Dogs in restaurants and bars


Dec 30, 2009
I'm a big fan of my dog. He's a big boy that sleeps with me since my wife passed away. I don't feel the need to bring him with me if I go out to have a beer or dinner. Other people do. While I love my dog, I don't really care for yours, especially while I'm trying to watch a game and have a beer. It seems to be more acceptable all of a sudden to take your dog in public, and people are extremely upset if you don't think it is fine. I don't think it is fine. Thoughts?
I've never seen anyone take a dog into a restaurant or a bar, but I've seen a woman carrying a mini pin around the produce section of a store.

what with these leashes? Can’t we just let the dogs roam free in the bar? There’s stray dogs everywhere where I live. I say let them roam
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I don’t really want your dogs bare asshole in the cart where I put my produce, but I guess I usually wash it.

Some people have legitimate dog phobias and other assholes put zero effort into socializing their dog.

I had a dog years ago that was great for laying down on a pub patio for happy hour. Currently, I have a corgi that hates new people coming at him, so he stays home. Discretion is cool or whatever.

I guess what I’m saying is this: I like dogs but I get some people complaining, but I honestly like dogs more than I care about those people’s comfort.

I’ll be happy to write more on the subject after this post gets 10 likes!!
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I have a beautiful black n white collie.. he's been my best friend for two years now. He is king as far as he's concerned.. wish I could take him to work so he knows why I leave him everyday but otherwise he's a homeboy
Breweries in CO are very dog friendly, and I don’t mind taking my dog or being around other dogs in that setting.

I could do without dogs in an actual restaurant though, but that isn’t too much of an issue unless you’re on a patio.
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“Therapy dogs” are what most of these people claim their dogs are, and i guess their psychiatrist/analyst prescrbes them.
I was in kroger last year and there was a guy with two friggin’ good sized dogs on leashes walking around the produce dept. around that same time i was at gson’s grade school program and a big burly guy had a dog sitting with him in the auditorium.
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“Therapy dogs” are what most of these people claim their dogs are, and i guess their psychiatrist/analyst prescrbies them.
I was in kroger last year and there was a guy with two friggin’ good sized dogs on leashes walking around the produce dept. around that same time i was at gson’s grade school program and a big burly guy had a dog sitting with him in the auditorium.
I was at a mall food court a few years back and someone was walking around with a therapy pony.
“Therapy dogs” are what most of these people claim their dogs are, and i guess their psychiatrist/analyst prescrbies them.
I was in kroger last year and there was a guy with two friggin’ good sized dogs on leashes walking around the produce dept. around that same time i was at gson’s grade school program and a big burly guy had a dog sitting with him in the auditorium.
The actual legal term is "emotional support animal" and that only applies to housing and travel. So, restaurants or retail stores do not have to allow emotional support dogs.
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I like pets, but imo, unless they are truly needed, such as leading the blind, they have no place in most stores. Especially food stores, restaurants, and even clothing stores. Leave your hairy ass, shitting, fart machine at home or in the car and show some GD respect.
I like pets, but imo, unless they are truly needed, such as leading the blind, they have no place in most stores. Especially food stores, restaurants, and even clothing stores. Leave your hairy ass, shitting, fart machine at home or in the car and show some GD respect.

I would say the same about a lot of people. Keep your BO-having, cigarette smoke smelling, Axe body spray masking, no teeth having, cutoff sleeve wearing ass (and your dirty ass crotch goblins) at home or in the jacked up pickup you can’t afford and show some GD respect.
I recently read that for younger generations house plants are the new pets, and pets (especially dogs) are the new kids. I’m starting to believe that this is spot-on!

There’s certainly benefits.

I can feed my three dogs for a month on what it’d cost to feed a kid for for less than a week. If I leave to go out, I put the dogs in crates and no one bats an eye. With kids you have to take them with you/hire a sitter or the cops will be called. If I go away for a weekend, I pay someone to feed the doggos and let them out a few times. Kids probably have to go with you and you have to feed them constantly. And they talk. Incessantly.

Kids require toys, tablets, video games, etc. A dog is happy with a ball or a bone.

Dogs will poop on the floor. Kids poop in their pants.
There’s certainly benefits.

I can feed my three dogs for a month on what it’d cost to feed a kid for for less than a week. If I leave to go out, I put the dogs in crates and no one bats an eye. With kids you have to take them with you/hire a sitter or the cops will be called. If I go away for a weekend, I pay someone to feed the doggos and let them out a few times. Kids probably have to go with you and you have to feed them constantly. And they talk. Incessantly.

Kids require toys, tablets, video games, etc. A dog is happy with a ball or a bone.

Dogs will poop on the floor. Kids poop in their pants.
No one said raising kids is easier than having a pet. The fact that some people put kids/humans and dogs on the same level reeks of mental issues.
I would say the same about a lot of people. Keep your BO-having, cigarette smoke smelling, Axe body spray masking, no teeth having, cutoff sleeve wearing ass (and your dirty ass crotch goblins) at home or in the jacked up pickup you can’t afford and show some GD respect.

I could add a lot of at least equally repulsive types to this list, but you probably wouldn't like it.
Want nothing to do with dogs being in a place where you sit down to eat. That’s how the left freaks got the emotional support shit approved but if you guys like that then I’ll find a bar that bans it 🍺
Finally someone has the guts to say what needs to be said - emotional support dogs have gotten too political. 🤣

This site's amazing.
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It's mostly the "emotional support animal" BS they can take their dog, monkey or pig most anywhere even an airline if they have a doctor sign-off. Woke has entered the animal kingdom.🤥
brad pitt dogs GIF
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Dogs don’t bother me - it’s usually the owners who are assholes with no manners

Preach, brother, PREACH !!

The majority of these people you see at Walmart especially do not have any need for, as BBBLazing put it - the legal term emotional support animal. They do it to draw attention to themselves. Many of them are loud and obnoxious. The people, not the dogs.