Dogs in restaurants and bars

It's mostly the "emotional support animal" BS they can take their dog, monkey or pig most anywhere even an airline if they have a doctor sign-off. Woke has entered the animal kingdom.🤥
"Emotional support" animals only are allowed with travel and housing. Not retail or dining. That is not the reason dogs are in restaurants or bars.
We're dog lovers. Love them better than most people actually. Occasionally we'll take our medium sized (26 lb) mutt Sam out with us to a place that has a dog friendly patio. We don't go at peak hours, so it's not crowded. Otherwise, Sam stays at home if we're going to the store or Lowe's or wherever else shopping.
I’d rather be in a bar with all dogs than people.
Then why go to a bar? Just go to the park where people have their dogs in nature, take a cooler and drink beer playing with other people's dogs. In a public, retail setting, I think it is inappropriate. Especially where people are eating and drinking.
Then why go to a bar? Just go to the park where people have their dogs in nature, take a cooler and drink beer playing with other people's dogs. In a public, retail setting, I think it is inappropriate. Especially where people are eating and drinking.
I’m just playing. I’ve also never seen a dog that was not on a patio of a restaurant or or on the side; never inside.

As long as the dog is not making my food then why should I care what’s going on at someone else’s table?
I’m just playing. I’ve also never seen a dog that was not on a patio of a restaurant or or on the side; never inside.

As long as the dog is not making my food then why should I care what’s going on at someone else’s table?
I have a local hangout that allows dogs on their patio. I'm usually inside, but will go on the patio during the fall when the weather is nice and there is football on the tvs. Inevitably. someone's dog comes to my table, starts sniffing me and whoever I am with, and the dog's owner always says "I guess he can smell your dogs." If I go to your house to watch a game, I have to let your dog sniff me. If I go out in public, I shouldn't have to. Again, I love dogs. I just think people that can't leave their dogs at home are weird, or shouldn't have dogs because they are away from the house too much.

That is a major point. People that want to own a dog, but are never home. So, they decide that their dog is like a jacket, it goes with me everywhere I go. If you aren't home enough to have a dog, don't get one.
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Some bars? Yes. Restaurants? no.

If you have a casual, partially outdoor, biergarten style bar, I love seeing dogs outside chillen when the weather is nice. But a martini lounge when I'm dressed up, obviously not.
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I don't know if you have noticed or not but it seems everyone is a psychopath in these threads if they don't agree with one side or the others take.

By the way, getting back to the OP, I am good with dogs being out and about with the exception of those who are not friendly. I have three who could easily go out and one I would have to leave home. She is a real "psycho", she even bites me if I am messing with my daughter. Half pit half psycho, you can guess which part rules.
brad pitt dogs GIF
Greatest movie EVA!!!
My problem would be people who don't train or control their dog. I've had dogs all my life and have four now, but never take one when I go to a restaurant and I don't want to have to worry about whether someone else's dog is social.
I don't know if you have noticed or not but it seems everyone is a psychopath in these threads if they don't agree with one side or the others take.

By the way, getting back to the OP, I am good with dogs being out and about with the exception of those who are not friendly. I have three who could easily go out and one I would have to leave home. She is a real "psycho", she even bites me if I am messing with my daughter. Half pit half psycho, you can guess which part rules.
Saving dogs over children is what got him called a psycho. It had nothing to do with him agreeing with me.
A training tip. In the dog world, the leader of the pack eats first. At least in the beginning, free feeding can be problematic. The wife and I would put a couple of chocolate chip cookies on top of the dogs food. We would eat the cookies while making a big deal about how great our share was. Only then would we put the dog's food bowl on the floor to let the pack have their share. If you have kids, let the kids have their share with you and before the dog. This reinforces who ranks where in the pack. We can literally stick our hand in the mouth of the dogs and take food out of their mouth.
I love dogs, seeing them in a bar doesn't really bother me as long as they behave. What does bother me is the owner is always some greasy ass hippie.
“Therapy dogs” are what most of these people claim their dogs are, and i guess their psychiatrist/analyst prescrbes them.
I was in kroger last year and there was a guy with two friggin’ good sized dogs on leashes walking around the produce dept. around that same time i was at gson’s grade school program and a big burly guy had a dog sitting with him in the auditorium.
With the public mental health crisis going on in this country, I'm surprised there aren't more people with emotional support animals. Hey that person called me a he when I'm non binary. Doctor I need a note to bring my pet pig everywhere with me. Yes I can have a baby even with no vagina. I need an emotional support bearded dragon by my side. Just a couple examples of the tyoe of mentally ill people running around in society.
With the public mental health crisis going on in this country, I'm surprised there aren't more people with emotional support animals. Hey that person called me a he when I'm non binary. Doctor I need a note to bring my pet pig everywhere with me. Yes I can have a baby even with no vagina. I need an emotional support bearded dragon by my side. Just a couple examples of the tyoe of mentally ill people running around in society.
It's really great not having kids and not having to care whether or not humanity keeps existing or not.
I'm a big fan of my dog. He's a big boy that sleeps with me since my wife passed away. I don't feel the need to bring him with me if I go out to have a beer or dinner. Other people do. While I love my dog, I don't really care for yours, especially while I'm trying to watch a game and have a beer. It seems to be more acceptable all of a sudden to take your dog in public, and people are extremely upset if you don't think it is fine. I don't think it is fine. Thoughts
I'm with you on this .. I'm huge dog lover .. 2 labs , a choc and a blonde .. but just because I love them doesnt give the right to force my dogs on other people trying to enjoy a beer or a burger ... IF they have outside dog designated areas -- OK , you can choose to be there in that space ... but I got roasted , I mean crucified for complaining about a fine restaurant in Cozumel Mx that had a couple families with their dogs in the restaurant .. I complained and got roasted , but this was a fine dining Italian restaurant .. I had to look at some dogs ass my entire meal .. I found it repulsive .
Anyway for all you folks that say dogs are better are humans I'd say humans dont return to their own vomit or lick their ass . At least not in public .. ha ha
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Random suggestions for fellow dog owners and for people without dogs, but who may have kids...

* Clean up after your dog. When we're in East TN, I walk Sam along the city's Greenbelt. It may as well be called the Dogshit Belt. At any given interstate rest stop, the dog walk area is a minefield, and many of these rest stops even have poop bags available. It only takes a few seconds of your time to do this. Stop being so GD lazy.

* Don't automatically assume that other dogs want to meet your dog. While Sam ranges from friendly to aloof with other dogs, he's old and he doesn't like enthusiastic young dogs invading his space for more than a few seconds, and he will let them know about it.

* For people with young kids, it's NOT okay to let your spastic kid run up to dogs that they're not familiar with and try to pet or even hug them. The risk v reward isn't worth it.