
Good morning D-League. Off on my morning hike.

I’ve been having the same bad dream now for many nights. I’m lost inside a hellish urban landscape that is like a giant maze. I’m not scared but I’m anxious because I’m late for an important event. The few people around seem demented and determined to get me more lost. I finally end up in a dark room behind a locked door, then I wake up.

Yeah, no mystery: We’re all trapped. But I’m getting more sick of the dream than living in partial lockdown.

Man, to be the age when I knew what I was going to dream about every night, and was happy not to wake.
79°➫ 109° Sunny, Hot & Dry

Good morning to all. Beautiful day in suburban Ashland. In fact, it is supposed to be really nice, with highs in the mid 70's for the next 3 days. No golf today, since the back is not cooperating, but Ymmot is coming here tomorrow. We are going to play Bellefonte. Look forward to meeting him, and the golf. Just hope my back is better, so he doesn't humiliate me. We'll have fun, regardless. Everyone have a great day, and I pray that those who are recuperating, or rehabbing, stay the course and continue to improve.
  • Good Morning, D-Leageanites and Lurkers.
  • We have 76º and going to 81 or so, but sunny for the next 3 days. Real pretty day going.
  • A couple of does walked by here, one was about 6 months old and the last one was fully grown. White Tails.
  • Good to hear that Sawnee Cat is making such progress with his ordeal.
  • FCC too.
  • I fell yesterday and banged myself up pretty good. I'm sore today, but nothing was broken it seems.
  • Missing Kentucky Sports terribly.
  • As you were. Carry on.
Good morning to all. Beautiful day in suburban Ashland. In fact, it is supposed to be really nice, with highs in the mid 70's for the next 3 days. No golf today, since the back is not cooperating, but Ymmot is coming here tomorrow. We are going to play Bellefonte. Look forward to meeting him, and the golf. Just hope my back is better, so he doesn't humiliate me. We'll have fun, regardless. Everyone have a great day, and I pray that those who are recuperating, or rehabbing, stay the course and continue to improve.
Golf is a killer for your back. I'd like to see you be pain free before you play again.
  • Good Morning, D-Leageanites and Lurkers.
  • We have 76º and going to 81 or so, but sunny for the next 3 days. Real pretty day going.
  • A couple of does walked by here, one was about 6 months old and the last one was fully grown. White Tails.
  • Good to hear that Sawnee Cat is making such progress with his ordeal.
  • FCC too.
  • I fell yesterday and banged myself up pretty good. I'm sore today, but nothing was broken it seems.
  • Missing Kentucky Sports terribly.
  • As you were. Carry on.

Be careful, Don. Don't want to have to add another to the prayer list.
Golf is a killer for your back. I'd like to see you be pain free before you play again.

Don, if I did that, I might never play again. Surgery is probably in my future, but for now, I am just going to try and tolerate it. Besides, God has blessed me. If I can get around, the golf is secondary. There are a lot of people worse off than me.
I stay off the political board. If I spoke what is on my mind I will be gone in a New York minute.

Ymmot is a very bright fellow. He just tells the truth too often.

My thoughts are this: If you get too radical, on a regular board, I can see where it might be justified, but on a political board? I thought that is why they were created? What do they think is going to happen when people with opposite opinions show up on a political board? If they are going to ban people on those, then they should first give them a warning and let them know what their boundaries are.
My thoughts are this: If you get too radical, on a regular board, I can see where it might be justified, but on a political board? I thought that is why they were created? What do they think is going to happen when people with opposite opinions show up on a political board? If they are going to ban people on those, then they should first give them a warning and let them know what their boundaries are.
The left wing gets triggered really fast. If that left wing dude has the power to ban that is what he will do instead of trying to win an argument.

We old farts can debate 'till the cow come in.
The left wing gets triggered really fast. If that left wing dude has the power to ban that is what he will do instead of trying to win an argument.

We old farts can debate 'till the cow come in.

Well, that goes without saying, but my argument is, Ymmot pays his dues just like this guy does, and no matter which side you are on, unless you call his mother a name, anything should go, on a political board.
Well, I see where our enlightened, liberal Governor has had the Jefferson Davis statue removed from the Capitol Building. I guess the next step is to shut down the Perryville Battlefield site, since the Confederates fought there.
Jefferson Davis is part of my family. This shit bothers me. His father-in-law, Zachary Taylor, was my 3rd cousin. Do we close the National cemetery in Louisville named after Taylor? Dig them up and move them to a politically correct place.
Hell I though that I had all of his books. Now I have to buy another one.

Ritchie is a great guy. Ymmot, BKO and Austin met him at my house a few years ago. He is wonderful. I would post a picture of all of us, but @ymmot31 is scared of folks comparing that picture with the one at the Post Office.[roll]
Why, did he clean up for that one?

On my way in an hour to catch the ones that got away before. First coffee and then to the depths.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 69°F and clear. Low humidity. High today should reach 94°F. We'll take it.

Grass mowing awaits me around 9 am. Lawn probably needs cutting two more times over the next 3 months. Austin, where you cut grass during the winter and put up your mower during the summer.

Hope ymmot returns soon.

Wishing continued happiness and good health to all our fellow D-Leaguers.

Well, I see where our enlightened, liberal Governor has had the Jefferson Davis statue removed from the Capitol Building. I guess the next step is to shut down the Perryville Battlefield site, since the Confederates fought there.

I have a feeling Beshear better enjoy this term in office, seeing as how it will be probably be his last. The fact that he barely beat Bevin, after Bevin's ordeal with the teachers says a lot.
It would be fine with me if you were to die in a fire today.
This Tuesday post might be enough to draw attention. A few years back, I tracked down a troll harassing Don and blasted the dirty lowdown good fer nothing with a zombie killing shotgun gif. I received a friendly heads up. "Keep the shotgun images off the site. Do nothing that can be seen as a perceived threat." I had never considered that zombie trolls were so sensitive.
This Tuesday post might be enough to draw attention. A few years back, I tracked down a troll harassing Don and blasted the dirty lowdown good fer nothing with a zombie killing shotgun gif. I received a friendly heads up. "Keep the shotgun images off the site. Do nothing that can be seen as a perceived threat." I had never considered that zombie trolls were so sensitive.

He should have stuck with DIAF.
This Tuesday post might be enough to draw attention. A few years back, I tracked down a troll harassing Don and blasted the dirty lowdown good fer nothing with a zombie killing shotgun gif. I received a friendly heads up. "Keep the shotgun images off the site. Do nothing that can be seen as a perceived threat." I had never considered that zombie trolls were so sensitive.
Good get.

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