Good morning D from a very wet Berg!!! I have been out a couple days, been to a part of the state that I have never been before.
We took a weekend trip with my son's family to the ARK. That ARK is HUGH! I could never imagine it was that big!
We went up Saturday, went to the ARK spent the night in Erlanger. We went to get a bite to eat in Erlanger, then went to a strip mall there because my D-I-L wanted some ice cream at a Cold Stone. Erlanger seemed like a nice small town.
Got up Sunday morning headed out to Newport to the aquarium, spent a few hours there, grab a bite to eat at a Five Guys, first time I have ever eat there then headed back to the Berg!
When we left my son got a good head start on us, but we beat them home by 20 minutes or so. We went up 75? one way came back another 71?. Don't know how we got there but map, Seri, but it took us off there interstate on to highway 22 thru Peewee Valley and LaGrange then back on the interstate and back to eventually to 65 and Etown!!! Anyway we made it back ok but worn out!!!
Back to the ARK, I enjoyed it, but dang people a rude anymore!!! It would have been great to have a private tour of the ARK! There is just so much info to process!!!! Looking back I was told before we went to take a good two days to go thru it, go to the Creation Museum first then the ARK. IF we ever( and I doubt it) we will take more time!
Ok ya'll have a great and safe day!