
My six years in Baltimore I lived going in and out through BWI.

In fact I got snowed-in at BWI for two days. Bad duty sleeping on the floor and seats.
Made 10-20 business trips to Baltimore, mainly in the 80s. Enjoyed Inner Harbor that had been redone by then. Little Italy good then too. Tried to fly in/out BWI, but sometimes direct flights to RR/National were the better option. Also used BWI to go to York, PA when Harrisburg had nothing. Never had any work in DC - not a government guy !!
Awhile back I posted a link on a guy named Steve Dalkowski. I never saw the movie, but they say Nuke Laloosh from the movie Bull Durham was based on him. They did not have radar guns to time him in the day, but some say he threw over 110 mph. Sudden Sam McDowell led the AL in strikeouts five times and said Steve threw a lot harder than him. One year in the minors, in 170 innings Steve struck out 262 and walked 262. In two separate games, Steve walked 21 and struck out 21. Ted Williams said he was the fastest he ever saw. Cal Ripking Jr
estimated he topped 115 mph. He was low IQ and an alcoholic. Earl Weaver said he threw a lot harder than Nolan Ryan.
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Good morning from ATX. Currently 64°F and cloudy. Little rain expected later. We need it.

First 4 games of Sweet 16 tonight.

Wishing y'all another great day.

Good morning folks. The week grinds on until Friday’s game.

We had a really nice dinner at a favorite DC restaurant to celebrate my wife’s birthday last night. A bit of a hangover today but when I get to the office a quart of the pretty good free coffee will help.

Crazy that it is almost Opening Day, a school holiday when I was a kid in Northern Kentucky. We never went over to the parade in Cincy but lots of kids did. As for this year, in Terry we trust.

Have a great day folks.
Good morning everyone.

Sweet 16 starts today....and we're back in it. Our chances may not be as good as the favorites, but I wouldn't bet against us. I mean we've beat Tenn 2x already. I dislike playing teams we've already beat multiple times, but that's better than playing one that has beat us....Bama. If we get to the Elite Eight anything can happen and we're just the type team to do it. Hopeful!

@MdWIldcat55 I miss those 70's days as a Red's fan. I didn't get to go to many games, but I lived & breathed the Reds back then. They are one of the main reasons I was not a UK fanatic until the 1977/1978 season.

Busy day today....volunteer work on our hiking trail today, men's church group after, and then as much March Madness as I can handle before bed. Don't want to overdue it tonight in prep for tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Makes me feel better..... Not...

Many years ago when I was 22 and looking for any writing work in Washington DC, I got a job briefly as the editor of a weekly news letter for the National Food Processors trade association. One of my first jobs was the write an article about efforts of NFPA scientists to get Congress to RAISE the level of acceptable rat turds and insect parts in canned foods...

"Raise the level?" I asked, naively. "You mean the acceptable level of rat turds in food is not zero?" My boss laughed and said, "There's rodent feces and dead insects in everything you eat that was canned or frozen in a processing plant. Not a lot. But it will never be zero. And it is too expensive to keep it as low as the law demands now. Our clients want it raised"

Bon Apetit!
Good morning everyone.

Sweet 16 starts today....and we're back in it. Our chances may not be as good as the favorites, but I wouldn't bet against us. I mean we've beat Tenn 2x already. I dislike playing teams we've already beat multiple times, but that's better than playing one that has beat us....Bama. If we get to the Elite Eight anything can happen and we're just the type team to do it. Hopeful!

@MdWIldcat55 I miss those 70's days as a Red's fan. I didn't get to go to many games, but I lived & breathed the Reds back then. They are one of the main reasons I was not a UK fanatic until the 1977/1978 season.

Busy day today....volunteer work on our hiking trail today, men's church group after, and then as much March Madness as I can handle before bed. Don't want to overdue it tonight in prep for tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a great day.

I too was a Big Red Machine FANatic... Just could not get enough of that team and those players. This coming from a Michigander. That team was so glorified in so many ways. The two years especially were pure magic....
I too was a Big Red Machine FANatic... Just could not get enough of that team and those players. This coming from a Michigander. That team was so glorified in so many ways. The two years especially were pure magic....
Rose/Griffey/Morgan/Foster/Perez/Bench/Concepcion/Geronimo/P. Imagine how good a lineup is with Bench batting 6th. It's also the reason Rose got so many hits. Normally got five AB's a game.
Many years ago when I was 22 and looking for any writing work in Washington DC, I got a job briefly as the editor of a weekly news letter for the National Food Processors trade association. One of my first jobs was the write an article about efforts of NFPA scientists to get Congress to RAISE the level of acceptable rat turds and insect parts in canned foods...

"Raise the level?" I asked, naively. "You mean the acceptable level of rat turds in food is not zero?" My boss laughed and said, "There's rodent feces and dead insects in everything you eat that was canned or frozen in a processing plant. Not a lot. But it will never be zero. And it is too expensive to keep it as low as the law demands now. Our clients want it raised"

Bon Apetit!
Back from fishing so, report follows.

4 hits, 3 hooked, 2 errors. Largemouth Bass 2 -- Warrior-Cat 1.

A lot of wind today kept them deep and the rain day before yesterday probably messed things up a bit. Spent 2 hours at one pond and another 2 hours at a different one. The one hauled in maybe weighed a pound. Better than being blanked and you know the old saying: "A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work". Yeah, I know, I don't work per say, but I do a lot around the house if I have nothing else going on.
One of my friends is in the hospital with blood poisoning. He burned his leg pretty bad awhile back and didn't take care of it well enough. He was in pain and the leg was swollen, so the doc admitted him to the local hospital. They were trying different things to take care of it. Basically they were using an IV to make him poop and pee a lot to get the bad stuff out. Overnight the swelling more than doubled. He said they had him on pain meds stronger than morphine. He has been there over a week now. I saw him today and the swelling is back down to where it was when he was admitted. He says he has been trying to get them to send him to a big hospital and they won't do it. Says if something hasn't been done by Monday, he is going to check himself out and go to Nashville on his own.
I actually stayed up and watched the games last night. Almost gave up on Arkansas when they were up 16 with 10 minutes to play because Arizona was coming back on Duke. I kept watching though while TT slowly whittled away at the lead. I had a bad case of deja vu. Seen that movie before. Cal looked really bad by the end of the game. Worse than he did at the end of the Wisconsin game 10-years ago.
I actually stayed up and watched the games last night. Almost gave up on Arkansas when they were up 16 with 10 minutes to play because Arizona was coming back on Duke. I kept watching though while TT slowly whittled away at the lead. I had a bad case of deja vu. Seen that movie before. Cal looked really bad by the end of the game. Worse than he did at the end of the Wisconsin game 10-years ago.
82 -- As I posted in Rafters, I guess Bill Self was right in 2012 when he said, "we just ran out of time" in the title game when Cal tried to take the air out of the ball in that game.

Give Cal long enough and he'll figure out how to Choke Away a big lead in a big game. Glad some other school has to deal with that now.
82 -- As I posted in Rafters, I guess Bill Self was right in 2012 when he said, "we just ran out of time" in the title game when Cal tried to take the air out of the ball in that game.

Give Cal long enough and he'll figure out how to Choke Away a big lead in a big game. Glad some other school has to deal with that now.
2012 became an unexpected nail biter.

What's that old saying? The definition of insanity it doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Cal is a case in point. TT had no answer for Arkansas's height and athleticism. If they would have kept doing what they were doing it should have been a walk in the park. As always, Cal let the air out of the ball with a big lead and let TT get back in the game. It was maddening at UK and he's still doing the same thing. Stubborn or just not adjusting.
82 -- As I posted in Rafters, I guess Bill Self was right in 2012 when he said, "we just ran out of time" in the title game when Cal tried to take the air out of the ball in that game.

Give Cal long enough and he'll figure out how to Choke Away a big lead in a big game. Glad some other school has to deal with that now.

Stall ball lives! Only AD and TJ and Company gave Cal his only title. They were too good to lose. Seriously...

Best recruiter by far in the business BUT, that is all...
Hello all,

I hope all is well for you all. Been battling issues but I am thankful...

More to follow on that but we shall see....

Go CATS!!!!

The choice this evening is Yuengling Golden Pilsner. May have two but that has not been the case many times. Just enjoy the change a couple times a week or so. Been a while since I opened one though...
Tough way to end the most entertaining season in years. Rebounding was the difference. UT just a better team especially on defense. Hopefully there will be some studs on the glass next year.

Thanks Mark Pope and the UK Wildcats for the ride. Look forward to next season!

p.s. If it's any consolation the Cats outscored the Vols in the 2nd half.
Cats played pretty much the whole first half getting completely outhustled. Looked unmotivated. We lost the game in the first half. Had at least 3 or 4 times in the game we had 3 defenders by the rim, they have one guy...he gets the rebound.

Very happy with the Pope's first season. Sweet Sixteen with injuries. Can't wait to see the team we put together for next year.

Just wish I would have seen better preparation and effort from the team tonight though.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 66°F and cloudy. Good chance for rain tomorrow. Today's high expected around 83°F.

Dream season ends at hands of evil Vols. Horrible way to go out. I'll never hear the end of it from various family members back home.

Visited vascular specialist yesterday. Purchasing more compression socks. Try a prescribed pain killer. Stay tuned.

May watch basketball tonight.

Wishing y'all another awesome Saturday.