Earthquake In Kentucky

That’s near Cincy. Not a usually place for earthquakes. That’s the New Madrid’s purview usually.

I’m beginning to think God is really pissed at the Commonwealth
There was a sizable one there around 1980. My hometown.

Come to think of it I heard some strange noises in the house around that time today. Hanging metal lamp contacting its' base. I'm 45 minutes away.
That’s near Cincy. Not a usually place for earthquakes. That’s the New Madrid’s purview usually.

I’m beginning to think God is really pissed at the Commonwealth
Probably a cave in. There are caves all along that river. Nobody ever has seen most of them.
Damn this shit is starting to get crazy around here EF5 tornados in December and now an Earthquake where Earthquakes usually don’t happen. Man wtf is going on here….

Tesla used to be able to control the weather back in the 40's...