DJ Gillins, Mike Edwards, and Mikel Horton Updates


Gold Member
Sep 24, 2002
Bluegrass, USA
4 Star QB DJ Gillins tells me that UK is his favorite school, and interest is as much as it has ever been. He tells me he still talks to the coaches all the time, even more as of late. He is developing a relationship with them, and he told me he has a commitable offer, despite rumors of his offer being uncommitable. UK staff has made it known that Drew Barker is their top prospect, and main priority, but Gillins isn't far behind. The staff has made it known they like Gillins, too. Here are his highlights:

4 Star RB Mikel Horton tells me UK is still one of his favorites, but no list right now. Recent offer from Boston College. Loves UK staff, and they keep in touch with him on a daily basis. The staff is making him a great priority. Plans on visiting FSU soon, but UK is very much in it. He says he has no idea when he will cut his list, but will likely make a decision in the Summer, hopefully, so he can focus on his Senior Year in High School. Here is a short highlight tape, but his Hudl Highlight Tape is in the following link.
4 Star DB Mike Edwards tells me that UK is one of his top schools. He will try to cut list before his season, and UK will most likely be on it. They have been after him for quite some time, and that means a lot. Of all of his visits, Mike told me UK was the most impressive, as was the staff. Mike says he has 15 offers, and will let them settle before he makes any decision on his future. UK definitely has him in his plans, and the feeling is mutual. He could make early decision, but isn't sure just yet. Could be late Spring/early Summer. Here is a short highlight tape, but his Hudl Highlight Tape is in the following link.

UK is gaining major interest in 4 Star Players around the country. The 2014 Recruiting Class could be record breaking. Stay tuned for more updates.
Football Recruiting Update
Published March 9, 2013 | By recruitkentucky
I have a huge update from my latest interviews, including interests, visits, favorites, etc.

4 Star WR Derek Kief tells me he likes OSU, Kentucky, and Alabama; He says he has no favorites. He tells me he absolutely loves UK and Staff. He is hoping to make some sort of list in the near future, and Kentucky will definitely be on that list. He says one thing that separates UK among others is the new technology implemented for the players. He says he would fit the system perfectly, and that's something to keep in mind when he ends up making a final decision. His offer list is growing as days past. He would be a huge get for the Wildcats.

4 Star RB Mikel Horton informed he has no list anymore, but still loves UK. Definitely one of the top choices. UK will definitely be on the table when it comes time to sign. He will likely be a summertime decision. Louisville and Cincy offered recently, among others. He is wide open on recruitment with a lot of guys mentioned. He says the coaching staff was "really impressive" and says they "honestly blew my mind." He says he talks to UK staff a good bit.

JUCO Star DT Richard Dorvilus tells me he Loves UK. He says he is keeping his grades up with 3.0 GPA, finishing this summer, will enroll in December. Says 50% chance he commits to first school that offers. Likes Kansas, Kansas State, Nebraska, Cincy, and Kentucky. Offers will be coming later, but wants to be making a decision by August. Likes loyalty in coaches, which is why he likes Kentucky so much. Stoops was first coach to talk to him. That will always be in the back of his mind.

Tavise Stoudamire has committed to Kentucky and will make it official soon most likely. Most underrated player in the class, in my opinion. Will shoot up in rankings after commitment is official.

Thaddeus Snodgrass loves UK. UK is his favorite. He is unsure of a decision time, but it may come soon. He would like to decide earlier rather than later. Kentucky will be destination come time for a decision. Staff makes him feel comfortable and makes him feel at home. Definitely in great shape. He may be one of the first commits for UK besides Ware and Stoudamire. And he sure is a good one.

4 Star DB Mike Edwards has UK among his favorites. He doesn't have a real list, but UK definitely on it. He wants to visit UK for Spring Game. Says UK has had most impressive coaching staff, and visit of all of the places he has been, and coaching staffs he has talked to. Will likely decide in the Summer. He is trying to cut his list next month. Likes OSU, also. If they offered, most likely 2 way race with Kentucky. UK is the slight leader for Edwards. Playing time important to his decision. Talks to Coach Ansley the most. Ansley tells him that the SEC is the place to be, says UK needs him. UL, Mich, Mich St, Minnesota, Nebraska, WVU, Illinois, Indiana, Georgia Tech, Wisconsin, and Ohio State are schools that talk to him, in addition to UK. Offers from UK, Illinois, Louisville, Toledo, Kent St, Bowling-Green, Indiana, and others. He believes he can be a 5 Star recruit if he performs well in games, camps, and especially Nike Combine in Columbus. Hoping for the big name conferences to be there and raise offer sheet. As of now, UK in great shape.

Nacarius Fant's only two offers are WKU and Illinois, but interest is starting readies from several schools. Loves UK, and UK tells him he will be offered early March, likely when he next visits. Talked to Coach Mainord recently, and is even more optimistic after that talk of an offer. Says playing time is a big factor. Mainord tells him he would be a Slot Receiver. Coaches tell him that they want him to come in and watch a few practices and see how they run things at Kentucky. Will decide in the middle or at the end of Senior Year. Not in any hurry to commit, although he did tell me once Kentucky offers, he may jump the gun on a commitment. The earlier the better for an offer, and the chances commits after he gets one. He tells me he wants to wait for all of the offers to come in. He tells me that the Recruiting Class plays no bearing on where he goes, good or bad. He just wants to go where he fits in (Great news considering UK runs same offense as his High School.) He wants to come in and help out immediately

4 Star QB DJ Gillins will be going to Texas Tech Spring Game. Going to Kentucky on April 13 for theirs. Tells me UK has given him a COMMITTABLE offer, despite reports of his offer not being committable. UK is favorite, and if he had to commit today it would "probably" be Kentucky.

Patrick Porter- Confirmed UK has offered, and It is a committable one. Loves UK and staff. Would say Kentucky is the leader right now. Loves everything they have to offer. Commitment likely this summer. Earlier rather than later.

4 Star S Darius West tells me UK is his leader, and will certainly be a hat on the table come time for a decision. He says he is definitely going to visit Kentucky again,and is expecting a Spring/Summer decision. Definitely before Senior Year. He wants it out of the way so he can focus on his senior year's academics and athletics. He says he is working on making an official list in the near future, and UK will definitely be there.

Darryl Long tells me UK is in his Top 3. He loves the Wildcats and talks to the coaching staff on a regular basis. He says he is going to "definitely" visit multiple times, and wants to visit for the Spring Game. He will decide this summer, and UK will definitely be there up until the end.
All I can say is wow...Stoops and asst coaches are killing it on the recruiting trail!
Originally posted by AndyPopCat:
4 Star QB DJ Gillins tells me that UK is his favorite school, and interest is as much as it has ever been. He tells me he still talks to the coaches all the time, even more as of late. He is developing a relationship with them, and he told me he has a commitable offer, despite rumors of his offer being uncommitable. UK staff has made it known that Drew Barker is their top prospect, and main priority, but Gillins isn't far behind. The staff has made it known they like Gillins, too. Here are his highlights:

4 Star RB Mikel Horton tells me UK is still one of his favorites, but no list right now. Recent offer from Boston College. Loves UK staff, and they keep in touch with him on a daily basis. The staff is making him a great priority. Plans on visiting FSU soon, but UK is very much in it. He says he has no idea when he will cut his list, but will likely make a decision in the Summer, hopefully, so he can focus on his Senior Year in High School. Here is a short highlight tape, but his Hudl Highlight Tape is in the following link.
4 Star DB Mike Edwards tells me that UK is one of his top schools. He will try to cut list before his season, and UK will most likely be on it. They have been after him for quite some time, and that means a lot. Of all of his visits, Mike told me UK was the most impressive, as was the staff. Mike says he has 15 offers, and will let them settle before he makes any decision on his future. UK definitely has him in his plans, and the feeling is mutual. He could make early decision, but isn't sure just yet. Could be late Spring/early Summer. Here is a short highlight tape, but his Hudl Highlight Tape is in the following link.

UK is gaining major interest in 4 Star Players around the country. The 2014 Recruiting Class could be record breaking. Stay tuned for more updates.
Thanks Andy for all your work and good reads! Much appreciated by this long time WILDCAT football fan.
We need to start getting some of these kids to commit and then for them to become active in helping recruit other top players.