Do you bet on sports (or anything else)?

To digress, should Pete Rose be enshrined in Cooperstown?

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Mar 21, 2008
I just play fantasy football with a group of close friends and, around once a month (sometimes less), poker with another group of close friends. $20's the buy-in on both. And I buy a handful of Powerball tickets a year (I've bought two so far in 2024).

As far as I know, I don't personally know anyone who really gambles much.
I rarely see anyone happy about sports bets they’ve made, so I’ve never tried.

When the lottery gets over a billion I’ll drop $10 on it. Surprisingly, I’ve never won.
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Fantasy sports.. and I'll put maybe $200 around on some NFL and March madness bets... almost none of which ever win anything.

Just never got itch to gamble. Feels like there casinos are rich for a reason, and more often than not I'm just gonna lose money. That's not worth it to me.
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Why hell yes, what God fearing Kentuckian, born and raised in Lexington, doesn't bet on the Derby and the BC and horses in general? Is the OP a troll job???

Used to bet some decent coin all the time on college football and to a lesser extent basketball, but for the most part quit gambling any real money on those two. Still bet $50 or so on a few games every now and then, and put maybe $10 on two or three longshots in golf tournaments. Will also put some cash on the MLB playoffs when they come around this fall. But nothing that is going to make me rich, or give my wife heartburn, either way.
I bet primarily on NCAA football and basketball and the NFL. Occasionally bet on MLB or NBA.

That’s about it for me.
Yes. I use Draftkings for both sports betting and fantasy. I used to bet $1 every night on NBA fantasy hoping to have the best team that night to win anywhere between 500-600. Typically I would win $1.50-4 depending on the night. I bet $50 on the Masters fantasy. NFL i would typically bet $15 a weekend on fantasy and for college football around the same. College bball I would maybe do $5 a week fantasy.

In regard to sports betting, during CFB and NFL I probably bet around $100 a weekend. It just makes it interesting for me. I dont bet big bets unless I do a ML bet. My biggest win last season was a $20 bet in the UK/UL game that paid right at $1200 on a 6 leg in-game parlay. For college bball, I used to bet $500 a saturday on 4 teams. Had strict rules...ML only and the team had to be a top 25 team at home and atleast 8pt favorite or more. Typically $500 paid around $400 so low risk but sh*t can happen and take a loss.

I love sports betting but not chasing losses.
I bet on college and pro football and pretty much stay away from basketball and baseball due to the random nature of them.
I've played heavy since September and held my own. March was a 8 grand month on nba alone. Cost about 1500 to get it. I put 100 on a stack of nba games and let it run up to cash out. NFL wasn't as easy as nba was but the best way to play for me is stack a bundle of games no more than 6 or 7 and it usually pays around 800. There was a stretch last month were I didn't lose a single night and it was Awesome!! Now mlb is hard and I brought my bets down to 5 and 10 dollar parleys.