Downtown Louisville wasn’t the place to be today

Wonder how many of those folks were convicted felons toting guns?
Did any one ask Grand Master Shake(or what ever his made up name was) to provide identification for his men so that could be checked?
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Grandpapa told the crowd that if they don’t hit the ground, it ain’t the NFACs fault. They shoot to kill. If no answers in 4 weeks, they burn everything down.
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That's just great. Was that the group of black people with rifles, or the group of white people with rifles?
The outside militia of all black. The “3 %ers” only showed up with about 30 people and nothing came of them.

I don’t think the NFAC having guns was an issue - the rhetoric they had was less than peaceful though...towards the crowd and towards the city.
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The outside militia of all black. The “3 %ers” only showed up with about 30 people and nothing came of them.

I don’t think the NFAC having guns was an issue - the rhetoric they had was less than peaceful though...towards the crowd and towards the city.
I hope they're all arrested.
Why do you wonder if they were felons?

Because these outside rioting groups aren’t here for peaceful protesting, they are here to cause material and emotional damage. Illegal activity that certain cities and public officials are turning a blind eye towards in the name of political correctness. The same question is valid if the KKK came town.
Why do you wonder if they were felons?
ANY armed crowd which is brought in and assembles to protest carrying weapons is likely to contain felons(this group,the KKK,pissed off hog farmers or the association for the protection of wooly worms)

Groups that go around dressed up like a military group and get to carry guns attract people like that,.If you are inferring that my post was racist you are dead wrong.
I know dozens of people in the 502.

Taylor was a crazy crackhead. Snuck in her cousin's urine for work drug tests.
ANY armed crowd which is brought in and assembles to protest carrying weapons is likely to contain felons(this group,the KKK,pissed off hog farmers or the association for the protection of wooly worms)

Groups that go around dressed up like a military group and get to carry guns attract people like that,.If you are inferring that my post was racist you are dead wrong.

your initial post reads as if you only thought the NFAC group had the felons. You didn’t mention the 3%ers at all.

so yeah, my inference is probably dead right
your initial post reads as if you only thought the NFAC group had the felons. You didn’t mention the 3%ers at all.

so yeah, my inference is probably dead right
What makes you a mind reader or God? ALL of these groups are terrible. Every. Single. One. From the kkk to antifa to blm. These organizations are around for one purpose only. Divide.
All gun laws are unconstitutional idgaf if it’s a felon or not. If you serve your time you should have your rights back.
As a proud conservative and avid supporter of the NRA and the Second Amendment, I thought today was a great day for patriotism, liberty, and American values.
The three people who were shot might disagree with you.
Dude passed out and his gun went off...when amongst friends, I don’t see the issue. That’s their problem.

Would I rather no group march around with guns? Absolutely. But I’m not gonna be a hypocrite. I do think the accidental discharge person should lose all rights to a gun.
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What makes you a mind reader or God? ALL of these groups are terrible. Every. Single. One. From the kkk to antifa to blm. These organizations are around for one purpose only. Divide.
He or she read it that way because they started from a preconceived notion that it was racist.Starting from a viewpoint that everything is race driven is the highest form of racism.
What makes you a mind reader or God? ALL of these groups are terrible. Every. Single. One. From the kkk to antifa to blm. These organizations are around for one purpose only. Divide.
Bingo. Maybe this is like how we all feel about Islam. Most Muslims aren't terrorists. But yes, some are. Maybe as conservative Southern white folks, we need to be as vocal about saying **** the Klan as we are about saying **** BLM.

Reality is, I think 99.9% of us wouldnif we felt like doing so would get an equal reaction from blacks in regards to doing likewise with BLM or the Black Panthers etc.

We all know it wont.

The REAL reality is left wing radical white Marxists are driving this movement.

If conservative Southern whites really wanted to keep blacks down, Confederate statues would have never been allowed to come down.

You know why, black folks, we didnt fight it? Because we agree with you that we dont systemic racism and prejudice towards yall to continue. I dont care if youre black. No one is stopping you from advancing yourself or your family. Youre welcome at my house. On my street. At my bar. With my friends.

And thats how its been for many years now. We all just want to get along and live and let live. My favorite UK basketball player....Tony Delk. Football......either Tim Couch or Benny Snell.

Black or white???? NO ONE CARES. Stop buying into the divisness. Us against them is the middle class v the rich elites. None or us want you to fail. We all want to coexist peacefully and be friends and have constructive debates about politics and social issues.

I am white.
I am Southern.
I am conservative.

I do not hate you. You are an American brother to me and you are welcome at my table any time.

Lets all get together and end the bullshit being fed to both sides from the silent elites trying to incite a war and violence.

We were all with you with George Floys until it got usurped into a racial hotpoint. Maybe you see it differently. I see it as an assault on Americans. I dont see it as a race issue. Im sure you see it differently. Maybe we all need to get off the internet, sit down in person with beers, and discuss it man to man face to face.

Lets all come together and march and say enough is enough with the divisness. The lies. The hate. The majority of us (white, male, Christian, Southern, conservative, etc) agree with you that we want this racism to end.

It's going to take enough black folks to actually stand up and call out this bullshit all aroind for what it is. That might be tough but you know what, youre going to get a lot more white allies by being honest about things like "is Rupp racist" when we all see that he demonstrably wasnt.

The list can go on. Ive rambled enough.

Are we Kentuckians? Let us all unite. **** the outsiders. GO BIG BLUE
your initial post reads as if you only thought the NFAC group had the felons. You didn’t mention the 3%ers at all.

so yeah, my inference is probably dead right
Only in that pea brain of yours, are you ever right. In all the years I have been on this board and reading your posts. You are scoring a 1000% on being wrong on everything.
Dude passed out and his gun went off...when amongst friends, I don’t see the issue. That’s their problem.

Would I rather no group march around with guns? Absolutely. But I’m not gonna be a hypocrite. I do think the accidental discharge person should lose all rights to a gun.
And these asshats are suppose to be expert marksmen that don’t know how to use the safety switch, or even better, have an empty chamber? Can’t fix stupid.
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