Do unknown college players...


Feb 16, 2022
Influence what you buy? Just watched the Amazon commercial with Angel Reese and someone named Fla'jae or something like that. Second girl has some serious facial tics. Anyway, do these commercials steer you to their products?
Influence what you buy? Just watched the Amazon commercial with Angel Reese and someone named Fla'jae or something like that. Second girl has some serious facial tics. Anyway, do these commercials steer you to their products?
I don't buy anything based on a commercial or endorsement. I read reviews, do my own research, ETC.
And commercials are supposed to make you want that product, but most commercials today do nothing to make me want to run out and get whatever they are selling. Some actually have the opposite effect. And then some, I can't even tell what the hell they are trying to sell me. Blows my mind that some corporations pay millions for some of the ads that they spend it on thinking it will promote sales.
Influence what you buy? Just watched the Amazon commercial with Angel Reese and someone named Fla'jae or something like that. Second girl has some serious facial tics. Anyway, do these commercials steer you to their products?
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Influence what you buy? Just watched the Amazon commercial with Angel Reese and someone named Fla'jae or something like that. Second girl has some serious facial tics. Anyway, do these commercials steer you to their products?
Even well-known college or pro players in any sport don’t influence what I buy!!
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15-30% of the cost of a new car is Advertising. I belive if you run a 6 month campaign says we are not going to advertise our cars anymore, and in doing so we are slashing the cost of our vehicles by xx%, that the vehicles would sell like hotcakes. Unless your a brand diehard, and with vehicles there is alot of those, but if your not. If comparable vehicles have a 5-10k price difference. I would assume most people would take the cheaper version. I would guess less than 5% of the commercials I have ever seen has led to a direct purchase. In this day an age it would make more sense to not advertise as you never know which woke/political party you might offend.
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You're talking about it. It worked, even if it wasn't the way it was supposed to.
Not really. I'm not sure what they are even trying to sell?
Now for my 1 year old daughter, she would buy anything with a catchy song. She loves all of the medical company commercials and Burger King might be her favorite of all.
When I was a kid, endorsements were huge selling points. As an adult, not so much. Now, a particular endorsement might get me interested in a product to look into it, but I'd never just buy it solely on an endorsement
Not really. I'm not sure what they are even trying to sell?
Now for my 1 year old daughter, she would buy anything with a catchy song. She loves all of the medical company commercials and Burger King might be her favorite of all.
You are literally doing free advertising for them and you don't even know. Ends up it was a damn fine commercial after all.
Only advertisement that gets me typically is food. Cause I'll be like "oh yea that does sound good right now"

Although I'll admit I do get hooked on a UA shoe advertisement on sale last week.
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It kind of depends.

Let’s take Taylor Swift.

She could never convince me to buy her products.
But I guarantee you she could convince me to buy her “products.”
Only advertisement that gets me typically is food. Cause I'll be like "oh yea that does sound good right now"
I've long wondered why restaurants don't want fat servers. When you ask a skinny waif if something is good you have no idea if they're telling you the truth. You ask the fat dude and you know he enjoys it, because he can't stop eating it.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the Hardees Kate Upton commericials very much, but there isnt' a chance in france she was ever eating those things regularly. Now put that actress from "This is Us" in there? Watch her scarf those things down and you'll be convinced they are tasty.
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Endorsements from any player don't sway my decision any way good or bad. But it is a good marketing strategy to catch the suckers. I guarantee there were several UK fans bought broncos because will Levis was in a commercial. I'm not one of them.
Just like I'm sure a lot of people ate at wherever will got free meals because he talked about it a lot. I'm not one of the influenced but it does work.
I might notice a product because of an athlete or celebrity, and if I'm interested, I'll research it before buying. There was an ad for Oofos that Dawn Staley did. I noticed the commercial because of her. It was a product that interested me. I looked at them online, read reviews, then I went to a local shoe store that sold them and tried on a pair. I took a few steps in them and decided to purchase. If someone else I recognized besides Staley had done the commercial, I would have still noticed the product and checked it out. The product sold itself.
I've long wondered why restaurants don't want fat servers. When you ask a skinny waif if something is good you have no idea if they're telling you the truth. You ask the fat dude and you know he enjoys it, because he can't stop eating it.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the Hardees Kate Upton commericials very much, but there isnt' a chance in france she was ever eating those things regularly. Now put that actress from "This is Us" in there? Watch her scarf those things down and you'll be convinced they are tasty.
Thin gals are generally viewed as being more attractive than fat gals. Businesses know this and hire accordingly.

Ever see really fat gals at Hooters? Nope. And for a reason.

Plus, there's a belief that fat equals lazy and lack of motivation. Makes sense in a way if you let yourself go.
Thin gals are generally viewed as being more attractive than fat gals. Businesses know this and hire accordingly.

Ever see really fat gals at Hooters? Nope. And for a reason.

Plus, there's a belief that fat equals lazy and lack of motivation. Makes sense in a way if you let yourself go.
The Hooters have to stand for themselves imho you can't just be big and claim them. They're looking for them thangs to be 30% of your body weight
I can honestly say that in my lifetime, I can't remember a celebrity, sports or otherwise, that influenced a purchasing decision on my part. But, I will say, I had to fight my kids over wanting the newest clothes or shoes that their favorite athlete wore. I remember distinctly my youngest son, or maybe my oldest grandson (only a few years younger), having to have the neon green batting gloves that Ricky Henderson wore.
I stopped doing anything based off advertisements by like age 11 when I felt ripped off by the Reebok Pump. Especially celebrity endorsement stuff. For me, it’s all word of mouth from someone I deem competent or knowledgeable about the product and personal experience. I feel zero sympathy for people who bought into FTX because Tom Brady or Larry David did commercials for it… they’re literally paid to do it, they must believe a stripper loves them too…
One of my favorite tv shows, Cheers, had an episode were Woody was hired to promote some fruit drink, or vegetable drink, and he kept gagging while trying to drink it. If I remember correctly, Sam was trying to help Woody get endorsement deals because Sam got them as a former baseball player.

A better question, not to hijack the thread, is would you endorse I product that you didn't like just to get paid.
Influence what you buy? Just watched the Amazon commercial with Angel Reese and someone named Fla'jae or something like that. Second girl has some serious facial tics. Anyway, do these commercials steer you to their products?
I would not buy anything based on any endorsement by a athlete, celebrity or common Joe. If I need something I research internet, read reviews and search for best price. As far as a 18 year old college athlete what in hell do they know about a product. Without their phone they would wander around aimlessly.
15-30% of the cost of a new car is Advertising. I belive if you run a 6 month campaign says we are not going to advertise our cars anymore, and in doing so we are slashing the cost of our vehicles by xx%, that the vehicles would sell like hotcakes. Unless your a brand diehard, and with vehicles there is alot of those, but if your not. If comparable vehicles have a 5-10k price difference. I would assume most people would take the cheaper version. I would guess less than 5% of the commercials I have ever seen has led to a direct purchase. In this day an age it would make more sense to not advertise as you never know which woke/political party you might offend.
I don't know... I was really thankful there is a truck commercial that shows I can clap like an idiot in the middle of nowhere and be safe.
Commercials don’t have to directly influence you the individual. They just need to convince enough of the people in your orbit that they slowly do the work and convince you for the brand.
I can honestly say that in my lifetime, I can't remember a celebrity, sports or otherwise, that influenced a purchasing decision on my part. But, I will say, I had to fight my kids over wanting the newest clothes or shoes that their favorite athlete wore. I remember distinctly my youngest son, or maybe my oldest grandson (only a few years younger), having to have the neon green batting gloves that Ricky Henderson wore.

I really wanted some Jordans when I was a kid and my mom pretty much laughed at me.
15-30% of the cost of a new car is Advertising. I belive if you run a 6 month campaign says we are not going to advertise our cars anymore, and in doing so we are slashing the cost of our vehicles by xx%, that the vehicles would sell like hotcakes. Unless your a brand diehard, and with vehicles there is alot of those, but if your not. If comparable vehicles have a 5-10k price difference. I would assume most people would take the cheaper version. I would guess less than 5% of the commercials I have ever seen has led to a direct purchase. In this day an age it would make more sense to not advertise as you never know which woke/political party you might offend.
You had to say woke. Remember the Dixie Chicks.