Dynasty Defenders

Well that damn well settles it. Everybody put up your keyboard and turn off your PC. A complete unknown derp took the time to log out and create a new account just so that he could let everyone know what the score is. For that, I thank you berniecarbo. You sir, truly are THE MAN.

Good night folks, this thread is a wrap. It has been said, so by golly it is true. I mean this is the internet, has to be true, Right ?
Well that damn well settles it. Everybody put up your keyboard and turn off your PC. A complete unknown derp took the time to log out and create a new account just so that he could let everyone know what the score is. For that, I thank you berniecarbo. You sir, truly are THE MAN.

Good night folks, this thread is a wrap. It has been said, so by golly it is true. I mean this is the internet, has to be true, Right ?
Thank you very much for your kind words.
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It was broken by Cal's inner circle. Thursday, February 26th, 2009. Memphis was playing at UAB. It was during that game. I was a member over there when this happened. I have a photographic memory and laugh at challenges like this.

It was around 8:50 Eastern. Name of thread was Cal is interested. Have a nice day.

Actually it was post



Blueballer broke that. He was connected with Cals Steakhouse in Memphis
That guy was definitely a whack job. His videos were creepy and disturbing. I think he posted one of himself mowing his lawn.

He was just an unhinged lunatic. He probably wasn’t aware that the basketball team was tied to a university

He was actually a pretty decent guy. He was disparaged for his take, and at times he was awkward, but that's not much different than most of the folks on this message board.
What I think is interesting and not being talked about much, is how Barnhart and Todd were removed from Basketball decisions. I hope Barnhart is not involved in the next hire.

I started posting at DD in the last few years of tubby. From what I remember the info there was reliable. Also, for free. Not some scam for pay. lol.
It was a fun site with lots of interesting people. Has no idea the site was still around and good to know Katman2000 is still crazy. Remember the meltdown after the Kansas game in 2006. Still believe the embarrassment that day showed most fans that Tubby was living on borrowed time.
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The dude that ran that site didn’t, in anyway, strike me as “connected”—unless you mean to the end of a crack pipe. He worked at some automotive supplier putting seats into cars.

That site was about as good as Lazy Tuesday.

The guy I am talking about was Rupps Runts and if memory serves me correct he was an engineer or maybe retired engineer, UK Alum and lived in the Atlanta area. I really don't care if anyone believes it or not but that guy did have connections at that time.
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DD came about because the mods on RR were banning posters left and right for being critical of Tubby. It was a rough time. There was 2 camps, sorta like there are becoming on here nowadays. Those that want the coach to change some things and those that think everything is great.
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Deplion and Leagle beagle were two of the better ones on here wanting a change. Those guys were good.

Here is a pic of Deplion during the Great Tubby War.

DD came about because the mods on RR were banning posters left and right for being critical of Tubby. It was a rough time. There was 2 camps, sorta like there are becoming on here nowadays. Those that want the coach to change some things and those that think everything is great.
Katman started the site over free speech issues, not over tubby. However many posters flocked there because they were unwelcome on other boards. Katman and several mods were pro-tubby while many posters were anti-tubby. There were some pretty nasty exchanges for awhile. Eventually the anti-tubby faction won out.
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I seem to recall Katman, Blueballer and RuppsRunts posting on this board...or more accurately, a previous incarnation of this board. for some period of time.
I started posting under my existing nickname either in '97 or '98. Sorry, all the board name changes run together after 22 years. Had an account at DD because this place was very unwelcoming to those who wanted OTS gone in the early days. I wasn't very active there as the site seemed a lot less polished versus this one.

But, slowly the numbers who were ready for OTS to move on grew and then this board broke out into an all out war. LOD vs. TSF'ers. There were some knock-down drag out battles on this board in those days. I remember someone kept posting a old black & white photo of a farmer and his mule plowing a rough field every time one of Tubby's teams would score in the 40's. LOL!
A similar but, much smaller war broke out during BCG's reign.

I was off work with an injury and followed the hiring of Cal in real-time on Maggard's old board. Even bought a trial membership to get the inside news. My recollection is that Cal's contract was agreed to in principle in a morning meeting in Chicago. But, the guy MM or one of his connections was getting the real-time info from might have been from NY or New Jersey? I posted some updates over here as I was getting them from the Maggard board but, the admin's here were deleting them pretty quickly. Some info was finally posted here but, the details were at least an hour old by the time they went up. It was a very exciting time! Was constantly refreshing screens and on the phone with my UK buddies at their jobs all day long.

So much crazy stuff has happened here and at other sites like DD over the years. Would love to see some screen shots from back in those days just to be able to remember all the names and sigs.
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I seem to recall Katman, Blueballer and RuppsRunts posting on this board...or more accurately, a previous incarnation of this board. for some period of time.
I started posting under my existing nickname either in '97 or '98. Sorry, all the board name changes run together after 22 years. Had an account at DD because this place was very unwelcoming to those who wanted OTS gone in the early days. I wasn't very active there as the site seemed a lot less polished versus this one.

But, slowly the numbers who were ready for OTS to move on grew and then this board broke out into an all out war. LOD vs. TSF'ers. There were some knock-down drag out battles on this board in those days. I remember someone kept posting a old black & white photo of a farmer and his mule plowing a rough field every time one of Tubby's teams would score in the 40's. LOL!
A similar but, much smaller war broke out during BCG's reign.

I was off work with an injury and followed the hiring of Cal in real-time on Maggard's old board. Even bought a trial membership to get the inside news. My recollection is that Cal's contract was agreed to in principle in a morning meeting in Chicago. But, the guy MM or one of his connections was getting the real-time info from might have been from NY or New Jersey? I posted some updates over here as I was getting them from the Maggard board but, the admin's here were deleting them pretty quickly. Some info was finally posted here but, the details were at least an hour old by the time they went up. It was a very exciting time! Was constantly refreshing screens and on the phone with my UK buddies at their jobs all day long.

So much crazy stuff has happened here and at other sites like DD over the years. Would love to see some screen shots from back in those days just to be able to remember all the names and sigs.
My favorite was the drawing somebody made up showing a team of mules pulling a wagon going over a cliff and all the Tubby super friends names were on the wagon. That was some funny stuff going on in those days. A lot of those same names are now Cal super friends.
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