Kentucky no longer a blue blood

I agree with most of the post….but I would point out that college sports have changed in the last five years. The coaches at ALL the Power 5 schools are making so much money that’s much much harder to move any of them now. Even Alabama Football struggled to replace Saban this year. Coaches are choosing happiness and stability over money at a higher rate then ever before.
Spot on!
Bullshit. People have lost their ability to think and conjure up their own organic opinions. These pinheads cheer for the demise of UK basketball and they're all clowns. Even when they praise UK ... it's just static noise in their own echo chamber and should be ignored, because they know nothing. They're all a pack of yapping dogs. I suppose these same clowns are now yapping about how great Arkansas will be.
I could not have said it better. Thanks man
On the way home on XM all I heard was how Kentucky is no longer a blue blood and how they are a tier below the likes of Duke, UNC and UCONN.
I was sickened to hear that this is how people actually look at our program.
They said this place no longer holds the prestige it used to and it was clear by how many turned us down.

Also listening now to CBS and Parrish and he said Norlander reported Kentucky did not want to wait on Billy Donavan and how it was a mistake you couldn't wait 5-7 days.
I agree 100% you have to wait on Donavan and it was a huge mistake to jump the gun I get you want to build your roster faster but Pope would been there in 7 days if Billy said no but I am pretty sure Billy wasn't saying no.

Pope has 0 NCAA wins and 0 conference titles this is exactly why we wanted to get rid of Cal.

I hope for the best but I fear this was a huge mistake to not wait on Billy Donavan and by the sounds of it he would have likely came here.
Ignore this idiot.
On the way home on XM all I heard was how Kentucky is no longer a blue blood and how they are a tier below the likes of Duke, UNC and UCONN.
I was sickened to hear that this is how people actually look at our program.
They said this place no longer holds the prestige it used to and it was clear by how many turned us down.

Also listening now to CBS and Parrish and he said Norlander reported Kentucky did not want to wait on Billy Donavan and how it was a mistake you couldn't wait 5-7 days.
I agree 100% you have to wait on Donavan and it was a huge mistake to jump the gun I get you want to build your roster faster but Pope would been there in 7 days if Billy said no but I am pretty sure Billy wasn't saying no.

Pope has 0 NCAA wins and 0 conference titles this is exactly why we wanted to get rid of Cal.

I hope for the best but I fear this was a huge mistake to not wait on Billy Donavan and by the sounds of it he would have likely came here.

Anyone on the planet making that statement is as dumb as a post, and obviously wouldn't know a Blue Blood from the last D-I program. Use the term, use it right, and know what it is. Foolhardy and absurd.
8 championships over a long period of time with different coaches is definitely a blue blood. If they weren’t such a big deal, why is everyone talking about Kentucky?
Hell we were the top news on Championship Night not UConn vs Purdue…. So who’s a Blueblood….
How come Duke and unc didn’t get this label when they hired 2 coaches who hadn’t won jack shit to run their programs. It’s only Kentucky who gets attacked like this because they know our fanbase will react. A coaching change doesn’t alter the past, Kentucky is still very much a blue blood
What happens when you wait 7 days for Donovan, he ends up winning his games, then you have to wait another week or two, and by then the transfer portal is dry? Or worse yet, be declines after making you wait for weeks?

From all the reports I'm seeing, they talked to Donovan through back channels and they obviously didn't feel like he was interested enough to take that gamble.
Still with more wins or championships then any of them so if we aren’t a blue blood then how are they?
just like ucla, you championships came before even 48 teams were in the tourney. kids don;t care if you've won 7, they've only seen 1 in last 25 years. Louisville has 1 also. and if you go back 40 years, uk has three, cards 2. that's not dominance. UNC, Duke and Uconn as the dominant teams of the last 25 years. no one cares about your titles under rupp just as no one thinks ucla is a blue blood anymore. the national media thinks your fans are the worst, and the fact you think you're the top program still proves it. you just hired the 10-15th coach on your list. and you not won any kind of meaningful tourney games in years. and yet you think you're a blue blood, hilarious!!!
On the way home on XM all I heard was how Kentucky is no longer a blue blood and how they are a tier below the likes of Duke, UNC and UCONN.
I was sickened to hear that this is how people actually look at our program.
They said this place no longer holds the prestige it used to and it was clear by how many turned us down.

Also listening now to CBS and Parrish and he said Norlander reported Kentucky did not want to wait on Billy Donavan and how it was a mistake you couldn't wait 5-7 days.
I agree 100% you have to wait on Donavan and it was a huge mistake to jump the gun I get you want to build your roster faster but Pope would been there in 7 days if Billy said no but I am pretty sure Billy wasn't saying no.

Pope has 0 NCAA wins and 0 conference titles this is exactly why we wanted to get rid of Cal.

I hope for the best but I fear this was a huge mistake to not wait on Billy Donavan and by the sounds of it he would have likely came here.
Well, according to both Tucker and Pitino, we reached out to Donovan and he had no interest in UK.

Continue on with your “sky is falling” attitude though.
leaving michael jackson GIF by South Park
just like ucla, you championships came before even 48 teams were in the tourney. kids don;t care if you've won 7, they've only seen 1 in last 25 years. Louisville has 1 also. and if you go back 40 years, uk has three, cards 2. that's not dominance. UNC, Duke and Uconn as the dominant teams of the last 25 years. no one cares about your titles under rupp just as no one thinks ucla is a blue blood anymore. the national media thinks your fans are the worst, and the fact you think you're the top program still proves it. you just hired the 10-15th coach on your list. and you not won any kind of meaningful tourney games in years. and yet you think you're a blue blood, hilarious!!!
Perhaps Merriam Webster can help. A blue blood is "a member of a noble or socially prominent family." It is about tradition and provenance, not what happened this week, this year or even this decade. Compare and contrast with "johnny-come-lately" and "newcomer" and "pretender". Google "Blue bloods in college basketball", read wiki and weep. Believing that dominance today makes one a blueblood is the slogan of those with an inferiority complex.
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After watching this crap show, for my first time, of the portal and "recruiting", I think it's pretty safe to say no one is a "Blue Blood" anymore. There isn't any chance in the past a McDonald's All-American or a player playing at a high level already in college would just up and transfer from Duke, UNC or UK to go play for the Southeast Louisiana State Muddogs. Now schools need to be classified as "Green Bloods", how much are they willing to pay players?
On the way home on XM all I heard was how Kentucky is no longer a blue blood and how they are a tier below the likes of Duke, UNC and UCONN.
I was sickened to hear that this is how people actually look at our program.
They said this place no longer holds the prestige it used to and it was clear by how many turned us down.

Also listening now to CBS and Parrish and he said Norlander reported Kentucky did not want to wait on Billy Donavan and how it was a mistake you couldn't wait 5-7 days.
I agree 100% you have to wait on Donavan and it was a huge mistake to jump the gun I get you want to build your roster faster but Pope would been there in 7 days if Billy said no but I am pretty sure Billy wasn't saying no.

Pope has 0 NCAA wins and 0 conference titles this is exactly why we wanted to get rid of Cal.

I hope for the best but I fear this was a huge mistake to not wait on Billy Donavan and by the sounds of it he would have likely came here.
It’s what our fans put out. Why are you mad about them repeating what y’all say. Our program is currently “destroyed” according to this board.
LMFAO no longer a blueblood…

You don’t lose blue blood status by having a bad four year stretch. We are still first in all time wins and have more championships than every school they mentioned. The only accurate thing they can say is, in this current moment, our program is not at the level those others are. Either they don’t understand the concept of blue blood, or they just want to hate because it makes them feel good. You don’t erase 100 years of history with a four year stretch. Smh
Exactly! Only UCLA has more titles than us, but hasn't seen a title since 1995. I'm sure they too were discussed as a former "Blue Blood" too right?