Do you still regularly see folks in face masks where you live/work?

Was up in NC with the nephews and we went go-carting. Dude brings his 3 kids in all masked up. Took their profile pics for the races with masks. They're playing their games in masks. They even sat down near us to eat and the kids are dropping a mask, take bite and putting it back up. Clown world stuff.
Was on a private forum & guy who analyzes statistics made the point that flu deaths jumped up last winter to pre covid levels. He suggests people not distancing & not wearing masks as in covid winters was the reason.
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Very rarely for me, but I'm not in a big metro area.

Curious about others' experiences... there were comments on a national news article and many people in the comments reported still seeing lots of folks masking. I do not.
Every now and then.
During COVID I'd sometimes listen to a local sports radio guy and remember him saying when picking his son up from school that his son once kept his mask on in the car. After several seconds the dad told him he could take his mask off and he did. The radio host said his son had gotten used to it during school and just sorta forgot it was on after getting into the car. I think sometimes people want to label someone as this or that or call them names from a distance. The reality is for a lot of people masking wasn't really that big of a deal and yeah, sometimes you just forgot the thing was on. There doesn't always have to be an agenda.

I never truly understood the stubborn aggression Americans had for and against wearing a mask. Personally, I think people used the mask as a way to be dicks to each other, as if we needed another reason, but we used it anyway and unfortunately still do.
I would frequently forget to take my mask off in the car after work.
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No. But I wore one today because I was doing some yard work. Hacked down a plant that shot out a lot of pollen.
The masks you can get at hardware stores to use for painting or any other type of sprayable stuff you don't want to inhale are good for that. I used to wear one growing up when mowing the grass at home because I had a real bad pollen allergy back then.
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I see them occasionally at the grocery store. Usually old folks. My FIL recently lost his battle with cancer and we noticed lots of them when we took him for treatment.

Hell, I wore one for a few minutes back in the spring when I came down with a cold and ran into Kroger for a few items and elected to wear it to hopefully reduce, not eliminate, me sharing my crud with other shoppers. I also wore an N95 to mow my yard a few weeks ago when the air quality was really poor because of the wildfires up north. I started without one but couldnā€™t quit coughing and went inside and got the N95 Iā€™d used to help a buddy lay insulation. (I had COVID in February and the virus itself wasnā€™t bad, but my breathing is still a little off. Probably because Iā€™m an ex smoker of 20 years)

As an introvert who hates the public at large, i loved the mask era. Avoided several useless conversations with acquaintances I wasnā€™t interested in having. Nope wasnā€™t me. Mustā€™ve been someone who looked like me in a mask.

I guess other peopleā€™s personal choices just donā€™t offend me much. Want to wear a mask? Cool. Want to make your political affiliation your identity by wearing a politicianā€™s name all over your clothing? Also cool. You do you. I do me. Thatā€™s my main philosophy for life.
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Iā€™m cool with all that too but the politics stuff bothers me because nowadays people are wearing political clothing purposefully to try and start shit and piss people off.
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Actually, your new acquaintance from Wuhan might be Patient Zero... and should be treated as such lol.

Tell him his Chinese name translates to "Patient Zero" and have a little fun...
I see them occasionally at the grocery store. Usually old folks. My FIL recently lost his battle with cancer and we noticed lots of them when we took him for treatment.

Hell, I wore one for a few minutes back in the spring when I came down with a cold and ran into Kroger for a few items and elected to wear it to hopefully reduce, not eliminate, me sharing my crud with other shoppers. I also wore an N95 to mow my yard a few weeks ago when the air quality was really poor because of the wildfires up north. I started without one but couldnā€™t quit coughing and went inside and got the N95 Iā€™d used to help a buddy lay insulation. (I had COVID in February and the virus itself wasnā€™t bad, but my breathing is still a little off. Probably because Iā€™m an ex smoker of 20 years)

As an introvert who hates the public at large, i loved the mask era. Avoided several useless conversations with acquaintances I wasnā€™t interested in having. Nope wasnā€™t me. Mustā€™ve been someone who looked like me in a mask.

I guess other peopleā€™s personal choices just donā€™t offend me much. Want to wear a mask? Cool. Want to make your political affiliation your identity by wearing a politicianā€™s name all over your clothing? Also cool. You do you. I do me. Thatā€™s my main philosophy for life.
One thing I miss about the mask era is not being able to see the jacked up teeth some of our patients have. Some of these people out here looking like they are the product of at least several generations of inbreeding.
Yes. It's actually increasing lately. Don't know if it's the Canadian arson or the fear of germs

@Magilla Gorillla gonna be hate-calling In N Out now. šŸ¤§šŸ˜·

As a diner, I'm all for people wearing masks while making and handling food, if they want to do that. Just as long as they aren't touching their mask constantly before touching the food
I can say with confidence the only people I ever saw with a mask on in public pre COVID were Asian people. Now I donā€™t blame older folks for wearing them, but it is without question people unable to recover from the fear porn shoved down our throats.

While I donā€™t judge older people, if youā€™re younger than 65 wearing a mask, especially in your car, youā€™ve crossed over to mental illness.
I have an uncle that has had respiratory problems his whole life and he wears a mask sometimes. Depends on how crowded the area is but for the most part he doesn't. But for a while he was really paranoid about it. But this is a guy that if you mention the word 'cold' around him he'll be in the hospital with pneumonia that afternoon
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Still see people wearing them in grocery and drug stores here. Our doctor's office requires them. Most of the cashiers at our Publix wear them, but aren't required. Same for back in East TN. We took my MIL to Urgent Care in December. Their waiting area was crammed with sick people. The Dr examined her and told us to get her to the hospital because he thought she had RSV. We checked in at the ER, and it was SRO. There was one poor lady in a wheel chair who was projectile vomiting into a garbage can before someone decided it might be a good idea to move her to an isolated area. My MIL was in the hospital for 8 days. Neither her or my FIL had the RSV shot, but my wife and I had ours at the recommendation of our Dr.
Itā€™s not America anymore. We have people out here trying to protect themselves knowing how much it hurts you guys. I hope they all burn in hell with their masks. Yā€™all should have be subjected to seeing people wearing masks.
Itā€™s not America anymore. We have people out here trying to protect themselves knowing how much it hurts you guys. I hope they all burn in hell with their masks. Yā€™all should have be subjected to seeing people wearing masks.
You^^^ versus the reality of what happened.

Effective Friday September 10, 2021, TSA will be increasing the range of civil penalties that may be charged against individuals who violate the federal mask mandate in U.S. transportation systems covered by the January 31, 2021 Security Directive, and subsequent amendments, implementing the mask mandate. The new range of penalties will be $500-$1000 for first offenders and $1000-$3000 for second offenders. TSA will provide updated signage at airports regarding the increased civil penalties for first and second offenses, in areas under the control of TSA. (Note: TSA does not currently place signs in railroad or other surface transportation venues)
I never cared about private companies saying you have to wear a mask. If for God knows what reason Kroger decided on Monday that you had to wear a mask to go in that is their business. I can choose to go in there or not.

The government making it required to wear one is what pissed most people off.

Then there were the people that thought the masks had GPS trackers in them from China. Those people are their own special group.
You^^^ versus the reality of what happened.

Effective Friday September 10, 2021, TSA will be increasing the range of civil penalties that may be charged against individuals who violate the federal mask mandate in U.S. transportation systems covered by the January 31, 2021 Security Directive, and subsequent amendments, implementing the mask mandate. The new range of penalties will be $500-$1000 for first offenders and $1000-$3000 for second offenders. TSA will provide updated signage at airports regarding the increased civil penalties for first and second offenses, in areas under the control of TSA. (Note: TSA does not currently place signs in railroad or other surface transportation venues)
You - Waaa, someone is in Kroger wearing a mask.

LOL at the joke you people are.
I never cared about private companies saying you have to wear a mask. If for God knows what reason Kroger decided on Monday that you had to wear a mask to go in that is their business. I can choose to go in there or not.

The government making it required to wear one is what pissed most people off.

Then there were the people that thought the masks had GPS trackers in them from China. Those people are their own special group.
The government makes you drive under a certain speed too. Makes you wear a seatbelt. Maybe it they were politicized you would be as upset about masks.
I'm always going to be in "who cares?" mode on this subject. If you're triggered in 2024 by seeing some random in a mask then that's a you problem and I can't imagine you live a very happy life. Some have health issues and may feel that mask gives them added protection. Maybe you disagree, that's fine. If I find myself in 15 degree weather clearing snow, I'm probably going to wear a mask I saved since that's added warmth. I've done it before and it helped. If you ride by and want to assume I'm a woke libtard sheep, I mean, okay I guess. I live a normal life so this stuff does not bother me or trigger me. I have no idea why it would anyone else. Anti-mask people want us to move on with our lives...but they're the ones getting upset if they see one person in society wearing a mask now. It's just absurd we've put this much energy and emotion into this.
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I'm always going to be in "who cares?" mode on this subject. If you're triggered in 2024 by seeing some random in a mask then that's a you problem and I can't imagine you live a very happy life. Some have health issues and may feel that mask gives them added protection. Maybe you disagree, that's fine. If I find myself in 15 degree weather clearing snow, I'm probably going to wear a mask I saved since that's added warmth. I've done it before and it helped. If you ride by and want to assume I'm a woke libtard sheep, I mean, okay I guess. I live a normal life so this stuff does not bother me or trigger me. I have no idea why it would anyone else. Anti-mask people want us to move on with our lives...but they're the ones getting upset if they see one person in society wearing a mask now. It's just absurd we've put this much energy and emotion into this.
You donā€™t just grab a scarf or a gator? I think that would be of much better use.

You donā€™t just grab a scarf or a gator? I think that would be of much better use.
Probably puts on the mask over the gator. Double protection from germs floating around out in the driveway. But did they ever decide if gators or masks actually protect and how many are needed? Seems like I remember fauchi changed his mind once or twice.
One dude wears his religiously still. Heā€™s in our IT dept. One girl wears hers about 1/3 of the time if weā€™re in a group situation, sheā€™s slacked off from where she used to be with it. Sheā€™s one that puts her she/her pronouns in her email signature. Our little older lady that runs the front desk wears hers about half the time. Outside of them I donā€™t see any masks and thereā€™s about 60-65 people in the office.

You donā€™t just grab a scarf or a gator? I think that would be of much better use.
I was only outside for 20 minutes or so. I'm in Louisville, not Minneapolis. My point was, I no longer needed it for masking purposes but might continue to use it in the situation I laid out. Louisville ain't exactly the Great North so I've never owned a scarf.