared. At this point, I was thinking the team could go deep into the postseason and even make a Final Four with a couple breaks.

October 15: Ok, so now that I've looked at some of the best teams in the league- Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, Texas A&M, Arkansas, and Texas, and some of these national contenders like Kansas, UConn, Houston, Gonzaga, Duke UNC, and I realize there are a bunch of really good teams this season. The transfer portal and NIL money has allowed coaches to sign key players. So, I still think this UK team has the ability (because they can shoot the ball and they can defend) to be very good. But I feel like Final Fours are out for now in my mind. It seems unreasonable to expect that for a first season with a new coach and an entirely new team. My expectations now are that this team will be very good, win a bunch of games this season, beat some teams they're not expected to beat, make the Dance, and could make a good run in the postseason if the team continues to improve. I'm expecting 24 or so wins, a 4-5 seed, a Sweet 16 with the potential to go deeper. It's much better than I expected when Calipari left but much less than I thought when I was giddy back in July.
If we finish top 4 in the league with a S16 birth I believe that is the best we could have ever hoped for starting out with 0 players. Anything greater than that is gravy to me. If it’s worse, then so be it I will judge the overall product and how I feel we progress.
It’s not bad! Growing quite a bit. The outskirts of town keep expanding. And there are lots of new cool spots popping up; breweries, a jazz club, etc. Oddly enough, that name Ron Beukelman is really familiar. Not sure where but I think I’ve heard it somewhere.
He was a salesman before he got into driving for the Sioux Falls transit, where he retired. He was also a direct descendant of Wyatt Earp, believe it or not.