Everyone wondering what is wrong with recruiting

The roster is full of five star players. No guarantee of chemistry, and they need a shooter besides Knox.
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remember the NIT year - the fans holding up signs saying "keep calm, the twins are coming"?

I don't think current performance has anything to do with recruiting to be honest.

But what does is Cal sending as many guys as he can from this team to the NBA. Which is the infuriating part in a year like this
The roster is full of five star players. No guarantee of chemistry, and they need a shooter besides Knox.

If this HS class was re-evaluated today, how many UK recruits would have the same or higher rank?

How many would be ranked lower?
And cal constantly yelling.

I don't believe this has anything to do with it. Cal has ALWAYS been a screamer. He was during his UMass days, his Memphis days, and the very best of his UK days (remember him being caught calling TJ a "selfish motherfu--er" on national TV?).

Stars like Wall, Rose, AD, Camby, MKG, Bledsoe, Knight, Cousins,Towns, etc. had no problem with his screaming. Don't know why it'd suddenly become an intolerable issue now.
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If this HS class was re-evaluated today, how many UK recruits would have the same or higher rank?

How many would be ranked lower?
SGA higher. Knox even, maybe slightly lower, 1-2 spots. Quade way lower. PJ way lower. Not judging Vanderbilt, he hasn't played enough to truly tell. Richards even or a few spots lower. Diallo unranked. Okay I kid about that. But wayyyyyyyy lower.
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I don't believe this has anything to do with it. Cal has ALWAYS been a screamer. He was during his UMass days, his Memphis days, and the very best of his UK days (remember him being caught calling TJ a "selfish motherfu--er" on national TV?).

Stars like Wall, Rose, AD, Camby, MKG, Bledsoe, Knight, Cousins,Towns, etc. had no problem with his screaming. Don't know why it'd suddenly become an intolerable issue now.
Because kids are becoming more pussified. If you don't get your way or get pampered it's always someone else's fault and they deserve all blame. It's sickening what this world is coming to. And I'm only 22......
What does that tell us? Not to recruit anymore 5 stars? Silly post.
It is silly to say that our 5 star recruits are not as a good as a 4 star. Never said we should not recuirt the best players. I said our 5 star players are not as good as Alexander. Ever SEC team we have played has players as good or better than ours. My point is that we have a team full of 5 star players and some do not have good basketball skills that a lot of players with lower rankings have. We have a lot of 5 star players on this team that are not good basketball players.
Losing Coach O was so much bigger than I thought it was when he left. We got to get an ACE recruiter back!!
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Just like last yr in many games Hawk was the best player on the floor and he was only a 3 star but him and Willis both had experience Ky needs a few 4 yr players ever yr to go with the 5 stars..
I don't believe this has anything to do with it. Cal has ALWAYS been a screamer. He was during his UMass days, his Memphis days, and the very best of his UK days (remember him being caught calling TJ a "selfish motherfu--er" on national TV?).

Stars like Wall, Rose, AD, Camby, MKG, Bledsoe, Knight, Cousins,Towns, etc. had no problem with his screaming. Don't know why it'd suddenly become an intolerable issue now.
Maybe kids have changed ? There was a time kids accepted Bobby Knights antics , but those times changed . Of course that is an extreme example, lol .
I don’t want to hear positionless athletic players. How about smart shooters?
I'd settle for basic fundamentals and the ability to be coached w/o talking back. Just a start.

All the 4 and 5star guys and the ONLY player to post a positive +/- last night was Brad Calipari. He was +2 in exactly 2 minutes of play.

We have a 'too many athletes and no basketball players' problem.
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If I was being recruited by Kentucky, I would see this as a place where there are lots of opportunities to play. If I had any basketball skills at all I should be able to break into this lineup. GO CATS!!
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Damn straight.

Pizza Slice wins the internet .
I just experience it first hand. I play pickup with some high school players to try to help them learn and do what they're supposed to do. They don't/won't listen. I'm one of those annoying players who go hard 24/7 No matter where or when I'm playing. Those boys don't. They don't play defense, they won't rebound, they won't pass. All they care about is scoring and me, myself and I. No matter how many times I try to tell them differently they act like they listen but continue to do the same thing. So if it's happening in small schools where I'm from where your best talent may be a D2 player. I can only imagine what goes through the minds of these "superstars" coming out of high school who are NBA bound. Now I'm not saying it's every kid, but it's becoming the culture and a lot of kids buy into that bad culture.
remember the NIT year - the fans holding up signs saying "keep calm, the twins are coming"?

I don't think current performance has anything to do with recruiting to be honest.

But what does is Cal sending as many guys as he can from this team to the NBA. Which is the infuriating part in a year like this

Are you really infuriated? Over something that hasnt happened yet?

How exactly does Cal send kids to the league?

Is he forcing those NBA teams to offer 1st Round guarantees?

Let's see how it plays out before becoming too infuriated over something that has yet to occur and you are simply guessing at.

Our defense however is currently infuriating...
Are you really infuriated? Over something that hasnt happened yet?

How exactly does Cal send kids to the league?


There is no guessing.

Cal won't stand in the way of a kid that wants to go but he clearly doesn't think is ready. He's said that before. And the way he has said it led me to believe it was more than one.

if you want to get into semantics about the term sending players to the league, versus developing a program around showcasing a kid for the league, we can.
There is no guessing.

Cal won't stand in the way of a kid that wants to go but he clearly doesn't think is ready. He's said that before. And the way he has said it led me to believe it was more than one.

if you want to get into semantics about the term sending players to the league, versus developing a program around showcasing a kid for the league, we can.

Why should any coach "get in the way"...

Cal gives them advice and what he has heard from the league, he damn sure wasnt happy Dakari left, and its no secret that Teague and Lamb leaving were a surprise along with Bledsoe and Orton.

So I think you are off base on your premise and your frustration is misplaced.

Whereas I believe Cal is very much responsible for creating an unintended consequence with his OAD environment leading to nonfreshmen leaving way too early and hurting us.
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This class wasn’t great. End of story. We’ll get most of them back barring a major turnaround. Bring in another good class and we’ll be fine next year.
This sounds like the "we will be fine after Camp Cal" stuff or the " nobody will want to play us come March" .
Teams will be lining up to play this group.
It makes me wonder what high school coaches are teaching their players regarding fundamentals. This year’s team seems to lack a basic knowledge of how to play team offense and defense. I am sure the coaches are trying to get them playing by teaching some elements but, their developmental progress is not there at this point.
My take on this team is we have a bunch of 5 star rated players that are really 3-4 star players.

The other problem is they’re either not taking coaching very well, or their not being coached very well.

Cals formula for success has been to get some big guys who are really good, have a couple of good shooters, and also have an elite point guard. Then he gets them to buy in and play as a team, while promising them their reward will come after the season is over. That’s his recipe for success.

Well, that recipe has been lost for this season. The recruits were not nearly as talented as a lot of other classes. He doesn’t have the talented one or two big men he counts on. He also doesn’t have an elite point guard, or consistent shooters, and maybe just as importantly or more, he’s got a group he hasn’t been able to convince to play for each other and not themselves.
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I believe that some of our scholarship players will turn out to be 4-year players.