Dukes scout board

Tatum is a ball hog!!!! He can't make a layup or pass great job!!!! Never thought I would want a Duke season to be over but this is embarrassing to watch!!! So much talent so little heart

i seriously hate jayson tatum....grayson blows as well. this season sucks

**** this garbage team and **** Jayson Tatum's NBA audition season

Capel is a horrible freaking coach. Seriously he had to go out of his way to find a way for us to try and lose this game. If K is not back by Saturday I'm hoping Scheyer gets the nod. Capel has no clue what he is doing

Capel couldn't have done a worse job since he took over. He just doesn't belong at this level.
Matt Jones....I just lost words: how can u foul down 2 at the end? His basketball IQ could be the worst ever for a duke player. And his game is terrible. Terrible. A role player who plays with passion. That's it. And he plays more than anybody. Pathetic
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Maybe it was the first or second game Tatum was back, I thought, this guy is going to be the difference maker. I gave him the benefit of the doubt back then.
Maybe it was the first or second game Tatum was back, I thought, this guy is going to be the difference maker. I gave him the benefit of the doubt back then.

Said all along Tatum was overrated and it seemed like he should have been ranked 15-20 out of high school.
Anyone that watched the all-star games saw Tatum was a major ball hog..he and Allen are not getting along
I'm not watching any more games until K is back.

This is without a doubt my most disappointing season as a fan. Such a shame
It's a kill zone over there especially if your name is Allen or Tatum

New thread; duke haters loving this.

Considering we fans like to bring up the Hole's 8-20 or NIT loss to the Dayton. We bring up the NIT for UK. Well, here's our schadenfreude. Still better than most teams but absolutely horrid to Duke's standards. Even '95, in context, was better than most schools but we look back at it like it was an Adam Sandler film festival.
Does 21-10 and 9-9 in the ACC put them in the tournament because of the ACC's reputation? Probably as an 8 or 9 seed in UK's bracket if we are a 1.
Long time coming. Duke is nothing after K and I always knew it to be true. So happy watching the final years of Duke.
Hopefully they fall to UConn levels. You know what I mean? Watchn the tourney from home
Was watching this and bilas said that NCST hasn't won there since 95 and coach K was out with back issues then too.. talk about deja vu lol..
I've made it 2 pages. So far they hate Tatum and Capel. [laughing]


Officials aren't scared of Capel nor will they be the next Duke coach either. The writing is on the wall for that bulls hit program when they lose they finally lose their preferential treatment that they've enjoyed for decades.
This, this right here. The key part is your very first sentence. I just posted close to the same thing in the other thread about SEC officials. The refs are actually calling a fair game with K gone. No phantom calls on the opponent and they aren't afraid to call fouls on Duke. Heck, Kennard actually fouled out….... In Cameron.
No way NC State wins that game if K was there. 4 of their players would have fouled 3and duke would have won by 30.
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We all know the NCAA will make sure the losses don't count (lol) cause coach Rat Face isn't there to cuss the officials and make sure Dook gets every call , but isn't it great to see Dook, lose !!
Anyone that watched the all-star games saw Tatum was a major ball hog..he and Allen are not getting along
Most of them are, some more stubborn than others, you have to fix it with coaching. K is supposed to be the grestest of all time.

This kid is almost as bad as Rivers was. The whole team used to just sit there and watch Rivers play by himself. Tatum is very close to that.
Ooo...these were good...

Will all of you stupid morons that have been anointing Jason Capel as Ks successor for the last year or so please raise your hands and admit to it in this thread....

God awful coaching..........the player combos couldn't have been worse at the end.........AND THE M*THERF*CKER LEFT THEM IN THE GAME!!!!!

How much did NCSU pay Tatum, on the serious?

********* believeable, whybdribble behinf your back wtf. Keep going get fouled. Hell in the last minute he shot a all back board 3, missed lay up and a ******* behind the back turn over! Wow


The combination of spelling, grammar, and censorship made that last one my favorite. It truly is worse than our meltdowns right now
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Couldn't happen to a better group of fans.

I've watched a few of their recent games, this team HATES each other. Everyone is sick of the Gracie sideshow. A dude drew blood on Allen the other night, and not a single player gave two craps. Allen hates when Tatum or Kennard shoot and he hates being PG. Tatum thinks he's Iverson except much better. Kennard knows he's a NPOY candidate and no one, including Capel, seems to care about getting him the ball. Ranked 181st in assists. They benched Kennard and Allen and won a game last weekend, now they lose with them in, not good for cohesion. The bigs don't see the ball enough, and Jefferson and Jones play way too many minutes... man, you think Poythress was frustrating, Jones is that times 100. Jeter is probably grumbling that he got recruited over. Bolden is probably grumbling he should play more. Giles seems like a good kid, but he's got to feel down knowing how much his stock has fallen to play on a bad team. Everyone has been hurt all year, including the coach

One more game, and they're in official dumpster fire territory. I love it!
Best quote of the great many there....."We seriously ARE in trouble."
That was a good one, but this is my favorite:[roll]

CMon85 wrote:

Done with the season. K can't save this team. Most embarrassing loss I can remember. Jesus

You must be pretty young...
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Two things:

First, that forum is half trolls now. Just FYI. Ownership changed and they got rid of all moderating, and dozens of folks turned up who pretended to be Duke fans and just said insane stuff. The place is just such a mess that I gave up on it, after 15k posts. A number of those folks are actually trolls.

That said... Yikes, what a season. Tatum has certainly looked like he isn't capable of being that dominant guy whose play enhances the team, but instead is taking away from it... The guard defense hasn't improved, and they are getting beat, and the bigs aren't helping as we would need them to... The issue of too many guards with average foot speed? I never thought Allen would be some NPOY, but man, he has struggled worse than expected, and his whole thing has been such a distraction. We've been really bad in a lot of way a lot of you called over the summer, and it sucks to admit that. Fingers crossed that it comes together at some point, but I don't remember seeing many teams that find themselves at this point in the year.