embarrassing crowd at UNC

May 23, 2002
Absolutely an embarassably number of Empty seats at the UNC v. ND game.

It looks like a small college game.
Originally posted by
Absolutely an embarassably number of Empty seats at the UNC v. ND game.

It looks like a small college game.
Those were independent viewing seats. The owners can turn in a short video at the end of the season to receive full attendance credit. It's the Carolina Way.
A UNC poster actually made the excuse that it was because it was a 7 oclock game, and with work and traffic its just too much to deal with. Oh I guess UNC is the only school that's played a 7 pm game?
On Sportscenter they showed the Stuart Scott tribute that UNC did and my first thought was that the place was empty.
Originally posted by UKBrassowTipIN:
A UNC poster actually made the excuse that it was because it was a 7 oclock game, and with work and traffic its just too much to deal with. Oh I guess UNC is the only school that's played a 7 pm game?
That is at least a more plausible excuse than the one that LilBro's athletic department came up with to excuse empty seats at one of their football games. "A Jewish Holiday." ThAnd to think their fans and the Louisville Jurich Lapdog media acually repeated that one with a straight face.
UNC fans seem to come and go more than most blue blood's. Even during the worst Tubby years and the last Billy G season we rarely got below 20k. May not have packed it but it was full in the lower's and mostly full in the upper.
There has never been a more "wine and cheese" crowd than UNCheats fans. If of course the wine comes in a box and the cheese is Velveeta squares.
I was glad it wound up close, because the fans that were there had to stay until the bitter end.
Originally posted by Ugoff:
I was glad it wound up close, because the fans that were there had to stay until the bitter end.
I have to admit to being a little sadistic but I liked the fact that the crowd was going nuts when UNC*** took the lead and then got hit with the reality of losing shortly thereafter!

BTW, does anyone have a video of the final play and the UNC*** fans celebrating AFTER the game was over on the putback?
Originally posted by wromanp7:
Actually, the OP did a fine job and the post didn't need 'fixed.'
Actually, he didn't 'fixed' the OP, he fixed the first reply. While we're at it, "embarassably" could use a little work.
I know you did son, and it was a wonderful response. He just pumped it up for you a little bit and made it more topical, or as the kids say, fresh.
Originally posted by ymmot31:

I know you did son, and it was a wonderful response. He just pumped it up for you a little bit and made it more topical, or as the kids say, fresh.
In that case son, thanks for the help.