Evan: Both Dook and UK Seeing Giles Today

Apparently Cal is unaware that Giles is a Duke lock.

Seriously, I have no inside information whatsoever. So I guess I still expect him to go to Duke because that's all I've heard. But I'm glad he's not giving up.
In recruiting, you can't count out Cal. Doesn't get them all, but he certainly does get a lot of them. Trust Cal unquestionably in recruiting
If Giles wasn't from North Carolina and K didn't coach USA Basketball, who do you think Giles would pick? It's a testament to what a bad ass Cal is on the recruiting trail to still be in contention.
Definitely think Duke leads, but no way Cal would waste his efforts if it was a done deal as many here seem to think. I don't remember him spinning his wheels with Okafor and Jones like this when they were clearly headed to Duke.
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Hate seeing Cal anywhere near Giles; he is an excellent recruiter. Fingers crossed that he comes to Duke.
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Like some other's all I've read or heard is he's a Duke "lock". Not exactly a bad choice, but yea Cal doesn't quite seem ready to give up on this one, and stranger things have happened. Giles himself did say he's still open. I sure don't expect it, but given some of the things Cal has pulled off I'm not going to discount the possibility.
Harry Giles told Zags about his recent talk with Cal at Oak Hill the other day:

"Coach (John) Calipari was in last week and we had a great talk. It was definitely the best talk that I’ve ever had with Coach Cal. It was just me and him and no one else."
if he pulled Giles from Duke....greatest recruiting achievement ever?

I don't think so. I mean, has Giles even ever actually said anything about Duke being in the lead? Or a media source? I think a lot of the "lean" stuff" is mostly message board stuff, although obviously there could be an element of truth there.

I'd say there must be a lot of other recruitments that would be more shocking, where a player has verbalized a leaning in one direction or another. If you are in the top two or three schools on a players list, and they pick you, there had to have been something MAJOR said beforehand to make it a shock.
Harry Giles told Zags about his recent talk with Cal at Oak Hill the other day:

"Coach (John) Calipari was in last week and we had a great talk. It was definitely the best talk that I’ve ever had with Coach Cal. It was just me and him and no one else."
Thought that was interesting. It seems like he's being influenced/pushed to go to a certain school.
I don't think so. I mean, has Giles even ever actually said anything about Duke being in the lead? Or a media source? I think a lot of the "lean" stuff" is mostly message board stuff, although obviously there could be an element of truth there.

I'd say there must be a lot of other recruitments that would be more shocking, where a player has verbalized a leaning in one direction or another. If you are in the top two or three schools on a players list, and they pick you, there had to have been something MAJOR said beforehand to make it a shock.

Coach Smith says that's all you hear about in the media is that Duke has him in the bag, but Smith said he doesn't believe that at all. That Giles is truly considering 5 schools.
My own speculation, but I think Cal sees that Giles is a "difference maker" type recruit. It may be tough for Cal to pull Giles away from Duke but is at least worth a try. I would be having AD give Giles a call a couple times a week.
Thought that was interesting. It seems like he's being influenced/pushed to go to a certain school.

I can't recall when this was but back in the late Spring Cal made a comment about there are a few recruits, that just finally say "this is where I'm going" & they do it. Not sure what or who he's referring to but it sounds to me that there are way too many people trying to call the shots for these kids.

If I were a player & was told by higher influences "you're not going there", I think I'd give them the finger & announce my commitment on the spot.
While I fully expect him to pick Duke, it always cracks me up when people get on message boards and claim to know that so and so is a lock to this or that school. We have a few of those here. The past few seasons have shown that those people are often wrong. I guess it makes them feel like a big shot to make declarative proclamations as if they are privy to truly secret information.
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Adam Zagoria ‏@AdamZagoria 8h8 hours ago
Harry Giles Says College Decision Will Be ‘Tough’… @OHACoachSmith @joshua_newman

Oak Hill coach Steve Smith recently told The 4 Quarters Podcast that Duke isn’t necessarily a lock despite public perception to the contrary. “People think Duke is the leader, but I think from sitting in on parts of all of the visits, he told all the coaches he’s not sure when he’s going to sign and he’s told everybody that he’s wide open still,” Smith said. “So he keeps it pretty close to the vest and he doesn’t say much.

“I know they all want him to go early and I think he’s probably leaning to doing that but he could even extend it. Who knows?”
I would love to see the video of Cal and K's visits with Giles. You know that is completely night and day. Cal laughing warm and engaging would totally win over the room. Cal is a social butterfly.

Coach K.. Ugh ha with his weird voice and his nose scrounging up when he talks or smiles. K is socially.. Awkward, I mean this is the only coach in the country who does not do halftime interviews. You know the BS is deep after he gets done talking.

No contest... But whatev
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Up here on the Hill we don’t have the best reception or the fastest downloads so I haven’t been downloading a lot of music, but I’ve been sticking with that Future anyway!

That’s my favorite right now.

Of course I still mess with Drake and I’m on DeJ Loaf too.

Those are my three!"

And Drake is performing in BBM. :joy:
Apparently Cal is unaware that Giles is a Duke lock.

Seriously, I have no inside information whatsoever. So I guess I still expect him to go to Duke because that's all I've heard. But I'm glad he's not giving up.

I am sure Cal know what is going on with Giles, and by the way Giles hasn't commit to Duke or anyone yet.