Does anyone watch Saturday Night Live anymore?


Gold Member
Sep 17, 2005
I haven't watched this show since the 60's.
If you haven't already sold your time machine on Ebay, I'd be interested in buying it.

But... no, I don't watch it much anymore.
I made the comment to bro-in-law at Christmas that SNL was just too political these days and the music sucked. He told me I was just getting old. I'm not sure if he was right or not. Probably a little of both.
I made the comment to bro-in-law at Christmas that SNL was just too political these days and the music sucked. He told me I was just getting old. I'm not sure if he was right or not. Probably a little of both.

Same here, though I think you mean politically ONE-SIDED.

It was always political, but it used to take shots at both sides. That really changed.. oh, I'd say about 8 years ago.

And yeah, the music has sucked.
CNN makes sure to report on it every Monday or so. So no need to give up any prime Saturday night viewing time for it.
I watched it some in high school, don't know if I watched it all throughout HS or not. Haven't since then, so that's at least 13 years now without watching it. I always thought Mad TV was better
The current cast is one of the best in years but they are definitely far left. If they stay away from politics, they're pretty funny.
Keenan Thompson, Beck Bennett and Kyle Mooney are great writers of weird comedy. It's not dumbed down but it's not trying to be overly smart either. Just strange stuff that they find funny, a lot like the Lonely Island guys. Lonely Island is/was just a lot more over the top and commercially available.

Kate McKinnon is one of the best women ever on the show and Cecily Strong is funny and a knockout. Vanessa Bayer also has a strange angle at humor too which some people don't find all that funny.

I like that they've diversified the cast, but there is a huge gap in the cool black actors like Pharoah and Zamata and the nerdy humor of the white guys and it's a tough mix sometimes.

I think the worst part of the show right now are the hosts. Channing Tatum is a stiff, Rhonda Rousey next week. Driver was good last night. I know it's part of the show but a lot of them are just kind of meh.

Just my thoughts. So to answer the OP's question. Yes.
I occasionally watch, depending on the host and musical guest.

Honestly don't think I laughed one time last night. The undercover boss skit with Kylo Ren was a great idea but IMO just didn't deliver.
Horatio said that some of them believe Ferrel's portrayals of Bush actually helped him win, since it made him out to be just a cool dude.
I will say that they have a pretty good Trump impersonator. Pretty accurate in both look and sound. There's potential there if he gets the nomination.
Have not watched since about the late 80's. Have seen a few skits since then and did not laugh so, am not watching.
The men in the current cast are basically dead weight. They're just not funny.
I just watch the intro skit which is usually pretty fun, Seth Myers' spoof on the news was also funny but he's gone now. The rest of the show is pretty lame compared to what it use to be.
Greatest SNL people of all time are as follows.
Eddie Murphy- Buckwheat, Stevie Wonder, Mr Rogers imitation, James Brown in hot tub. Just brilliant.
Belushi- Could have been number 1 but Eddie Murphy so good. Belushi was great.
Bill Murray- the lounge singer was awesome alone
Dana Carvey- his Bush Sr, Church Lady and all his imitations, Jimmy Stewar, he was so versatile.
Chris Farley- Van down by river was awesome, dance off with Patrick Swayze
Phil Hartman- very underrated guy, he could play everyone from Reagan to some Sinatra, he was so versatile
Chevy Chase- I love Fletch and Chevy was great with Richard Pryor in scene, Jerry Ford falling.
Gilda Radner- Great original
Will Ferrell- Simply great, Bush imitation, playing jeopardy
Adam Sandler- he and Farley were great, Boy scout episode is great, Hannukah song,
A lot of the ladies with Dana Carvey and crew were great, those ladies at that time were great.
honorable mention for Joe Piscopo playing Frank Sinatra, and the the episode with him and Eddie Murphy being Stevie Wonder one of great top 2-3 moments of SNL.

Not a big Akroyd fan, very overrated in my book.
^ Darrell Hammond is a fantastic impersonator especially pols like Gore and Clinton. also who could forget Tina Fay's awesome impersonation of Sarah Palin.
Not to be all hipster bullshit, but I found Aykroyd more funny than Belushi.

Only able to watch reruns since I wasn't born at the time, so maybe I'm missing something.
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Usually don't watch live, but I DVR it and my girl and I watch it on Sunday.

It's always been hit or miss, but think there's been a lot of good with this cast. The Gosling episode was awesome. Everyone pointed to the aliens sketch (which was great), but man the parody of Kalifornia was absolutely hilarious to me.

And I've liked a lot of the music on there. Haven't seen anyone lip synching or anything. Thought Leon Bridges killed it.
It goes in waves and every decade had it's players and good years.
Belushi, Aykroyd, Radner in the the 1970's.
Murphy, Lovitz, Miller in the 80's.
Hartman, Carvey, Nealon going into the 90's.
Spade, Farley and Sandler in the mid-90's.
Farrell, Hammond, Morgan in the late 90's.
Fallon Parnell, Fey and Poehler in the mid 2000's.
Armisen, Hader, Samberg in the late 2000's.

Hard to say that any one of those groups isn't great. Some better than others, but I don't think any single era totally eclipsed another.

There just hasn't been anyone to really breakthrough in the early to mid 2010's.. but I could see Bryant or McKinnon to become big.
This is one of the cast members before he made it to SNL. This is funnier than anything on SNL in years.