ESPN Reporter Travis Haney Reporting...

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Nov 25, 2001
He was just a guest on SiriuxXM College Football a bit ago.

He said he's hearing that if UK loses to South Carolina tomorrow, UK might pull the trigger on Mark Stoops.

Haney was originally asked by the hosts (Geno Torretta was one of them) if either Les Miles or Gus Malzan could be fired during the regular season, and he said "no I don't either will be" but then went on to say what he did about UK and Stoops.
He was just a guest on SiriuxXM College Football a bit ago.

He said he's hearing that if UK loses to South Carolina tomorrow, UK might pull the trigger on Mark Stoops.

Haney was originally asked by the hosts (Geno Torretta was one of them) if either Les Miles or Gus Malzan could be fired during the regular season, and he said "no I don't either will be" but then went on to say what he did about UK and Stoops.

This guy might be dead on. I just heard this about 20 mins ago.
How credible is Travis Haney? Just wondering. Want to know before I believe this even a little bit.
It would make no sense to fire him after the South Carolina game.
Mitch has had a long standing credo where no coach will be fired until reviewed and decision made after the season. Unless there is total collapse in recruiting and coaching, that is the method the athletic department utilizes.
It would make no sense to fire him after the South Carolina game.

Why would it make no sense? Lose to SC and the season is for sure lost - there's no real path to getting 6 wins (there's barely one now). Fire him, promote Gran and test him out for 8 games. Then at the end of the season, make a decision on him or a new hire. It makes all the sense in the world, imo.
Mitch has had a long standing credo where no coach will be fired until reviewed and decision made after the season. Unless there is total collapse in recruiting and coaching, that is the method the athletic department utilizes.

Google "for cause"
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Mitch fired a close friend of his joker after only 3 years and joker did not have the resources or recruiting success that stoops has had. Stoops is on year 4 and his players just dont seem to go all out for him. Why anybody would be suprised if hes fired is beyond me. We just put 200 million in facilities we have had 4 straight years of top 30 classes. Barnhart is smart enough to know UK football is not going to be much more attractive than right now. Yea the product hasnt been great but stoops has upgraded the talent for a coach to have something to work with
Why would it make no sense? Lose to SC and the season is for sure lost - there's no real path to getting 6 wins (there's barely one now). Fire him, promote Gran and test him out for 8 games. Then at the end of the season, make a decision on him or a new hire. It makes all the sense in the world, imo.

So we're hiring another coordinator?
I'm telling you guys that the buyout isn't a drop in the bucket. Buyouts are for the recruits and their parents (Oh I'm going to be working here for years cause I have a $12,000,000 buyout) but in no way affect the hiring or firing of a coach. The fans that fall for the "huge buyout" talk are just barking up the wrong tree.
Like others are saying, I don't see the benefit. It's not like a replacement coach will take the job mid season. If anyone goes immediately, I would expect it to be the DC And then stoops takes defense the rest of the year while we "evaluate"

I hope we win this game
Take a deep breath on this matter. It's not worth all the stress and vitriole speeed by a minuscule part of the fanbase.
Like others are saying, I don't see the benefit. It's not like a replacement coach will take the job mid season. If anyone goes immediately, I would expect it to be the DC And then stoops takes defense the rest of the year while we "evaluate"

I hope we win this game


Since when has a coordinator saved a season after the coach was fired, went on to become the next head coach, and excelled? I guess anything is possible, but it sounds stupid to me.

If you fire Stoops after the South Carolina game, you're basically just cancelling the season. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's going to win or be around much longer either way.
Ever heard the term "interim?" Gran would be the interim HC, it'd be a good chance to evaluate him, while still leaving the door open for a new guy at the end of the season.

Yeah, I've heard of it. When has it worked?

If you think Gran would turn this train wreck around, then you have fun doing that. Nick Saban could walk in tomorrow, and we're still going to be terrible this season.
for cause - Legal Definition. n. Of an action, such as the termination of a contract or a relationship of employment, that it is based on a breach, misfeasance, or other inappropriate action of the other party.
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Yeah, I've heard of it. When has it worked?

If you think Gran would turn this train wreck around, then you have fun doing that. Nick Saban could walk in tomorrow, and we're still going to be terrible this season.

Because if Stoops loses to SC, team morale will be even lower, fan support will be completely done, and there's literally zero chance of anything positive, and then you'd be forced to fire stoops ANYWAY. This way you at least get a look at different guy, perhaps he inspires a few guys, maybe we win a few. I'm not saying it's some magic cure or even that it's going to turn things around, but there comes a point where Stoops just being there becomes a problem. Begin to move on and court candidates.
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