Dynasty Defenders

Many wanted to talk trash and down play that site and those members. They were spot on for the Most part. As with most things in life, the situation isn’t always what it seems. They brought all that to light before anyone around the internet or even legitimate journalists “connected” to the program. The methods used to Convey the message were certainly unconventional but accurate nonetheless.

Matt Jones with an article on those idiots. The Prof and that Katman derelict
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That guy was definitely a whack job. His videos were creepy and disturbing. I think he posted one of himself mowing his lawn.

He was just an unhinged lunatic. He probably wasn’t aware that the basketball team was tied to a university

If anyone finds one of those videos and could link it I would love to see this dude. Sounds like great quarantine entertainment.
The 2nd greatest story ever told
"How the Kingdom was saved"
The "Tale of the 3 Wise Men"

The Prickly Prince directed the glorious soldiers from the shining castle high above all others. He protected the "CROWN JEWEL" of the kingdom, and the sheen and AURA of the Crown Jewel dazzled and overwhelmed all who dared challenge.

All was wonderful and right, and the "Common Folk" were pleased and happy. The spirit teemed with unity and support for the Crown Jewel.

ALAS---the Prickly Prince sought and found a larger kingdom, where he could garner more POWER and reign with total control. So--he left behind the Crown Jewel and became KING of his new empire--and the "Common Folk" wished the Prickly Prince well, for now he would be a CELTIC KING. This happened after 2 short of 10 annums in the realm of the "Crown Jewel"!!

The "AURA" from the Crown Jewel was amazing, all who came in contact, realized its enormity and power--both friend and foe bowed to its magnificence.

At the time of the void left by the Prickly Prince, the choice for the new prince was left to the resident ego ogre the "numbnuts of Neuter". His choice, the "TEFLON TURDY DRAGON", a less than shadow of the Prickly Prince.

In the first annum of the reign of the Teflon Turdy Dragon--he enjoyed the reward of the remains of the DYNASTY created by the Prickly Prince--but omens of darkness foretold of many annums of deep despair and harbingers of great destruction road on the deepening amassing clouds.

Slowly, as the SUCKING of the Teflon Turdy Dragon and his tubbite and tubbling enablers swarmed the kingdom--the once great "AURA" of the Crwon Jewel became tarnished and dim---the once sweet bouquet, like 4 seasons of spring, slid into mire and a stench that enveloped the kingdom, and the "Common Folk" fell into deep sadness and gloom, only over shadowed by the diminished "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!! That once great lustre, the glorious sheen, the past GLORY--all faded memories of wonderful times many annums past.

Within the dismal and stench laden Kingdom, the "Concerned Folk" grew restless, and an anger brewed within the caldron of past memories built upon the glories and AURA and sweetness---and their hue and cry and wailing were heard---for it spread wide and far from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!!

From the soul of the once GREAT Kingom, there rode forth on GREAT WHITE STEEDS--the "THREE WISE MEN--armed and ready to attack, disbowel and destroy the ever sucking destructive Teflon Turdy Dragon--

The 3 Wise Men came forth with offerings of gold, more gold, and even more gold laden caravans were called forth to achieve a peaceful resolution and an END to the sucking destruction.

But--the teflon turdy dragon was a devious an dishonorable adversary--and the teflon turdy dragon called forth from the decaying carcass of his destruction--a MAGGOT, a dirty scourge sanctioned to disrupt and divide the helpers, messengers and supporters of the 3 wise men---from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!

After multiple false dealings by the teflon turdy dragon, and cowardice from the barnyard and toaddy--the 3 wisemen filled the chests with their golden offereings--and retreated---determined to to rid the decayed kingdom from the terror of the reign of the teflon turdy dragon and the continuous sucking destruction.

and it soon came to pass--just 3 sectors short an annum, the 3 Wise Men appeared with chests of golden offerings--and LO, the teflon trudy dragon fully sated with the destruction and devastation maximized--was prepared to vacate the stench laden kingdom--his plans made and finalized--so the teflon turdy dragon accepts the chests of gold, and slithers (nay is flushed) to the North Tundra, a frozen scape where frozen stench is diminished, and devastation and mediocrity are the norm and EXPECTED!!!

The 3 Wise Men, with the aid of the "House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" have WON the day!! Though the Kingdom be divided--the ravaging "siege of terror" is done

But is it?

Tis time to find a worthy PRINCE, and the barnyard and toaddy search yon "LESSER REALMS" for the "Sacrificial Lamb" based on recent won battles but devoid the lustre and "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!

Having failed and left horseless by the "Baby Munster"---POOR research produces the "Sacrificial Lamb" known as the "TEXAS TUFF"--accustomed to less refined settings, devoid of culture and destined to a campaign of WHISPERS, TALL TALES and attacks from the tubbite and tubling enablers still attached to the large sphincter of the Teflon Turdy Dragon.

dual annums of Tefon turdy dragon attack campaign, 2 annums of soldier revolt, 2 annums of still tarnished "Crown Jewel AURA", and the demise of the sacrificial lamb, the TEXAS TUFF is etched in the granite where resides the "Crown Jewel"!

So--under great pressure, the Texas Tuff retreats--chased by the CAMERA and the PHONE--banished from the kingdom forever--and the "CROWN Jewel" remains devoid of AURA!!

From the deep mist of fog and darkness, ASTRIDE GREAT WHITE STEEDS, appear the 3 Wise Men--laden with gold like never here-to-fore visioned within the Kingdom!!

This time, determined to correct the destruction of the teflon turdy dragon--the misdeeds of the barnyard and toaddy---and the malaise and hurt of the sacrificail lamb"the Texas Tuff".

Again the barnyard and toaddy seek from yon realms a new PRINCE, and against the will of the "3 wise men and the Dynasty Defenders" --they seek out and entice the "Baby Munster" to restore the AURA to the Crown Jewel--and again the "Baby Munster" defiles the opportunity, defames the Crown Jewel--and DEFECATES in his "BABY Pantaloons"!!

NOW, the 3 Wise Men on Great White Steeds seek out the help of the "House of the Dynasty Defensers", Speak through the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" and incite robust legions of supporters for their SELECTION to restore the glorious lustre and AURA to the "Crown Jewel" of the kingdom

And the Will of the "Common Folk" is heard wide and clear--

"Let the 3 Wise Men save us from this dismay, malaise and down trodden PARITY"--

and the barnyard and the toaddy are forced to step aside-

The 3 Wise Men ride to the realm to the South, astride their GREAT WHITE STEEDS--and take with them a caravan laden with gold and offerings like never before seen in all the REALMS--

again the barnyard and toaddy put forth demands--and again they are rebuffed--this time by GRAND ORACLES, the overseers of the kingdon--the "Boardman's Club"! These astute and wisened sages are the chosen over seers, for they have much power and fortune--and they are trusted and wise!!

Now--at last--the 3 wise men have prevailed--and AURA and sheen and lustre have returned to the Kingdom, and the CROWN JEWEL bedazzles all who see and discuss it--and the surrounding realms abound with fear--

For the 3 Wise men have saved the Kingdom, and returned the "Crown Jewel" to its rightful place atop all the realms--

And this was achieved by the 3 WISE men--

Because they made an offer, even the

GODFATHER cannot refuse!!

From the tales of rr of the" House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers"

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Matt Jones with an article on those idiots. The Prof and that Katman derelict

"that the WORST thing that can be done to Kentucky’s national image is to be seen forcing out a successful and well-liked coach for reasons that are deemed to be unrelated to basketball performance. I think most objective viewers of Kentucky basketball believe Tubby to be a great coach and if he is forced out, the reputation of the school and our fan base suffers. If folks really wanted to “defend the dynasty,” they would realize this fact and take a step back and consider the consequences of their actions."

that's the kind of BS Matt Jones was spouting all the time and that attitude fed others to drive their anybody that wants Tubby gone is a racist nonsense. There wasn't anything to their dislike of Tubby other than his performance

and Jones is saying objective viewers believe Tubby to be a great coach. Talk about out of touch.

Dog Dynasty Defenders all you want but don't support Jones driving a racist agenda against UK fans who were ultimately right about Tubby's performance as a coach.
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"that the WORST thing that can be done to Kentucky’s national image is to be seen forcing out a successful and well-liked coach for reasons that are deemed to be unrelated to basketball performance. I think most objective viewers of Kentucky basketball believe Tubby to be a great coach and if he is forced out, the reputation of the school and our fan base suffers. If folks really wanted to “defend the dynasty,” they would realize this fact and take a step back and consider the consequences of their actions."

that's the kind of BS Matt Jones was spouting all the time and that attitude fed others to drive their anybody that wants Tubby gone is a racist nonsenes.. There wasn't anything to their dislike of Tubby other than his performance

and Jones is saying objective viewers believe Tubby to be a great coach. Talk about out of touch.

Dog Dynasty Defenders all you want but don't support Jones driving a racist agenda against UK fans who were ultimately right about Tubby's performance as a coach.

Ironically, it was KSR that was providing the fodder for Tubby critics. Go back and read the stuff on AJ Stewart and Marshall Moses. It was damning of Tubby's recruiting approach. MJ seemed to play both sides.
Ironically, it was KSR that was providing the fodder for Tubby critics. Go back and read the stuff on AJ Stewart and Marshall Moses. It was damning of Tubby's recruiting approach. MJ seemed to play both sides.

its like the George Carlin bit

when driving everyone in front of you is an idiot, everyone behind you is a maniac

everyone had their limit for when their support for Tubby would end. For those that went before you, they were racists, those that still supported him after you were sunshine pumpers

Its that way with Cal now. He's the greatest coach and you're not a fan if you don't support what he is doing, until he isn't the greatest coach and then no coach is bigger than the program.The line is out there for everyone, its just what tolerance level you have to get there.

At least it appears Jones has either become so big it doesn't matter or he's learned to be more diplomatic in his unqualified support.

One more thing about DD - the irony of their ending is once Tubby left, they really had no reason for being. The single entity that united them the dismissal of Tubby, when gone made them all look at each other and realize some of those guys weren't people you really wanted to be around.

and what created DD? Whatever version of this board was back in the day banning hundreds of UK fans who had the nerve to speak out against the state of the program.

While it was certainly their right to control the speech - it definitely came at a cost - to them and the University they worked so hard to protect.
One more thing about DD - the irony of their ending is once Tubby left, they really had no reason for being. The single entity that united them the dismissal of Tubby, when gone made them all look at each other and realize some of those guys weren't people you really wanted to be around.

Excellent post. Very well thought out. I singled out one quote because the application is so broad. I recall an election in which the new school board members were elected to stop the building of a new high school But, the contracts were signed by the former board and could not be negated. Those elected no longer had a mission and were on the board for 3 years and did nothing but create problems.
There was a ton of info available a DD from contacts with people within multiple spheres associated with UK basketball and state politics.

Close friends of Cal were providing direct timely updates on the day the final agreement was reached, after "higher ups" forced toaddy and barnyard to step aside and end their final ridiculous demand to keep the entire roster of existing players.


From what I remember of DD, many of its members were arrogant, disrespectful and full of false pride. Several of the comments in this thread confirm that, lol.
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It was a site that was loaded with accurate information based on true connections to the program. Not the stuff we hear today on various sites of “I’m hearing” or information about someone developing a theory from multiple “I’m hearing” sources. Also, for the most part the site was adults with no agenda other than promoting Kentucky Basketball at the highest levels and holding leadership to a level of accountability.

It’s surprising to me that many fans don’t realize there are back room “encouraging conversations” that make the wheels of high level athletic programs turn. It’s no different than any other endeavor, business or politics. The people that have access to that information may share snippets but you won’t hear names and details. People don’t become trusted with info if they run their mouth in general but especially on public message boards. That’s why all the information at dynasty defenders was always so cryptic.
That’s why all the information at dynasty defenders was always so cryptic.


from the Donovan to Pitino stories in regards to coaching search to the ever changing recruit we were going to get during Gillispie, it wasn't any better, and probably worse than any other board providing "insider" info

writing cryptic was an attempt to appear connected, while at the same time providing an out during the multiple times the information was just plain wrong. It was also just weird.

DD had some positives in regards to posting freedom, but their opinion of their inside info was inflated to bordering on delusion. Many members stopped posting there because it became so sycophantic toward RR and his insider info.

The "they had Calipari info before anyone else" is a perfect example. Its revisionist.
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from the Donovan to Pitino stories in regards to coaching search to the ever changing recruit we were going to get during Gillispie, it wasn't any better, and probably worse than any other board providing "insider" info

writing cryptic was an attempt to appear connected, while at the same time providing an out during the multiple times the information was just plain wrong. It was also just weird.

DD had some positives in regards to posting freedom, but their opinion of their inside info was inflated to bordering on delusion. Many members stopped posting there because it became so sycophantic toward RR and his insider info.

The "they had Calipari info before anyone else" is a perfect example. Its revisionist.
What you just said was total bull S***. They did have the best info by far and away. I was here on the board previous to this one. Think I was member 18 here. I was #4 on DD. The sources there were the best, PERIOD. I remember one Friday evening when Billy Donovan had supposedly turned down UK for the job. At 6:30 the next morning it had been posted who reallly was taking the job. The truth was many hated Cal. both here and a lot of places. Jones was one of the worst offenders. He hated everything about Cal. Anyone that suggests that DD did not have a total inside track on not only the HQ position but recruiting after that. The information was pure gold. It would be on this board in 5 mins after it was posted there. There was no "appear to be connected" it was totally wired.
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you call it how you see it

but you won't acknowledge all the times the information was wrong, and the handful of people like you that would come out of the woodwork when it was brought up that it was wrong.

The approach was throw a bunch of stuff out there, and whatever stuck you take credit for, and whatever didn't, if you were called on it, then claim the conditions changed.

No different than anywhere else, and certainly not any better.

DD served its purpose putting a spotlight on Tubby that no one else was willing to do. After that it was hit or miss, and it was alot of misses.
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from the Donovan to Pitino stories in regards to coaching search to the ever changing recruit we were going to get during Gillispie, it wasn't any better, and probably worse than any other board providing "insider" info

writing cryptic was an attempt to appear connected, while at the same time providing an out during the multiple times the information was just plain wrong. It was also just weird.

DD had some positives in regards to posting freedom, but their opinion of their inside info was inflated to bordering on delusion. Many members stopped posting there because it became so sycophantic toward RR and his insider info.

The "they had Calipari info before anyone else" is a perfect example. Its revisionist.

You are completely wrong about Cal. Completely.
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You are completely wrong about Cal. Completely.


If the posts are still up from back then - go back and see what was said about Donovan, about Pitino, about Rick Barnes.

the RR supporters have selective memory about all that inside info that went nowhere.

I'm sure many people from DD (well many being the 20 or so that still posted regularly there) believe that RR called Calipari before anyone else. He'd be the first to tell you, multiple times and then the RR supporters would be second to tell you , multiple times

to the point that everyone actually believed it.

If the posts are still up from back then - go back and see what was said about Donovan, about Pitino, about Rick Barnes.

the RR supporters have selective memory about all that inside info that went nowhere.

I'm sure many people from DD (well many being the 20 or so that still posted regularly there) believe that RR called Calipari before anyone else. He'd be the first to tell you, multiple times and then the RR supporters would be second to tell you , multiple times

to the point that everyone actually believed it.

I said DD had information on Cal before anyone else. You are going down rabbit holes unrelated.

You are conflating.
I said DD had information on Cal before anyone else. You are going down rabbit holes unrelated.

You are conflating.
give me the date/time the news broke on DD by RR

if we're going to get specific about whether it happened or not, then it should be documented. We should be able to see exactly what was written.

With RR or a representative lurking, I'm sure it will be available.
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I think the screen name was "The Professor" think he was the guy behind taking a full-page ad in LHL how Tubby Smith was destroying the University of Kentucky basketball team by his refusal to make changes.
I have not heard that story. Whoever he or she is I tip my hat. . Maybe that is why Tubby left in the middle of the night
I had to write down a few gems reading all of this BS.


OK grown adults trying to be cute making up juvenile names of people associated with UK that they hated is good for the fan / schools rep.

"Encouraging conversions"

But of course it is only encouraging if you agree with the witch hunt / gang like mentality. Disagree with anyone wanting a coach or AD fired and you became the hunted or outcast.


Post info leaving a out just in case the info is BS and the guess was wrong. Think a modern day insider but not as many naysayers because the site was a cult like club. Like a modern day Dave Kersey.

"Promoting UK basketball to the highest level"

Wanting people fired and calling the people names is definitely promoting UK to the highest level. Especially with media and rival fans reading the garbage. No way that could / would hurt our program they love so much.

In short, it was a bunch of circle jerking, think alike, blow hards that thought their little "club" was really be cool to join and be part of, everyone else was just a follower of the great or plain unwanted outsider. it is exactly why it folded up like a cheap tent. It was made of fake, non quality material, destined to fail. Mostly agenda driven topics for discussion.
"that the WORST thing that can be done to Kentucky’s national image is to be seen forcing out a successful and well-liked coach for reasons that are deemed to be unrelated to basketball performance. I think most objective viewers of Kentucky basketball believe Tubby to be a great coach and if he is forced out, the reputation of the school and our fan base suffers. If folks really wanted to “defend the dynasty,” they would realize this fact and take a step back and consider the consequences of their actions."

that's the kind of BS Matt Jones was spouting all the time and that attitude fed others to drive their anybody that wants Tubby gone is a racist nonsense. There wasn't anything to their dislike of Tubby other than his performance

and Jones is saying objective viewers believe Tubby to be a great coach. Talk about out of touch.

Dog Dynasty Defenders all you want but don't support Jones driving a racist agenda against UK fans who were ultimately right about Tubby's performance as a coach.
give me the date/time the news broke on DD by RR

if we're going to get specific about whether it happened or not, then it should be documented. We should be able to see exactly what was written.

With RR or a representative lurking, I'm sure it will be available.

I have no idea on Cal but my friend, who had became acquainted with Rupps Runts, called me and said that he had just spoken with RR and Tubby was gone. It was a few hours later that the news broke.
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give me the date/time the news broke on DD by RR

if we're going to get specific about whether it happened or not, then it should be documented. We should be able to see exactly what was written.

With RR or a representative lurking, I'm sure it will be available.

It was broken by Cal's inner circle. Thursday, February 26th, 2009. Memphis was playing at UAB. It was during that game. I was a member over there when this happened. I have a photographic memory and laugh at challenges like this.

It was around 8:50 Eastern. Name of thread was Cal is interested. Have a nice day.

Actually it was post



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It was broken by Cal's inner circle. Thursday, February 26th, 2009. Memphis was playing at UAB. It was during that game. I was a member over there when this happened. I have a photographic memory and laugh at challenges like this.

It was around 8:50 Eastern. Name of thread was Cal is interested. Have a nice day.

Actually it was post



I'm going to need more than your photographic memory

Give me a screen shot or better yet a link

and lets be clear, Cal is interested isn't exactly a stretch

that's the bs I keep talking about

Cal is intersted, then after Cal takes the job "SEE, SEE ,, we told you!

meanwhile everyone forgets the Donovan want its, they have contacted Pitino to gauge his interest that is posted as well
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I have no idea on Cal but my friend, who had became acquainted with Rupps Runts, called me and said that he had just spoken with RR and Tubby was gone. It was a few hours later that the news broke.

and I haven't argued he had inside info on Tubby and as long as you had the weirdo decoder ring, you could figure it out. He clearly had some connection in regards to Tubby being offered a buyout.

after that it was dart /ouija board time.

but I'm sure I've stirred up the hornest nest of DD followers, so I'm done with the thread.

others can hash it out if they care to do so
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I'm going to need more than your photographic memory

Give me a screen shot or better yet a link

If the truth isn't good enough for you I don't know what to tell you. A member of Cal's inner circle posted during a road trip game for Memphis on February 26, 2009. I did not take a screenshot nor have I been a member there for years.

You're being told the truth.
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What you just said was total bull S***. They did have the best info by far and away. I was here on the board previous to this one. Think I was member 18 here. I was #4 on DD. The sources there were the best, PERIOD. I remember one Friday evening when Billy Donovan had supposedly turned down UK for the job. At 6:30 the next morning it had been posted who reallly was taking the job. The truth was many hated Cal. both here and a lot of places. Jones was one of the worst offenders. He hated everything about Cal. Anyone that suggests that DD did not have a total inside track on not only the HQ position but recruiting after that. The information was pure gold. It would be on this board in 5 mins after it was posted there. There was no "appear to be connected" it was totally wired.

You are correct. Nearly every “journalist” around Kentucky basketball at the time didn’t like Calipari and wanted no part of him at Kentucky. Some of that was because they never believed there was a chance of Calipari landing at Kentucky because of Todd and Barnhart. So all those “journalists” had to tow the line for the administration. They wanted to stay in good standing. As soon as Calipari was announced, those same guys became instant fans and believed it was the absolute best for rebuilding the program. Funny how that works.
The dude that ran that site didn’t, in anyway, strike me as “connected”—unless you mean to the end of a crack pipe. He worked at some automotive supplier putting seats into cars.

That site was about as good as Lazy Tuesday.
You are correct. Nearly every “journalist” around Kentucky basketball at the time didn’t like Calipari and wanted no part of him at Kentucky. Some of that was because they never believed there was a chance of Calipari landing at Kentucky because of Todd and Barnhart. So all those “journalists” had to tow the line for the administration. They wanted to stay in good standing. As soon as Calipari was announced, those same guys became instant fans and believed it was the absolute best for rebuilding the program. Funny how that works.

Except for Tipton and a few others at the LHL, who were upset that Tubby left and would do anything to bring down Cal.
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During the Tubby wars, I posted at what used to be this site until I was informed my thoughts on Tubby's coaching abilities were no longer welcome. Every since then until today, Dynasty Defenders is the only place I have posted. I have over 26,000 posts there and know the place well. This thread has inspired me to sign up so I can comment.

First, Katman did not start DD as an anti-tubby site. He was very much pro tubby for a long time after the site was formed. I had many "discussions" with him on the subject. Eventually due to Tubby's coaching and arguments from many of us, Katman saw the light.

In the early days, I saw DD as an internet version of a wild west saloon. Those who were easily offended usually left pretty quick. These days it is a much milder version of it's old self.

As to The Professor and rr, many on here are not well informed about them. I've had the pleasure over the years to share many private messages with both of them. Both are good guys with the welfare of UK basketball in their heart. In those days, both had advance knowledge of certain things going on within the program. There were also others from DD working behind the scenes.