Does Calipari deserve a pay raise?

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It's not that questioning Cal is unacceptable. It's that the people who think Cal is not very good with Xs and Os are either stupid or are holding Cal to a different standard than other top coaches because they personally dislike him.

If you go look at the other coaches who destroy on the recruiting trail (Miller, Self, K, Donovan, Roy, a lesser extent Drew, Barnes, Pastner) and compare what they've done on the court to Cal (only K is comparably good), everything I just said becomes clear as day.

The point is you're comparing him to some imaginary coach who doesn't exist. Every coach has had embarrassing losses to teams far below their skill, and most of them do it in far worse fashion than Cal. That's why Cal's wins above expectations is the third highest in the modern era. In fact, most of Cal's losses have been deep in the tourney to HOF coaches with the same or higher seed than him. If you look at K or Self's tourney chokes in the last 6 years (the other two elite recruiting, coaching demi-gods) it's not even a comparison.

So like I said, you're either dense or you just don't like Cal.

1. You're dense and reactionary like a child, still can't get over the Wisconsin loss, are incapable of looking at the big picture, and aren't able to make an objective comparison to what other talent-rich elite coaches are doing with what they have.

2. You don't like Cal, and you'd trade some of the success we've had for a coach who does things the "old fashion way" and still wins. In this case, you don't care that Cal has had the best run in the last 6 years of any coach in the country (only other one with an argument is K). He could win everything and you'd still find ways to take little underhanded shots at him at every opportunity.

If you're in the first case, you're gonna be miserable no matter who you're a fan of. If you were a dense Duke fan when K lost a 2/15 and 3/14 game within 3 years and started questioning him being paid 9 mil a year, the smart Duke fans likewise would've told you to shut the hell up. Same with Self and all his early flameouts. And Donovan's Elite 8 losses.

In the second case, just leave the board until we get a new coach. Seriously, nobody wants to hear your constant negativity. If he makes you that miserable, then come back when we have another coach with 4 year guys who gets us to a final four every 3-4 years at best, and you can praise him until your throat is hoarse.

Where is the standing ovation emoji!
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