Debate Thread?

Trump is terrible at debating. The idea that he is great at it is, and always WAS nonsense. But, he's a pretty good President. Exponentially better than Harris (although that is an extremely low bar)
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The bases are locked in. She beat him in that debate. It will move some independents. Anybody that watched that and felt like he was the man for the job was already convinced of that.
What, in her message makes you think the independents will drift towards her? Honestly curious. Independent voters, as we know, tend to shade conservative by a hefty margin, so again, I'm curious why you think that debate decided it for some of them.
What, in her message makes you think the independents will drift towards her? Honestly curious. Independent voters, as we know, tend to shade conservative by a hefty margin, so again, I'm curious why you think that debate decided it for some of them.

His poor performance. I think a lot of people are sick of his shit and she came across as competent enough.
Trump is terrible at debating. The idea that he is great at it is, and always WAS nonsense. But, he's a pretty good President. Exponentially better than Harris (although that is an extremely low bar)

It is a rare moment in history when you know what you are getting. If 2016-20 was better domestically and internationally, you vote Trump. If the past four years have been better, you vote Harris. The country and the world have seen both in power and it is fair to think you will see more of the same you experienced under each administration. The real debate has been in the books for a while.
What, in her message makes you think the independents will drift towards her? Honestly curious. Independent voters, as we know, tend to shade conservative by a hefty margin, so again, I'm curious why you think that debate decided it for some of them.

Also none of his points feel conservative at this point. He’s just spit balling constantly. Doesn’t feel like he’s operating by a set of principles other than what’s good for him in the moment. What conservative points did he make yesterday?
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It is a rare moment in history when you know what you are getting. If 2016-20 was better domestically and internationally, you vote Trump. If the past four years have been better, you vote Harris. The country and the world have seen both in power and it is fair to think you will see more of the same you experienced under each administration. The real debate has been in the books for a while.

You get hacked here or did your meds kick in?
Trump is terrible at debating. The idea that he is great at it is, and always WAS nonsense. But, he's a pretty good President. Exponentially better than Harris (although that is an extremely low bar)
Can't be a good debater when you literally take every piece of bait offered. Trump lost the debate simply because he is so easily triggered and has little self control when anyone needles him.

It's America's fault for nominating a canidate that could only beat Joe Biden.
Well, I'm reasonably confident that he's going to beat Kamala, but I sort of get your point. And, he DID do a pretty good job the first time. I'm a middle class American, and I did better under Trump than Biden or Obama. (and I VOTED for Obama)
I never mentioned anyone's defecation. I just said that if you DID, that I hope you washed your hands.

Anyway, the question: I'm waiting on you to explain to me why you thought independents would be motivated to vote for Kamala, based on her debate points. You never answered. I mean, you prattled on about things you dislike about Trump etc. but you haven't said what, in particular, with regards to Kamala's platform that you, or rather "independents" would like.
Also, as of this morning, it appears that a lot of Springfield, Ohio residents disagree with their operations manager, and David Muir, with respect to ducks, dogs, and cats being eaten, and they want something DONE about it. 😆 😆
World War III! Nuclear holocaust! Sex change surgeries to illegal immigrants! They're murdering children after they've been born! Hordes of murdering immigrants are eating our pet dogs and cats! The Central Park 5 maybe still did it, no regrets for wanting them executed! In fact, no regrets at all! Biden and Harris caused all that global inflation, not, you know, that whole worldwide pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine! Fear! Scary foreigners! Huge tariffs won't raise the prices of consumer goods for the average American, not at all! It's the end of America if I don't win!

GD, what a nutso, weird old man. I just thank god everyday the old white men on here have this safe space message board to shield ourselves from the evil, lying liBeRal meDIa.
I never mentioned anyone's defecation. I just said that if you DID, that I hope you washed your hands.

Anyway, the question: I'm waiting on you to explain to me why you thought independents would be motivated to vote for Kamala, based on her debate points. You never answered. I mean, you prattled on about things you dislike about Trump etc. but you haven't said what, in particular, with regards to Kamala's platform that you, or rather "independents" would like.

I don’t think people vote for platforms honestly. I already explained in my initial response. He’s exhausted a lot of people. When people are exhausted they will vote for change. I won’t vote for either one of them just like I didn’t vote for either presidential option in 2016 or 2020. I am an independent that leans liberal on a lot of social stuff and conservative on fiscal and security issues. I could be a gettable voter for either party but neither appeal to me in the least. Give me a strong independent that is sane and rational and I’m all in. Until then, no thank you.
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How is Kamala "change"? She's been running things for 3 years 😆

So, I guess your answer is that you have no answer and/or understanding of her policy positions. To be fair, it was a trick question, because she HAS no policy positions, but still.

YOU, just don't like Trump. That's it in a nutshell. I'd have respected you a little at least, if you'd just said that, instead of trying to dress it up.

You can leave now.
Clown, the fact that Kamala spoke about actual policies and her intent as President whereas Trump's biggest policy comment of the night is "I have a concept of a plan" is what will likely persuade independents if they are truly on the fence about who to vote for. I don't, for a single second, believe there are actually people two months out from an election that could look at either candidate at this point and say "maybe?".

Trump has flipped the table so hard on what we expect from actual debates anymore that it's hard to say that anyone garnered anything from last night. You could make the argument that Kamala seemed calm and was definitely playing up a "prosecutorial" persona to get Trump off of his game but you could also easily argue that Trump was just playing to his base and they were likely eating it up.

Both candidates likely have about 25% of the vote locked up through party (or in Trump's case, Trump loyalty) alone. The question becomes less so about what age demographics get out (which was so prevalent during the Obama years) and moreso about how shifting population changes in the purple states continue to affect the electoral college. Florida appears to be getting redder and redder but it's at the expense of the mid and southwest. Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina (who has the worst republican gubernatorial candidate I've ever seen and may cost Trump the state), Georgia and Arizona are basically going to decide the election again.
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How is Kamala "change"? She's been running things for 3 years 😆

So, I guess your answer is, that you have no answer and/or understanding of her policy positions. To be fair, it was a trick question, because she HAD no policy positions, but still.

Trump's only policy position last night was to redo the tax breaks he passed in 2017 which conveniently ended for the middle class right after he left office and were permanent for large businesses. Outside of that, he spent more time talking about culture wars, fake news and crowd sizes.

You aren't going to convince anyone that Trump is some policy hawk.

I didn't hear her outline a policy. In fact the only policies I've heard her speak of were actually Trump's policies. So, the offer extends to you. I'd like to hear what those policies are. The ones that are so appealing to the independents. LOL

I'm not trying to convince anyone about Trump. I'm asking questions about Kamala. Try and keep up.

That's not fair, you might not know what started this. So, let me back up. chroix said that her policies probably won her some independents, and I was curious what those policies were.
How is Kamala "change"? She's been running things for 3 years 😆

So, I guess your answer is that you have no answer and/or understanding of her policy positions. To be fair, it was a trick question, because she HAS no policy positions, but still.

YOU, just don't like Trump. That's it in a nutshell. I'd have respected you a little at least, if you'd just said that, instead of trying to dress it up.

You can leave now.

I’m not here to defend Harris. I don’t like Trump. I don’t like Harris either. I think she’s weak and Biden was even weaker. I think that weakness has caused our country a lot of problems. But if you think Trump made salient points or won that debate you’re sucked in. I know we’re all supposed to be in our camps but just consider for a second that some people are dissatisfied with both offerings.
Ill be glad when we are in a post trump political era. Hopefully Kamala doesnt get to ruin the country more than its been ruined the last nearly four years.

Theres no way you guys are happy with how things are right now.

I can not in good faith vote for a party that wants to allow wretches the right to kill the child in their womb. This comes from someone that is as libertarian as you can get. We dont get to kill the helpless and less fortunate in this society.

We also only eat cat and dog if its coming from a china king buffet
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How is Kamala "change"? She's been running things for 3 years 😆

So, I guess your answer is that you have no answer and/or understanding of her policy positions. To be fair, it was a trick question, because she HAS no policy positions, but still.

YOU, just don't like Trump. That's it in a nutshell. I'd have respected you a little at least, if you'd just said that, instead of trying to dress it up.

You can leave now.
Your real time posts in the Political Thread last night were all about how Trump was winning big, Kamala was dumb and losing big time, etc. Talk about a lack of objectivity.
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I’m not here to defend Harris. I don’t like Trump. I don’t like Harris either. I think she’s weak and Biden was even weaker. I think that weakness has caused our country a lot of problems. But if you think Trump made salient points or won that debate you’re sucked in. I know we’re all supposed to be in our camps but just consider for a second that some people are dissatisfied with both offerings.
Oh, so you were just making a guess then, when you said her policies would sway independents. You don't really have any actual reason for saying that. It's just something you HOPE happens.

Yeah, I already figured that out boss...
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I didn't hear her outline a policy. In fact the only policies I've heard her speak of were actually Trump's policies. So, the offer extends to you. I'd like to hear what those policies are.

I'm not trying to convince anyone about Trump. I'm asking questions about Kamala. Try and keep up.

CTC extension, small business tax breaks, tax deductions for startups, protect reproductive rights, support Ukraine (waffled on this answer), etc. etc.

I wish either of them would have actively talked about how to curb international inflation as no one seems to get that the issue with that is a potential pivot to staglfation if we don't figure this out.

I'm not sold on voting for Harris but I do think Trump is the worst thing to happen to this country in my lifetime. People are more angry, bitter and absolutely disconnected from reality as a result of a hyper politization that has become rabid under the Trump presidency. TDS cuts both ways and I'm honestly sick of hearing people praise and complain about the man.

If your idea of a good president is someone who's cabinet has to regularly steal stupid ideas off of his desk, salutes actual socialist military leaders and his biggest economic boast was "but how is your 401k doing", then I suppose we have different concepts of what the president should be doing.
Oh, so you were just making a guess then, when you said her policies would sway independents. You don't really have any actual reason for saying that. It's just something you HOPE happens.

Yeah, I already figured that out boss...

It’s all conjecture bro. Me. You. Not Caveman. But everyone else.

What did Trump say that would appeal to independents?
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Ill be glad when we are in a post trump political era. Hopefully Kamala doesnt get to ruin the country more than its been ruined the last nearly four years.

Theres no way you guys are happy with how things are right now.

The reason no one is happy right now has more to do with the poltiical parties convincing people to intertwine who they are as a person with their political beliefs. If you can't have a non-heated argument about policies, it's likely you consider an attack on a policy an attack on you, which is a delusion a good portion of our country suffers from.

People are acting like we are a direct democracy and that having an opinion on the most nuanced of positions is something to strive for while having to filter it through the lens of constant bias. Of course we're unhappy.

It's stressful enough raising two kids and worrying about dropping them off everyday, making sure you're doing what you need to for your health and your relationship with your spouse to also need to keep up with every political issue that comes across the screen on a nightly basis.

I almost want to just tend my garden and look inward at this point.
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Look, she crushed him last night but it really doesn’t matter much. It’s not going to sway that many people one way or the other. Same thing if he had won too, most everyone is already dug in. This debate really doesn’t matter.
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CTC extension, small business tax breaks, tax deductions for startups, protect reproductive rights, support Ukraine (waffled on this answer), etc. etc.

I wish either of them would have actively talked about how to curb international inflation as no one seems to get that the issue with that is a potential pivot to staglfation if we don't figure this out.

I'm not sold on voting for Harris but I do think Trump is the worst thing to happen to this country in my lifetime. People are more angry, bitter and absolutely disconnected from reality as a result of a hyper politization that has become rabid under the Trump presidency. TDS cuts both ways and I'm honestly sick of hearing people praise and complain about the man.

If your idea of a good president is someone who's cabinet has to regularly steal stupid ideas off of his desk, salutes actual socialist military leaders and his biggest economic boast was "but how is your 401k doing", then I suppose we have different concepts of what the president should be doing.
I generally agree with this view. I think what last night probably reminded a lot of people of is the chaos that Trump brought to virtually every day in office. Crazy press conferences and angry tirades that cause dissension and drama. So, when Harris talks about "change" my guess is it resonates with some people as a way to move on from that.
I generally agree with this view. I think what last night probably reminded a lot of people of is the chaos that Trump brought to virtually every day in office. Crazy press conferences and angry tirades that cause dissension and drama. So, when Harris talks about "change" my guess is it resonates with some people as a way to move on from that.

I live in a particularly red part of NC north of Charlotte. On my drive to drop my kids off I pass four Trump signs that say "Fvck Joe Biden, "Fvck your feelings" "No more bullshit" and "LOCK THAT BITCH UP". No doubt their happy asses are sitting in pews on Sunday morning. I can't fathom how we got here.

The party of Jesus has turned alright.
Look, she crushed him last night but it really doesn’t matter much. It’s not going to sway that many people one way or the other. Same thing if he had won too, most everyone is already dug in. This debate really doesn’t matter.

Meh, "crushed" is a little hyperbolic LOL

But you're right. In order to make a difference, she needed to make him have a Colonel Jessup meltdown, and that didn't happen. She is pretty far behind right now, and this isn't going to move the needle. It might a little but not enough.