Escape From Lexington

This is what they do when they know you are right. Cal's players love and support him overwhelmingly. The silent majority of fans also support him and the team. I don't care what the Cal haters say. You can go kick rocks!
Yeah ok that’s why he lost the support of donors and UK faculty. It’s funny how you think your fooling anyone all the while your looking like the last idiot on the sinking ship. Literally everyone knows your nothing but a troll. Why you still post here despite your cover being blown is beyond me.
Yeah ok that’s why he lost the support of donors and UK faculty. It’s funny how you think your fooling anyone all the while your looking like the last idiot on the sinking ship. Literally everyone knows your nothing but a troll. Why you still post here despite your cover being blown is beyond me.
You are a moron. All of your ranting and raving is total nonsense. What sinking ship are you talking about? Kentucky has the #1 recruiting class in college basketball.
We have 7 very talented freshmen, two very talented sophomores, and a senior who was very productive last year.
We are going to add another talented freshman. We also may add 1 or 2 talented experienced transfers. Anyone who disagrees with the hate Cal cult is an idiot
or a troll to you people. You're going to lose your minds if you don't calm down and try to focus on enjoying life.
You are a moron. All of your ranting and raving is total nonsense. What sinking ship are you talking about? Kentucky has the #1 recruiting class in college basketball.
We have 7 very talented freshmen, two very talented sophomores, and a senior who was very productive last year.
We are going to add another talented freshman. We also may add 1 or 2 talented experienced transfers. Anyone who disagrees with the hate Cal cult is an idiot
or a troll to you people. You're going to lose your minds if you don't calm down and try to focus on enjoying life.
Oh I get it , your a troll who recently showed up like the unwanted stray cat, and haven’t been here for the last 6 or so years of embarrassment by Cowl. You nut huggers are an embarrassment not only to this university but sports in general.
Oh I get it , your a troll who recently showed up like the unwanted stray cat, and haven’t been here for the last 6 or so years of embarrassment by Cowl. You nut huggers are an embarrassment not only to this university but sports in general.
Six years ir so of embarassnent? Didn't UK make it to the
Oh I get it , your a troll who recently showed up like the unwanted stray cat, and haven’t been here for the last 6 or so years of embarrassment by Cowl. You nut huggers are an embarrassment not only to this university but sports in general.
Have you forgotten that Kentucky made it to the Elite 8 in 2019? You call that embarrassing?
Six years ir so of embarassnent? Didn't UK make it to the
Have you forgotten that Kentucky made it to the Elite 8 in 2019? You call that embarrassing?
What about the other years pal? And I don’t know what your top quote meant, you seem so excited someone acknowledged you that you didn’t finish your thought. PS are you a real UK fan? UK fans that been around awhile don’t jump for joy over elite 8. We are the good standard’ish kinda. Amirite ?
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What about the other years pal? And I don’t know what your top quote meant, you seem so excited someone acknowledged you that you didn’t finish your thought.
Would you stop bothering me? I'm watching the draft! The team has struggled for about 3 years. In my opinion, Cal focused too much on recruiting transfer players who weren't good enough to play for UK. He has corrected that mistake by recruiting very talented freshmen players.
I believe he and the team will have an excellent season. I hope you are rooting for the coach and the team. I hope you don't hate the coach so much that you want the team to fail.
When we've got a player like Chris Livingston with 3 years of eligibility left & he doesn't have a prayer of being drafted, but he leaves anyway. It makes you wonder.
It doesn't make me wonder. It simply confirms that players will do anything to get away from Cal.
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You Cal haters refuse to accept the fact that most players and fans don't hate Cal's guts.

Just because I'm not cupping his jewels like you CalTown ChiClown Cherry, doesn't mean I hate him, and I'm well aware most people would kiss his feet for an autograph. Don't care either way. If the guy coached better, we wouldn't be beating this stunted dead horse he's riding

Impressive you typing with just one hand though
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Just because I'm not cupping his jewels like you CalTown ChiClown Cherry, doesn't mean I hate him, and I'm well aware most people would kiss his feet for an autograph. Don't care either way. If the guy coached better, we wouldn't be beating this stunted dead horse he's riding

Impressive you typing with just one hand though
Typical response from a Cal hater. She insulted me and called me names. They just cannot debate you in a mature manner.
Would you stop bothering me? I'm watching the draft! The team has struggled for about 3 years. In my opinion, Cal focused too much on recruiting transfer players who weren't good enough to play for UK. He has corrected that mistake by recruiting very talented freshmen players.
I believe he and the team will have an excellent season. I hope you are rooting for the coach and the team. I hope you don't hate the coach so much that you want the team to fail.
Drama queen.
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Antonio's it's good to have you back. The place just wasn't the same without you.

You want the rest of this pie? Ellen cant bake for shit.

shawshank redemption smh GIF