Dynasty Defenders

If I had to guess Id say that Katman guy is dead of some sort of heart attack or stress related aneurysm by now. (No disrespect intended, of course).
What about a poster named The Gatherer or something like that? Anyone remember that one? Can’t remember exactly.

Seems like I remember someone like that but you'd have to give me more info as I can't totally recall that one. Interesting to look back on some of those posters from the past.
What about a poster named The Gatherer or something like that? Anyone remember that one? Can’t remember exactly.

I think the screen name was "The Professor" think he was the guy behind taking a full-page ad in LHL how Tubby Smith was destroying the University of Kentucky basketball team by his refusal to make changes.
I think the screen name was "The Professor" think he was the guy behind taking a full-page ad in LHL how Tubby Smith was destroying the University of Kentucky basketball team by his refusal to make changes.

Professor and gatherer were two different posters. Professor was still posting over on 247 up until at least a few years ago. I stopped going over there so I don’t know now. Prof was a big numbers and data guy. I enjoyed his posts and ideas tbh.
I went over there when it first started but the traffic slowed down greatly after a year or two. I wasn't aware it still existed.
I think the screen name was "The Professor" think he was the guy behind taking a full-page ad in LHL how Tubby Smith was destroying the University of Kentucky basketball team by his refusal to make changes.
There’s a “The Professor” over on TOS. Good guy. One of the few die hards that still post over there.
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That place can't still be running, is it? I thought it shutdown 10+ years ago.
When I was at UK in HagginHall and for a couple years after was on the board when Katman2000 was. I think Jeff Drummond was the mod, someone correct me if I am wrong? I remember there being a husband and wife too that were big on the board always running contests, etc.

Anyway that guy was a whacko. He was totally out of it.

I think I posted under MonsterMash back then, but vividly remember the Darius Rice recruitment and fallout that year...

By early 2000's I was having too much fun in college and left the board behind for 15 years...honestly sort of forgot about it until a friend reminded me.
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Tubby's final year the videos KATMAN2000 would post after horrible losses were instant classics.

It's been quite a while ago, but I went to see if those videos still existed on Youtube. Now that I think about it I believe he removed them all after a while. He REALLY hated Tubby and those Videos showed it.
When I was at UK in HagginHall and for a couple years after was on the board when Katman2000 was. I think Jeff Drummond was the mod, someone correct me if I am wrong? I remember there being a husband and wife too that were big on the board always running contests, etc.

Anyway that guy was a whacko. He was totally out of it.

I think I posted under MonsterMash back then, but vividly remember the Darius Rice recruitment and fallout that year...

By early 2000's I was having too much fun in college and left the board behind for 15 years...honestly sort of forgot about it until a friend reminded me.
That guy was definitely a whack job. His videos were creepy and disturbing. I think he posted one of himself mowing his lawn.

He was just an unhinged lunatic. He probably wasn’t aware that the basketball team was tied to a university
It was a great site. True blue Kentucky fans on that site. Lots of inside info that was accurate when Kentucky was hiring Cal. No one and I mean no one, including Cats Pause staff, believed Cal was an option right up until the announcement. There were guys on that site that called it a month out.
That guy was definitely a whack job. His videos were creepy and disturbing. I think he posted one of himself mowing his lawn.

He was just an unhinged lunatic. He probably wasn’t aware that the basketball team was tied to a university
I have called the last three coaches we have had, Tubby, BCG and Cal. Not that hard to do.
Katman sold it to another board regular during the economic fallout of 2008. It got to the point there were maybe 20-25 regulars posting there and half of them were mods. I had heard he had a falling out with them after that but I haven't kept up with them in years.

He was kind of a small scale Tiger King for awhile. While Katman had the notoriety, Prof was the guy that put the heat on - remember Prof was was teaching at UK during this, and Mitch reached out when they started getting national attention (via Dick Vitale). The plan was to buy a billboard for $2600 with a UK basketball and saying "its time for a change", but the billboard company got scared and rejected it citing UK would punish them by pulling their business, so they decided to go to the Kentucky Kernel and place an ad.

That when Mitch introduced himself to Prof.
It was a great site. True blue Kentucky fans on that site. Lots of inside info that was accurate when Kentucky was hiring Cal. No one and I mean no one, including Cats Pause staff, believed Cal was an option right up until the announcement. There were guys on that site that called it a month out.

There was one guy on there, I can't remember his name, but his avatar pic was Ike Turner or someone like that. He knew Tubby was leaving before it came out on the news. He called a friend of mine who had became acquainted with him and told him before it the news broke.
There was one guy on there, I can't remember his name, but his avatar pic was Ike Turner or someone like that. He knew Tubby was leaving before it came out on the news. He called a friend of mine who had became acquainted with him and told him before it the news broke.

Yes, there were 3-4 legit “insiders” that shared details via private messages. Those details were spot on about Tubby being ousted, choices of replacements and the inner workings with Pratt and others influencing the decisions. It was a legit site. I miss it.
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The 2nd greatest story ever told
"How the Kingdom was saved"
The "Tale of the 3 Wise Men"

The Prickly Prince directed the glorious soldiers from the shining castle high above all others. He protected the "CROWN JEWEL" of the kingdom, and the sheen and AURA of the Crown Jewel dazzled and overwhelmed all who dared challenge.

All was wonderful and right, and the "Common Folk" were pleased and happy. The spirit teemed with unity and support for the Crown Jewel.

ALAS---the Prickly Prince sought and found a larger kingdom, where he could garner more POWER and reign with total control. So--he left behind the Crown Jewel and became KING of his new empire--and the "Common Folk" wished the Prickly Prince well, for now he would be a CELTIC KING. This happened after 2 short of 10 annums in the realm of the "Crown Jewel"!!

The "AURA" from the Crown Jewel was amazing, all who came in contact, realized its enormity and power--both friend and foe bowed to its magnificence.

At the time of the void left by the Prickly Prince, the choice for the new prince was left to the resident ego ogre the "numbnuts of Neuter". His choice, the "TEFLON TURDY DRAGON", a less than shadow of the Prickly Prince.

In the first annum of the reign of the Teflon Turdy Dragon--he enjoyed the reward of the remains of the DYNASTY created by the Prickly Prince--but omens of darkness foretold of many annums of deep despair and harbingers of great destruction road on the deepening amassing clouds.

Slowly, as the SUCKING of the Teflon Turdy Dragon and his tubbite and tubbling enablers swarmed the kingdom--the once great "AURA" of the Crwon Jewel became tarnished and dim---the once sweet bouquet, like 4 seasons of spring, slid into mire and a stench that enveloped the kingdom, and the "Common Folk" fell into deep sadness and gloom, only over shadowed by the diminished "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!! That once great lustre, the glorious sheen, the past GLORY--all faded memories of wonderful times many annums past.

Within the dismal and stench laden Kingdom, the "Concerned Folk" grew restless, and an anger brewed within the caldron of past memories built upon the glories and AURA and sweetness---and their hue and cry and wailing were heard---for it spread wide and far from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!!

From the soul of the once GREAT Kingom, there rode forth on GREAT WHITE STEEDS--the "THREE WISE MEN--armed and ready to attack, disbowel and destroy the ever sucking destructive Teflon Turdy Dragon--

The 3 Wise Men came forth with offerings of gold, more gold, and even more gold laden caravans were called forth to achieve a peaceful resolution and an END to the sucking destruction.

But--the teflon turdy dragon was a devious an dishonorable adversary--and the teflon turdy dragon called forth from the decaying carcass of his destruction--a MAGGOT, a dirty scourge sanctioned to disrupt and divide the helpers, messengers and supporters of the 3 wise men---from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!

After multiple false dealings by the teflon turdy dragon, and cowardice from the barnyard and toaddy--the 3 wisemen filled the chests with their golden offereings--and retreated---determined to to rid the decayed kingdom from the terror of the reign of the teflon turdy dragon and the continuous sucking destruction.

and it soon came to pass--just 3 sectors short an annum, the 3 Wise Men appeared with chests of golden offerings--and LO, the teflon trudy dragon fully sated with the destruction and devastation maximized--was prepared to vacate the stench laden kingdom--his plans made and finalized--so the teflon turdy dragon accepts the chests of gold, and slithers (nay is flushed) to the North Tundra, a frozen scape where frozen stench is diminished, and devastation and mediocrity are the norm and EXPECTED!!!

The 3 Wise Men, with the aid of the "House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" have WON the day!! Though the Kingdom be divided--the ravaging "siege of terror" is done

But is it?

Tis time to find a worthy PRINCE, and the barnyard and toaddy search yon "LESSER REALMS" for the "Sacrificial Lamb" based on recent won battles but devoid the lustre and "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!

Having failed and left horseless by the "Baby Munster"---POOR research produces the "Sacrificial Lamb" known as the "TEXAS TUFF"--accustomed to less refined settings, devoid of culture and destined to a campaign of WHISPERS, TALL TALES and attacks from the tubbite and tubling enablers still attached to the large sphincter of the Teflon Turdy Dragon.

dual annums of Tefon turdy dragon attack campaign, 2 annums of soldier revolt, 2 annums of still tarnished "Crown Jewel AURA", and the demise of the sacrificial lamb, the TEXAS TUFF is etched in the granite where resides the "Crown Jewel"!

So--under great pressure, the Texas Tuff retreats--chased by the CAMERA and the PHONE--banished from the kingdom forever--and the "CROWN Jewel" remains devoid of AURA!!

From the deep mist of fog and darkness, ASTRIDE GREAT WHITE STEEDS, appear the 3 Wise Men--laden with gold like never here-to-fore visioned within the Kingdom!!

This time, determined to correct the destruction of the teflon turdy dragon--the misdeeds of the barnyard and toaddy---and the malaise and hurt of the sacrificail lamb"the Texas Tuff".

Again the barnyard and toaddy seek from yon realms a new PRINCE, and against the will of the "3 wise men and the Dynasty Defenders" --they seek out and entice the "Baby Munster" to restore the AURA to the Crown Jewel--and again the "Baby Munster" defiles the opportunity, defames the Crown Jewel--and DEFECATES in his "BABY Pantaloons"!!

NOW, the 3 Wise Men on Great White Steeds seek out the help of the "House of the Dynasty Defensers", Speak through the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" and incite robust legions of supporters for their SELECTION to restore the glorious lustre and AURA to the "Crown Jewel" of the kingdom

And the Will of the "Common Folk" is heard wide and clear--

"Let the 3 Wise Men save us from this dismay, malaise and down trodden PARITY"--

and the barnyard and the toaddy are forced to step aside-

The 3 Wise Men ride to the realm to the South, astride their GREAT WHITE STEEDS--and take with them a caravan laden with gold and offerings like never before seen in all the REALMS--

again the barnyard and toaddy put forth demands--and again they are rebuffed--this time by GRAND ORACLES, the overseers of the kingdon--the "Boardman's Club"! These astute and wisened sages are the chosen over seers, for they have much power and fortune--and they are trusted and wise!!

Now--at last--the 3 wise men have prevailed--and AURA and sheen and lustre have returned to the Kingdom, and the CROWN JEWEL bedazzles all who see and discuss it--and the surrounding realms abound with fear--

For the 3 Wise men have saved the Kingdom, and returned the "Crown Jewel" to its rightful place atop all the realms--

And this was achieved by the 3 WISE men--

Because they made an offer, even the

GODFATHER cannot refuse!!

From the tales of rr of the" House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers"
The 2nd greatest story ever told
"How the Kingdom was saved"
The "Tale of the 3 Wise Men"

The Prickly Prince directed the glorious soldiers from the shining castle high above all others. He protected the "CROWN JEWEL" of the kingdom, and the sheen and AURA of the Crown Jewel dazzled and overwhelmed all who dared challenge.

All was wonderful and right, and the "Common Folk" were pleased and happy. The spirit teemed with unity and support for the Crown Jewel.

ALAS---the Prickly Prince sought and found a larger kingdom, where he could garner more POWER and reign with total control. So--he left behind the Crown Jewel and became KING of his new empire--and the "Common Folk" wished the Prickly Prince well, for now he would be a CELTIC KING. This happened after 2 short of 10 annums in the realm of the "Crown Jewel"!!

The "AURA" from the Crown Jewel was amazing, all who came in contact, realized its enormity and power--both friend and foe bowed to its magnificence.

At the time of the void left by the Prickly Prince, the choice for the new prince was left to the resident ego ogre the "numbnuts of Neuter". His choice, the "TEFLON TURDY DRAGON", a less than shadow of the Prickly Prince.

In the first annum of the reign of the Teflon Turdy Dragon--he enjoyed the reward of the remains of the DYNASTY created by the Prickly Prince--but omens of darkness foretold of many annums of deep despair and harbingers of great destruction road on the deepening amassing clouds.

Slowly, as the SUCKING of the Teflon Turdy Dragon and his tubbite and tubbling enablers swarmed the kingdom--the once great "AURA" of the Crwon Jewel became tarnished and dim---the once sweet bouquet, like 4 seasons of spring, slid into mire and a stench that enveloped the kingdom, and the "Common Folk" fell into deep sadness and gloom, only over shadowed by the diminished "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!! That once great lustre, the glorious sheen, the past GLORY--all faded memories of wonderful times many annums past.

Within the dismal and stench laden Kingdom, the "Concerned Folk" grew restless, and an anger brewed within the caldron of past memories built upon the glories and AURA and sweetness---and their hue and cry and wailing were heard---for it spread wide and far from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!!

From the soul of the once GREAT Kingom, there rode forth on GREAT WHITE STEEDS--the "THREE WISE MEN--armed and ready to attack, disbowel and destroy the ever sucking destructive Teflon Turdy Dragon--

The 3 Wise Men came forth with offerings of gold, more gold, and even more gold laden caravans were called forth to achieve a peaceful resolution and an END to the sucking destruction.

But--the teflon turdy dragon was a devious an dishonorable adversary--and the teflon turdy dragon called forth from the decaying carcass of his destruction--a MAGGOT, a dirty scourge sanctioned to disrupt and divide the helpers, messengers and supporters of the 3 wise men---from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!

After multiple false dealings by the teflon turdy dragon, and cowardice from the barnyard and toaddy--the 3 wisemen filled the chests with their golden offereings--and retreated---determined to to rid the decayed kingdom from the terror of the reign of the teflon turdy dragon and the continuous sucking destruction.

and it soon came to pass--just 3 sectors short an annum, the 3 Wise Men appeared with chests of golden offerings--and LO, the teflon trudy dragon fully sated with the destruction and devastation maximized--was prepared to vacate the stench laden kingdom--his plans made and finalized--so the teflon turdy dragon accepts the chests of gold, and slithers (nay is flushed) to the North Tundra, a frozen scape where frozen stench is diminished, and devastation and mediocrity are the norm and EXPECTED!!!

The 3 Wise Men, with the aid of the "House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" have WON the day!! Though the Kingdom be divided--the ravaging "siege of terror" is done

But is it?

Tis time to find a worthy PRINCE, and the barnyard and toaddy search yon "LESSER REALMS" for the "Sacrificial Lamb" based on recent won battles but devoid the lustre and "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!

Having failed and left horseless by the "Baby Munster"---POOR research produces the "Sacrificial Lamb" known as the "TEXAS TUFF"--accustomed to less refined settings, devoid of culture and destined to a campaign of WHISPERS, TALL TALES and attacks from the tubbite and tubling enablers still attached to the large sphincter of the Teflon Turdy Dragon.

dual annums of Tefon turdy dragon attack campaign, 2 annums of soldier revolt, 2 annums of still tarnished "Crown Jewel AURA", and the demise of the sacrificial lamb, the TEXAS TUFF is etched in the granite where resides the "Crown Jewel"!

So--under great pressure, the Texas Tuff retreats--chased by the CAMERA and the PHONE--banished from the kingdom forever--and the "CROWN Jewel" remains devoid of AURA!!

From the deep mist of fog and darkness, ASTRIDE GREAT WHITE STEEDS, appear the 3 Wise Men--laden with gold like never here-to-fore visioned within the Kingdom!!

This time, determined to correct the destruction of the teflon turdy dragon--the misdeeds of the barnyard and toaddy---and the malaise and hurt of the sacrificail lamb"the Texas Tuff".

Again the barnyard and toaddy seek from yon realms a new PRINCE, and against the will of the "3 wise men and the Dynasty Defenders" --they seek out and entice the "Baby Munster" to restore the AURA to the Crown Jewel--and again the "Baby Munster" defiles the opportunity, defames the Crown Jewel--and DEFECATES in his "BABY Pantaloons"!!

NOW, the 3 Wise Men on Great White Steeds seek out the help of the "House of the Dynasty Defensers", Speak through the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" and incite robust legions of supporters for their SELECTION to restore the glorious lustre and AURA to the "Crown Jewel" of the kingdom

And the Will of the "Common Folk" is heard wide and clear--

"Let the 3 Wise Men save us from this dismay, malaise and down trodden PARITY"--

and the barnyard and the toaddy are forced to step aside-

The 3 Wise Men ride to the realm to the South, astride their GREAT WHITE STEEDS--and take with them a caravan laden with gold and offerings like never before seen in all the REALMS--

again the barnyard and toaddy put forth demands--and again they are rebuffed--this time by GRAND ORACLES, the overseers of the kingdon--the "Boardman's Club"! These astute and wisened sages are the chosen over seers, for they have much power and fortune--and they are trusted and wise!!

Now--at last--the 3 wise men have prevailed--and AURA and sheen and lustre have returned to the Kingdom, and the CROWN JEWEL bedazzles all who see and discuss it--and the surrounding realms abound with fear--

For the 3 Wise men have saved the Kingdom, and returned the "Crown Jewel" to its rightful place atop all the realms--

And this was achieved by the 3 WISE men--

Because they made an offer, even the

GODFATHER cannot refuse!!

From the tales of rr of the" House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers"
The 2nd greatest story ever told
"How the Kingdom was saved"
The "Tale of the 3 Wise Men"

The Prickly Prince directed the glorious soldiers from the shining castle high above all others. He protected the "CROWN JEWEL" of the kingdom, and the sheen and AURA of the Crown Jewel dazzled and overwhelmed all who dared challenge.

All was wonderful and right, and the "Common Folk" were pleased and happy. The spirit teemed with unity and support for the Crown Jewel.

ALAS---the Prickly Prince sought and found a larger kingdom, where he could garner more POWER and reign with total control. So--he left behind the Crown Jewel and became KING of his new empire--and the "Common Folk" wished the Prickly Prince well, for now he would be a CELTIC KING. This happened after 2 short of 10 annums in the realm of the "Crown Jewel"!!

The "AURA" from the Crown Jewel was amazing, all who came in contact, realized its enormity and power--both friend and foe bowed to its magnificence.

At the time of the void left by the Prickly Prince, the choice for the new prince was left to the resident ego ogre the "numbnuts of Neuter". His choice, the "TEFLON TURDY DRAGON", a less than shadow of the Prickly Prince.

In the first annum of the reign of the Teflon Turdy Dragon--he enjoyed the reward of the remains of the DYNASTY created by the Prickly Prince--but omens of darkness foretold of many annums of deep despair and harbingers of great destruction road on the deepening amassing clouds.

Slowly, as the SUCKING of the Teflon Turdy Dragon and his tubbite and tubbling enablers swarmed the kingdom--the once great "AURA" of the Crwon Jewel became tarnished and dim---the once sweet bouquet, like 4 seasons of spring, slid into mire and a stench that enveloped the kingdom, and the "Common Folk" fell into deep sadness and gloom, only over shadowed by the diminished "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!! That once great lustre, the glorious sheen, the past GLORY--all faded memories of wonderful times many annums past.

Within the dismal and stench laden Kingdom, the "Concerned Folk" grew restless, and an anger brewed within the caldron of past memories built upon the glories and AURA and sweetness---and their hue and cry and wailing were heard---for it spread wide and far from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!!

From the soul of the once GREAT Kingom, there rode forth on GREAT WHITE STEEDS--the "THREE WISE MEN--armed and ready to attack, disbowel and destroy the ever sucking destructive Teflon Turdy Dragon--

The 3 Wise Men came forth with offerings of gold, more gold, and even more gold laden caravans were called forth to achieve a peaceful resolution and an END to the sucking destruction.

But--the teflon turdy dragon was a devious an dishonorable adversary--and the teflon turdy dragon called forth from the decaying carcass of his destruction--a MAGGOT, a dirty scourge sanctioned to disrupt and divide the helpers, messengers and supporters of the 3 wise men---from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!

After multiple false dealings by the teflon turdy dragon, and cowardice from the barnyard and toaddy--the 3 wisemen filled the chests with their golden offereings--and retreated---determined to to rid the decayed kingdom from the terror of the reign of the teflon turdy dragon and the continuous sucking destruction.

and it soon came to pass--just 3 sectors short an annum, the 3 Wise Men appeared with chests of golden offerings--and LO, the teflon trudy dragon fully sated with the destruction and devastation maximized--was prepared to vacate the stench laden kingdom--his plans made and finalized--so the teflon turdy dragon accepts the chests of gold, and slithers (nay is flushed) to the North Tundra, a frozen scape where frozen stench is diminished, and devastation and mediocrity are the norm and EXPECTED!!!

The 3 Wise Men, with the aid of the "House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" have WON the day!! Though the Kingdom be divided--the ravaging "siege of terror" is done

But is it?

Tis time to find a worthy PRINCE, and the barnyard and toaddy search yon "LESSER REALMS" for the "Sacrificial Lamb" based on recent won battles but devoid the lustre and "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!

Having failed and left horseless by the "Baby Munster"---POOR research produces the "Sacrificial Lamb" known as the "TEXAS TUFF"--accustomed to less refined settings, devoid of culture and destined to a campaign of WHISPERS, TALL TALES and attacks from the tubbite and tubling enablers still attached to the large sphincter of the Teflon Turdy Dragon.

dual annums of Tefon turdy dragon attack campaign, 2 annums of soldier revolt, 2 annums of still tarnished "Crown Jewel AURA", and the demise of the sacrificial lamb, the TEXAS TUFF is etched in the granite where resides the "Crown Jewel"!

So--under great pressure, the Texas Tuff retreats--chased by the CAMERA and the PHONE--banished from the kingdom forever--and the "CROWN Jewel" remains devoid of AURA!!

From the deep mist of fog and darkness, ASTRIDE GREAT WHITE STEEDS, appear the 3 Wise Men--laden with gold like never here-to-fore visioned within the Kingdom!!

This time, determined to correct the destruction of the teflon turdy dragon--the misdeeds of the barnyard and toaddy---and the malaise and hurt of the sacrificail lamb"the Texas Tuff".

Again the barnyard and toaddy seek from yon realms a new PRINCE, and against the will of the "3 wise men and the Dynasty Defenders" --they seek out and entice the "Baby Munster" to restore the AURA to the Crown Jewel--and again the "Baby Munster" defiles the opportunity, defames the Crown Jewel--and DEFECATES in his "BABY Pantaloons"!!

NOW, the 3 Wise Men on Great White Steeds seek out the help of the "House of the Dynasty Defensers", Speak through the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" and incite robust legions of supporters for their SELECTION to restore the glorious lustre and AURA to the "Crown Jewel" of the kingdom

And the Will of the "Common Folk" is heard wide and clear--

"Let the 3 Wise Men save us from this dismay, malaise and down trodden PARITY"--

and the barnyard and the toaddy are forced to step aside-

The 3 Wise Men ride to the realm to the South, astride their GREAT WHITE STEEDS--and take with them a caravan laden with gold and offerings like never before seen in all the REALMS--

again the barnyard and toaddy put forth demands--and again they are rebuffed--this time by GRAND ORACLES, the overseers of the kingdon--the "Boardman's Club"! These astute and wisened sages are the chosen over seers, for they have much power and fortune--and they are trusted and wise!!

Now--at last--the 3 wise men have prevailed--and AURA and sheen and lustre have returned to the Kingdom, and the CROWN JEWEL bedazzles all who see and discuss it--and the surrounding realms abound with fear--

For the 3 Wise men have saved the Kingdom, and returned the "Crown Jewel" to its rightful place atop all the realms--

And this was achieved by the 3 WISE men--

Because they made an offer, even the

GODFATHER cannot refuse!!

From the tales of rr of the" House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers"
The 2nd greatest story ever told
"How the Kingdom was saved"
The "Tale of the 3 Wise Men"

The Prickly Prince directed the glorious soldiers from the shining castle high above all others. He protected the "CROWN JEWEL" of the kingdom, and the sheen and AURA of the Crown Jewel dazzled and overwhelmed all who dared challenge.

All was wonderful and right, and the "Common Folk" were pleased and happy. The spirit teemed with unity and support for the Crown Jewel.

ALAS---the Prickly Prince sought and found a larger kingdom, where he could garner more POWER and reign with total control. So--he left behind the Crown Jewel and became KING of his new empire--and the "Common Folk" wished the Prickly Prince well, for now he would be a CELTIC KING. This happened after 2 short of 10 annums in the realm of the "Crown Jewel"!!

The "AURA" from the Crown Jewel was amazing, all who came in contact, realized its enormity and power--both friend and foe bowed to its magnificence.

At the time of the void left by the Prickly Prince, the choice for the new prince was left to the resident ego ogre the "numbnuts of Neuter". His choice, the "TEFLON TURDY DRAGON", a less than shadow of the Prickly Prince.

In the first annum of the reign of the Teflon Turdy Dragon--he enjoyed the reward of the remains of the DYNASTY created by the Prickly Prince--but omens of darkness foretold of many annums of deep despair and harbingers of great destruction road on the deepening amassing clouds.

Slowly, as the SUCKING of the Teflon Turdy Dragon and his tubbite and tubbling enablers swarmed the kingdom--the once great "AURA" of the Crwon Jewel became tarnished and dim---the once sweet bouquet, like 4 seasons of spring, slid into mire and a stench that enveloped the kingdom, and the "Common Folk" fell into deep sadness and gloom, only over shadowed by the diminished "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!! That once great lustre, the glorious sheen, the past GLORY--all faded memories of wonderful times many annums past.

Within the dismal and stench laden Kingdom, the "Concerned Folk" grew restless, and an anger brewed within the caldron of past memories built upon the glories and AURA and sweetness---and their hue and cry and wailing were heard---for it spread wide and far from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!!

From the soul of the once GREAT Kingom, there rode forth on GREAT WHITE STEEDS--the "THREE WISE MEN--armed and ready to attack, disbowel and destroy the ever sucking destructive Teflon Turdy Dragon--

The 3 Wise Men came forth with offerings of gold, more gold, and even more gold laden caravans were called forth to achieve a peaceful resolution and an END to the sucking destruction.

But--the teflon turdy dragon was a devious an dishonorable adversary--and the teflon turdy dragon called forth from the decaying carcass of his destruction--a MAGGOT, a dirty scourge sanctioned to disrupt and divide the helpers, messengers and supporters of the 3 wise men---from the "House of the Dynasty Defenders"!

After multiple false dealings by the teflon turdy dragon, and cowardice from the barnyard and toaddy--the 3 wisemen filled the chests with their golden offereings--and retreated---determined to to rid the decayed kingdom from the terror of the reign of the teflon turdy dragon and the continuous sucking destruction.

and it soon came to pass--just 3 sectors short an annum, the 3 Wise Men appeared with chests of golden offerings--and LO, the teflon trudy dragon fully sated with the destruction and devastation maximized--was prepared to vacate the stench laden kingdom--his plans made and finalized--so the teflon turdy dragon accepts the chests of gold, and slithers (nay is flushed) to the North Tundra, a frozen scape where frozen stench is diminished, and devastation and mediocrity are the norm and EXPECTED!!!

The 3 Wise Men, with the aid of the "House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" have WON the day!! Though the Kingdom be divided--the ravaging "siege of terror" is done

But is it?

Tis time to find a worthy PRINCE, and the barnyard and toaddy search yon "LESSER REALMS" for the "Sacrificial Lamb" based on recent won battles but devoid the lustre and "AURA" of the Crown Jewel!!

Having failed and left horseless by the "Baby Munster"---POOR research produces the "Sacrificial Lamb" known as the "TEXAS TUFF"--accustomed to less refined settings, devoid of culture and destined to a campaign of WHISPERS, TALL TALES and attacks from the tubbite and tubling enablers still attached to the large sphincter of the Teflon Turdy Dragon.

dual annums of Tefon turdy dragon attack campaign, 2 annums of soldier revolt, 2 annums of still tarnished "Crown Jewel AURA", and the demise of the sacrificial lamb, the TEXAS TUFF is etched in the granite where resides the "Crown Jewel"!

So--under great pressure, the Texas Tuff retreats--chased by the CAMERA and the PHONE--banished from the kingdom forever--and the "CROWN Jewel" remains devoid of AURA!!

From the deep mist of fog and darkness, ASTRIDE GREAT WHITE STEEDS, appear the 3 Wise Men--laden with gold like never here-to-fore visioned within the Kingdom!!

This time, determined to correct the destruction of the teflon turdy dragon--the misdeeds of the barnyard and toaddy---and the malaise and hurt of the sacrificail lamb"the Texas Tuff".

Again the barnyard and toaddy seek from yon realms a new PRINCE, and against the will of the "3 wise men and the Dynasty Defenders" --they seek out and entice the "Baby Munster" to restore the AURA to the Crown Jewel--and again the "Baby Munster" defiles the opportunity, defames the Crown Jewel--and DEFECATES in his "BABY Pantaloons"!!

NOW, the 3 Wise Men on Great White Steeds seek out the help of the "House of the Dynasty Defensers", Speak through the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers" and incite robust legions of supporters for their SELECTION to restore the glorious lustre and AURA to the "Crown Jewel" of the kingdom

And the Will of the "Common Folk" is heard wide and clear--

"Let the 3 Wise Men save us from this dismay, malaise and down trodden PARITY"--

and the barnyard and the toaddy are forced to step aside-

The 3 Wise Men ride to the realm to the South, astride their GREAT WHITE STEEDS--and take with them a caravan laden with gold and offerings like never before seen in all the REALMS--

again the barnyard and toaddy put forth demands--and again they are rebuffed--this time by GRAND ORACLES, the overseers of the kingdon--the "Boardman's Club"! These astute and wisened sages are the chosen over seers, for they have much power and fortune--and they are trusted and wise!!

Now--at last--the 3 wise men have prevailed--and AURA and sheen and lustre have returned to the Kingdom, and the CROWN JEWEL bedazzles all who see and discuss it--and the surrounding realms abound with fear--

For the 3 Wise men have saved the Kingdom, and returned the "Crown Jewel" to its rightful place atop all the realms--

And this was achieved by the 3 WISE men--

Because they made an offer, even the

GODFATHER cannot refuse!!

From the tales of rr of the" House of the Dynasty Defenders" and the "Clan of the Concerned Messengers"

Hahaha....brings back lots of memories. Good, good stuff!
Many wanted to talk trash and down play that site and those members. They were spot on for the Most part. As with most things in life, the situation isn’t always what it seems. They brought all that to light before anyone around the internet or even legitimate journalists “connected” to the program. The methods used to Convey the message were certainly unconventional but accurate nonetheless.
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Say what you want about Dynasty Defenders but they had all the information on Tubby leaving and Cal coming in. Say what you want but they were spot on with every bit of it even down to the meetings in Feburary the year that as they called him Tubbyanne. left. I was a member here from about 94. I maybe off a few years but thats close. My screen name at the time was Cat2000. I think I had something like 10-15,000 posts. Katman had many more than that. I fought with Katman here daily.In the beginning I wanted Tubby gone, Kman defended him.He was kicked off I believe and started Dynasty Defenders. It was the most highly successful board as far as information on coaching and recruiting at the time. Posts would go up there on the latest info on recruiting and it would be here in 5 mins. Again say what you will but it had the best information concerning UK Basketball till Cal walked in the door. But by that time the mission was complete.