Dennis Smith Jr. commits to NC ST

Somebody give this arrogant guy a cookie. I never doubted your info. I'm sure most didn't. But you just had to post in EVERY Smith and Bam thread and say they're going to NCST. Plus you did so is a very snarky/arrogant way every single time. That's why myself and many others don't like you regardless of your sources.

On topic, it's ashame Smith committed to NCST. He will waste away there for a year, maybe 2 before going pro and being drafted lower than he should. He's the best PG in the class IMO and it's not even a question to me. If he came here he would likely have been a OAD top 5 draft pick. He will go late lotto to late first round at NCST.

Oh and also, hell no to getting Simmons now. He's not that great of a player compared to the other guards we are after. He's the backup-backup plan IMO.
Wrong! Simmons is only a backup to Fox. Simmons and Fox will both be at UK so you're gonna have to deal with it.
Curious why Gottfreid has been able to recruit at a much higher level at NC State than he did at Alabama.
Curious why Gottfreid has been able to recruit at a much higher level at NC State than he did at Alabama.

Better bb environment.....not fb dominated.
Better bb conference.....NCS has won NCAA know.
Much more desirable for bb than Ala.

Why does Cal recruit better at UK than UM?
same answer.
Better bb environment.....not fb dominated.
Better bb conference.....NCS has won NCAA know.
Much more desirable for bb than Ala.

Why does Cal recruit better at UK than UM?
same answer.
I get what you are saying, but Cal is a bad example. Cal was an elite recruiter already at Memphis. He likely would have landed Wall and Cousins anyway had he stayed. It makes sense that he would be better at UK. I remember Gottfreid being pretty terrible at Alabama.
I get what you are saying, but Cal is a bad example. Cal was an elite recruiter already at Memphis. He likely would have landed Wall and Cousins anyway had he stayed. It makes sense that he would be better at UK. I remember Gottfreid being pretty terrible at Alabama.

Would Cal have repeated that 6-7 straight years? (at UM)
Cal has gone from recruiting to selecting.........not exactly, but close.
Kentucky has enabled that.
Yep, being friends with their coach is no scoop. Thanks for letting me know.

If I remember, you were one of the ones saying that I didn't know anything, then they commit and "everyone knew"...what a terrible human.

Good lord PLEASE stop.

No one cares if you know more, seriously, NO ONE CARES.

You sound like a 4th grade yelling, "I know something you don't know!" over and over again.

So can we just put an end to the back and forth bickering about nonsense??

Those are just the first 3 of MANY.

Haha. You might want to consider your source(s).

Tell me, what did kwilt43atbuzz have to say on the subject?