Elderly man from Harrodsburg trying to get in the game . Guy is a true Blue Blood


Dec 7, 2006
Yesterday I witnessed quite the desire from this man with his wife to watch Kentucky Football. This is a wonderful story and I hope someone knows this guy ... So we were walking in from the lower purple lot near that helicopter pad and saw this man , in his late 70s or 80s , Fall on the sidewalk up above us about 100 yards away near the round a bout ... several people tried to help him but it appeared he kinda waved them off and continued towards the stadium .. he obviously had bad legs and was weak from the walk. so as we converge on the path I was taking and the path of this couple I see him crumble and fall again . I mean to the ground ( concrete sidewalk ) again people kinda offer to help him up but he only lets them help him get upright .. I'm 30 yards or so ahead of him and I'm like everyone else , wanting to get in the stadium , walk up the loooong ramps to get to my seat but I couldn't let this guy suffer .. so I tell my wife I'm going back to help him .. so I get an arm around him and he puts his arm around me and his his wife .. I look and this man has torn skin on left leg , torn skin on right arm .. he's bleeding from 2 spots but insisted on carrying on , we got about 50 yards from the stadium and he told me " walk me to that chair there and I've got to set for a minute to rest " so while he was setting I went and searched out a " mobility assistance " golf cart " and convinced the driver to go pick him up . Even though he said they were not supposed to go down that path .. so I walked the golf cart guy back this man and helped clear people out of the way so he could get where he needed to get . Once he hit the seat of the cart he thanked me and we exchanged a Go Big Blue , and I hope the guy got to his seat and enjoyed the game ... but what dedication to get to the game . hats off to this man and his wife .
And I wisk UK would change their policy on assisting people out in the Red/Purple/orange lots get to the gate -- we had a lady with us last week that had her knee scoped on the previous Thursday , she was going to use her crutches to try to walk into the game but with all the hills/slopes she walked about 50 feet and aborted and missed the game .. parking assent said no one will give rides into the games anymore because of past issues with misuse of the system . sad , people need some help getting into the stadium , these 2 accounts prove that .. anyway hats off to that guy for no giving up and getting in to see the Cats . Hoper someone may know him or witnessed this .
Yesterday I witnessed quite the desire from this man with his wife to watch Kentucky Football. This is a wonderful story and I hope someone knows this guy ... So we were walking in from the lower purple lot near that helicopter pad and saw this man , in his late 70s or 80s , Fall on the sidewalk up above us about 100 yards away near the round a bout ... several people tried to help him but it appeared he kinda waved them off and continued towards the stadium .. he obviously had bad legs and was weak from the walk. so as we converge on the path I was taking and the path of this couple I see him crumble and fall again . I mean to the ground ( concrete sidewalk ) again people kinda offer to help him up but he only lets them help him get upright .. I'm 30 yards or so ahead of him and I'm like everyone else , wanting to get in the stadium , walk up the loooong ramps to get to my seat but I couldn't let this guy suffer .. so I tell my wife I'm going back to help him .. so I get an arm around him and he puts his arm around me and his his wife .. I look and this man has torn skin on left leg , torn skin on right arm .. he's bleeding from 2 spots but insisted on carrying on , we got about 50 yards from the stadium and he told me " walk me to that chair there and I've got to set for a minute to rest " so while he was setting I went and searched out a " mobility assistance " golf cart " and convinced the driver to go pick him up . Even though he said they were not supposed to go down that path .. so I walked the golf cart guy back this man and helped clear people out of the way so he could get where he needed to get . Once he hit the seat of the cart he thanked me and we exchanged a Go Big Blue , and I hope the guy got to his seat and enjoyed the game ... but what dedication to get to the game . hats off to this man and his wife .
And I wisk UK would change their policy on assisting people out in the Red/Purple/orange lots get to the gate -- we had a lady with us last week that had her knee scoped on the previous Thursday , she was going to use her crutches to try to walk into the game but with all the hills/slopes she walked about 50 feet and aborted and missed the game .. parking assent said no one will give rides into the games anymore because of past issues with misuse of the system . sad , people need some help getting into the stadium , these 2 accounts prove that .. anyway hats off to that guy for no giving up and getting in to see the Cats . Hoper someone may know him or witnessed this .
That's a sad story to me, commendable that you went the extra mile to help this poor man. At some point, "want" should acquiesce to "need". Granted I didn't see what happened, but it sounds like he should be at home in a safe environment watching the game on TV. JMO.
That's a sad story to me, commendable that you went the extra mile to help this poor man. At some point, "want" should acquiesce to "need". Granted I didn't see what happened, but it sounds like he should be at home in a safe environment watching the game on TV. JMO.
I'm not in disagreement with you I just wanted to. share how passionate and determined this man was to see the Cats .. People care deeply about our programs , greatest fans in all of sports ,the Ky Wildcat fans . Hopefully he can arrange some better option to get in there stadium .
No idea ? he may not how to apply or who to contact .. it was just hard watching him fall twice and no one really stepping in and helping the guy .
I'm not in disagreement with you I just wanted to. share how passionate and determined this man was to see the Cats .. People care deeply about our programs , greatest fans in all of sports ,the Ky Wildcat fans . Hopefully he can arrange some better option to get in there stadium .
I did read your comment about the University refusing to provide assistance because of the abuse by others that don't truly need it, compared to this poor guy. Maybe the University should review the policy and be prepared to refuse the assistance to those who are just too lazy to make the walk from car to stadium. Shame on UK for always taking the easy way out in just eliminating the assistance altogether. Lazy, loud, and inconsiderate types always destroy the service for those that really need it. Kudos to you for doing your best to assist. Many would not.
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Yesterday I witnessed quite the desire from this man with his wife to watch Kentucky Football. This is a wonderful story and I hope someone knows this guy ... So we were walking in from the lower purple lot near that helicopter pad and saw this man , in his late 70s or 80s , Fall on the sidewalk up above us about 100 yards away near the round a bout ... several people tried to help him but it appeared he kinda waved them off and continued towards the stadium .. he obviously had bad legs and was weak from the walk. so as we converge on the path I was taking and the path of this couple I see him crumble and fall again . I mean to the ground ( concrete sidewalk ) again people kinda offer to help him up but he only lets them help him get upright .. I'm 30 yards or so ahead of him and I'm like everyone else , wanting to get in the stadium , walk up the loooong ramps to get to my seat but I couldn't let this guy suffer .. so I tell my wife I'm going back to help him .. so I get an arm around him and he puts his arm around me and his his wife .. I look and this man has torn skin on left leg , torn skin on right arm .. he's bleeding from 2 spots but insisted on carrying on , we got about 50 yards from the stadium and he told me " walk me to that chair there and I've got to set for a minute to rest " so while he was setting I went and searched out a " mobility assistance " golf cart " and convinced the driver to go pick him up . Even though he said they were not supposed to go down that path .. so I walked the golf cart guy back this man and helped clear people out of the way so he could get where he needed to get . Once he hit the seat of the cart he thanked me and we exchanged a Go Big Blue , and I hope the guy got to his seat and enjoyed the game ... but what dedication to get to the game . hats off to this man and his wife .
And I wisk UK would change their policy on assisting people out in the Red/Purple/orange lots get to the gate -- we had a lady with us last week that had her knee scoped on the previous Thursday , she was going to use her crutches to try to walk into the game but with all the hills/slopes she walked about 50 feet and aborted and missed the game .. parking assent said no one will give rides into the games anymore because of past issues with misuse of the system . sad , people need some help getting into the stadium , these 2 accounts prove that .. anyway hats off to that guy for no giving up and getting in to see the Cats . Hoper someone may know him or witnessed this .
Sir, first let me give you a virtual pat on the back for taking the time to help the older gentleman. True generosity. That is a characteristic that is quickly fading away in our society these days.
Next, I suggest you send your story to Coach Mark Stoops. Not necessarily in hopes of a change in UK's policy toward helping those who really need it to get to the gate. But, as a testament to the passion and never say die attitude of many in our fanbase. I don't know Coach Stoops personally but, from listening to him speak this story seems like it would be right in his wheelhouse. He's a blue collar guy with the same grit and determination shown by a fan who is a good 30 years his elder. Heck, he might even pass the story along to the team. It certainly would be a good lesson on never giving up.
Again, I do hope this inspiring story makes it to Coach Stoops. Not sure how you'd get it to him. Hopefully, others here have that resource.
Again, thanks for showing that couple the true Big Blue spirit of kindness and generosity.
Sir, first let me give you a virtual pat on the back for taking the time to help the older gentleman. True generosity. That is a characteristic that is quickly fading away in our society these days.
Next, I suggest you send your story to Coach Mark Stoops. Not necessarily in hopes of a change in UK's policy toward helping those who really need it to get to the gate. But, as a testament to the passion and never say die attitude of many in our fanbase. I don't know Coach Stoops personally but, from listening to him speak this story seems like it would be right in his wheelhouse. He's a blue collar guy with the same grit and determination shown by a fan who is a good 30 years his elder. Heck, he might even pass the story along to the team. It certainly would be a good lesson on never giving up.
Again, I do hope this inspiring story makes it to Coach Stoops. Not sure how you'd get it to him. Hopefully, others here have that resource.
Again, thanks for showing that couple the true Big Blue spirit of kindness and generosity.
This is a great idea ... Cal did something similar with the coal miner and son last year and again showed the passion of the fanbase. CMS could reach out to the man and offer seats to the man and family for showing that type of fortitude and devotion to get to the game. OP deserves some recognition and ducats as well. BBN looks out for their own. Would be great PR gesture and a Stoops opportunity to show recognition of the passion for the football program. We're not just a basketball school. This could have legs.
Preparing for a 1000K trip one way on Thursday and I work next 2 days .. I'll try to write a letter to the Un. address to coach Stoops .. but first we have to find a name of this man .. Surprised no one see him fall and draw a group of people around him out on the round a bout near the baseball field around the purple lot lot . Then he fell again . Drew a lot of attention .. any Harrodsburg people help out ?
Yesterday I witnessed quite the desire from this man with his wife to watch Kentucky Football. This is a wonderful story and I hope someone knows this guy ... So we were walking in from the lower purple lot near that helicopter pad and saw this man , in his late 70s or 80s , Fall on the sidewalk up above us about 100 yards away near the round a bout ... several people tried to help him but it appeared he kinda waved them off and continued towards the stadium .. he obviously had bad legs and was weak from the walk. so as we converge on the path I was taking and the path of this couple I see him crumble and fall again . I mean to the ground ( concrete sidewalk ) again people kinda offer to help him up but he only lets them help him get upright .. I'm 30 yards or so ahead of him and I'm like everyone else , wanting to get in the stadium , walk up the loooong ramps to get to my seat but I couldn't let this guy suffer .. so I tell my wife I'm going back to help him .. so I get an arm around him and he puts his arm around me and his his wife .. I look and this man has torn skin on left leg , torn skin on right arm .. he's bleeding from 2 spots but insisted on carrying on , we got about 50 yards from the stadium and he told me " walk me to that chair there and I've got to set for a minute to rest " so while he was setting I went and searched out a " mobility assistance " golf cart " and convinced the driver to go pick him up . Even though he said they were not supposed to go down that path .. so I walked the golf cart guy back this man and helped clear people out of the way so he could get where he needed to get . Once he hit the seat of the cart he thanked me and we exchanged a Go Big Blue , and I hope the guy got to his seat and enjoyed the game ... but what dedication to get to the game . hats off to this man and his wife .
And I wisk UK would change their policy on assisting people out in the Red/Purple/orange lots get to the gate -- we had a lady with us last week that had her knee scoped on the previous Thursday , she was going to use her crutches to try to walk into the game but with all the hills/slopes she walked about 50 feet and aborted and missed the game .. parking assent said no one will give rides into the games anymore because of past issues with misuse of the system . sad , people need some help getting into the stadium , these 2 accounts prove that .. anyway hats off to that guy for no giving up and getting in to see the Cats . Hoper someone may know him or witnessed this .
Just tell them you want to get your 12 year old a sex change and they will spring into action to provide a cart/transportation
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Your best shot to learn of his identity would be the UK ticket office, but privacy concerns will likely stay their hands.

Next best option: go early and watch for him for the ZIPS game.
Yesterday I witnessed quite the desire from this man with his wife to watch Kentucky Football. This is a wonderful story and I hope someone knows this guy ... So we were walking in from the lower purple lot near that helicopter pad and saw this man , in his late 70s or 80s , Fall on the sidewalk up above us about 100 yards away near the round a bout ... several people tried to help him but it appeared he kinda waved them off and continued towards the stadium .. he obviously had bad legs and was weak from the walk. so as we converge on the path I was taking and the path of this couple I see him crumble and fall again . I mean to the ground ( concrete sidewalk ) again people kinda offer to help him up but he only lets them help him get upright .. I'm 30 yards or so ahead of him and I'm like everyone else , wanting to get in the stadium , walk up the loooong ramps to get to my seat but I couldn't let this guy suffer .. so I tell my wife I'm going back to help him .. so I get an arm around him and he puts his arm around me and his his wife .. I look and this man has torn skin on left leg , torn skin on right arm .. he's bleeding from 2 spots but insisted on carrying on , we got about 50 yards from the stadium and he told me " walk me to that chair there and I've got to set for a minute to rest " so while he was setting I went and searched out a " mobility assistance " golf cart " and convinced the driver to go pick him up . Even though he said they were not supposed to go down that path .. so I walked the golf cart guy back this man and helped clear people out of the way so he could get where he needed to get . Once he hit the seat of the cart he thanked me and we exchanged a Go Big Blue , and I hope the guy got to his seat and enjoyed the game ... but what dedication to get to the game . hats off to this man and his wife .
And I wisk UK would change their policy on assisting people out in the Red/Purple/orange lots get to the gate -- we had a lady with us last week that had her knee scoped on the previous Thursday , she was going to use her crutches to try to walk into the game but with all the hills/slopes she walked about 50 feet and aborted and missed the game .. parking assent said no one will give rides into the games anymore because of past issues with misuse of the system . sad , people need some help getting into the stadium , these 2 accounts prove that .. anyway hats off to that guy for no giving up and getting in to see the Cats . Hoper someone may know him or witnessed this .

Really nice of you to help this man and his wife out. As you said lots of people ignored him and one here even suggested he stay at home. If he is lucky he will become elderly one day and being told to stay at home won't be as acceptable as it is today.

It's hard to make exceptions but sometimes it's just the right thing to do. UGA had a fan who had been to every game, home, away and bowl since he returned from WWII IN 1946. Of course he was in his 90's and mobility was poor, UGA reserved him a parking spot and provided a cart for him. Sadly he passed before the 2020 season and missed our run.
Preparing for a 1000K trip one way on Thursday and I work next 2 days .. I'll try to write a letter to the Un. address to coach Stoops .. but first we have to find a name of this man .. Surprised no one see him fall and draw a group of people around him out on the round a bout near the baseball field around the purple lot lot . Then he fell again . Drew a lot of attention .. any Harrodsburg people help out ?
Reach out to Tony Neely Media Relaions Director for 20 years google him on UK he’s your best bet!
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a lot of people don't know what is available to them. they run busses from the handicap lot to kroger field about every 10 mins, and once inside, they have the carts that can take them to the seat sec. and if you are handicap, you can exchange your ticket for a handicap area ticket, and if it is the upper leval, they can use the elevator to get up there, or ride a golf cart up. I have taken my nephew, who is in a wheel chair, to a few games. Wished I had known about the handicap help that was available the first time I took him. I push him up to the upper deck. lucky for me, he was a lot lighter then and I was in better shape.
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I do not think approaching Kroger Field seeking a sex change would result in what you suggest.

As to any other place in the world, I highly don’t give a f@&k!
It wasn’t an indictment of UK or Kroger Field…….it was an indictment of pretty much the state of where things have regressed to. Ask the people of NJ if they give a fluck. And you better also cause it’s trying to head our way.
Yesterday I witnessed quite the desire from this man with his wife to watch Kentucky Football. This is a wonderful story and I hope someone knows this guy ... So we were walking in from the lower purple lot near that helicopter pad and saw this man , in his late 70s or 80s , Fall on the sidewalk up above us about 100 yards away near the round a bout ... several people tried to help him but it appeared he kinda waved them off and continued towards the stadium .. he obviously had bad legs and was weak from the walk. so as we converge on the path I was taking and the path of this couple I see him crumble and fall again . I mean to the ground ( concrete sidewalk ) again people kinda offer to help him up but he only lets them help him get upright .. I'm 30 yards or so ahead of him and I'm like everyone else , wanting to get in the stadium , walk up the loooong ramps to get to my seat but I couldn't let this guy suffer .. so I tell my wife I'm going back to help him .. so I get an arm around him and he puts his arm around me and his his wife .. I look and this man has torn skin on left leg , torn skin on right arm .. he's bleeding from 2 spots but insisted on carrying on , we got about 50 yards from the stadium and he told me " walk me to that chair there and I've got to set for a minute to rest " so while he was setting I went and searched out a " mobility assistance " golf cart " and convinced the driver to go pick him up . Even though he said they were not supposed to go down that path .. so I walked the golf cart guy back this man and helped clear people out of the way so he could get where he needed to get . Once he hit the seat of the cart he thanked me and we exchanged a Go Big Blue , and I hope the guy got to his seat and enjoyed the game ... but what dedication to get to the game . hats off to this man and his wife .
And I wisk UK would change their policy on assisting people out in the Red/Purple/orange lots get to the gate -- we had a lady with us last week that had her knee scoped on the previous Thursday , she was going to use her crutches to try to walk into the game but with all the hills/slopes she walked about 50 feet and aborted and missed the game .. parking assent said no one will give rides into the games anymore because of past issues with misuse of the system . sad , people need some help getting into the stadium , these 2 accounts prove that .. anyway hats off to that guy for no giving up and getting in to see the Cats . Hoper someone may know him or witnessed this .
This has me thinking, if a person in a golf cart of his own time and own dime where to put a sign on his cart to offer rides to the gate of your choice. Would UK have a problem with it ? I mean if say I had a six seat golf cart and offered rides to people who have issues walking a great distance. I’m wondering if UK would stop that ?
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This has me thinking, if a person in a golf cart of his own time and own dime where to put a sign on his cart to offer rides to the gate of your choice. Would UK have a problem with it ? I mean if say I had a six seat golf cart and offered rides to people who have issues walking a great distance. I’m wondering if UK would stop that ?
I bet they (UK) would have to put a stop to it. From a pure liability standpoint if nothing else. It's one thing to have their own personnel (or approved/licensed agents) operating carts but, someone outside of the athletics dept doing it might open up a couple of cans of worms.
Also, if they were to allow one person to do it, there would be about a hundred carts running around at the next game. I've seen something very similar take place at a large public event.
This has me thinking, if a person in a golf cart of his own time and own dime where to put a sign on his cart to offer rides to the gate of your choice. Would UK have a problem with it ? I mean if say I had a six seat golf cart and offered rides to people who have issues walking a great distance. I’m wondering if UK would stop that ?
Yesterday I witnessed quite the desire from this man with his wife to watch Kentucky Football. This is a wonderful story and I hope someone knows this guy ... So we were walking in from the lower purple lot near that helicopter pad and saw this man , in his late 70s or 80s , Fall on the sidewalk up above us about 100 yards away near the round a bout ... several people tried to help him but it appeared he kinda waved them off and continued towards the stadium .. he obviously had bad legs and was weak from the walk. so as we converge on the path I was taking and the path of this couple I see him crumble and fall again . I mean to the ground ( concrete sidewalk ) again people kinda offer to help him up but he only lets them help him get upright .. I'm 30 yards or so ahead of him and I'm like everyone else , wanting to get in the stadium , walk up the loooong ramps to get to my seat but I couldn't let this guy suffer .. so I tell my wife I'm going back to help him .. so I get an arm around him and he puts his arm around me and his his wife .. I look and this man has torn skin on left leg , torn skin on right arm .. he's bleeding from 2 spots but insisted on carrying on , we got about 50 yards from the stadium and he told me " walk me to that chair there and I've got to set for a minute to rest " so while he was setting I went and searched out a " mobility assistance " golf cart " and convinced the driver to go pick him up . Even though he said they were not supposed to go down that path .. so I walked the golf cart guy back this man and helped clear people out of the way so he could get where he needed to get . Once he hit the seat of the cart he thanked me and we exchanged a Go Big Blue , and I hope the guy got to his seat and enjoyed the game ... but what dedication to get to the game . hats off to this man and his wife .
And I wisk UK would change their policy on assisting people out in the Red/Purple/orange lots get to the gate -- we had a lady with us last week that had her knee scoped on the previous Thursday , she was going to use her crutches to try to walk into the game but with all the hills/slopes she walked about 50 feet and aborted and missed the game .. parking assent said no one will give rides into the games anymore because of past issues with misuse of the system . sad , people need some help getting into the stadium , these 2 accounts prove that .. anyway hats off to that guy for no giving up and getting in to see the Cats . Hoper someone may know him or witnessed this .
You’re a good person, unfortunately, Mitch is more concerned that maybe someone doesn’t need help getting the game versus those that there