
Good morning D-League. Cruising into DC on a subway train, our normal allotment if two drugged or drunk bums on board. Rainy night has driven them indoors, and the trains are a good place to crash.

Busy day ahead. But not much to report yet.

I hope the rain passes for all of us and it is a nice warm April day ahead.
MdW, how's the subway system doing in DC? It's been a long time since I rode on that system.
Fortunately my StL Cardinals got out of LA with only 3 losses and not 4. Cruising against SD so far. I'm glad baseball season is back up and running.

Cards had 4-0 lead in game 4 against the Dodgers. Gave up 3 in the bottom of the 8th and lost...would have been nice to split on the road with them 2-2. Their lineup is ridiculous.
MdW, how's the subway system doing in DC? It's been a long time since I rode on that system.
Hey CatinIl,

That's not a simple question, but I'll try for a succinct answer. For the most part, it is an efficient and safe way to get all over the Metro area -- it recently expanded way out to Dulles airport and more stations have opened in recent years. While I complain about it a lot, life for someone like me living 30 miles out in the Maryland suburb from my job near Pennsylvania Avenue downtown would not work without it. And on the weekends it's a great way to visit friends in many different sections of the Metro area - from Virginia to Capitol Hill in DC and so on.

It still breaks down more often than it should. There are occasional crimes in the stations, though honestly I never feel unsafe.

On balance, it makes it far easier to raise a family around the decent schools of Montgomery COunty or Fairfax County and work a job downtown. My lifestyle - I can walk to a station and be downtown at rush hour in 35 minutes -- would not have been possible when my kids were in school without it.
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Hey CatinIl,

That's not a simple question, but I'll try for a succinct answer. For the most part, it is an efficient and safe way to get all over the Metro area -- it recently expanded way out to Dulles airport and more stations have opened in recent years. While I complain about it a lot, life for someone like me living 30 miles out in the Maryland suburb from my job near Pennsylvania Avenue downtown would not work without it. And on the weekends it's a great way to visit friends in many different sections of the Metro area - from Virginia to Capitol Hill in DC and so on.

It still breaks down more often than it should. There are occasional crimes in teh stations, though honestly I never feel unsafe.

On balance, it makes it far easier to raise a family around the decent schools of Montgomery COunty or Fairfax County and work a job downtown. My lifestyle - I can walk to a station and be downtown at rush hour in 35 minutes -- would not have been possible when my kids were in school without it.
MdW, good deal.It sounds to me to be about the same as it did when we lived there. We lived in Frederick, MD area so it was always the Red Line to downtown when visitors came in. It's a great way for tourist to get around to a lot of the sites.
MdW, good deal.It sounds to me to be about the same as it did when we lived there. We lived in Frederick, MD area so it was always the Red Line to downtown when visitors came in. It's a great way for tourist to get around to a lot of the sites.
I have friends in Frederick and get up there fairly often. I love to start there and drive west out 340 to the South Mountain Civil War battlefields, then on out to Antietam. I like that eccentric old War Correspondents Monument at Gathland Park, having held that job for 15 years or so in my younger days. (There is a plaque there with the names of four journalists killed in Iraq and Afghanistan - Daniel Pearl, David Bloom, Michael Kelly and Elizabeth Neuffer. I worked with all of them at one time or another.)

And I like a couple of the restaurants up there - the Irish pub Bushwaller's and the sprawling old-style banquet hall Duchess' Daughter. They stayed open all through COVID when the nannies in my county shut everything down, so for a while we were driving up there as the closest place to get a steak and a beer.
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I have friends in Frederick and get up there fairly often. I love to start there and drive west out 340 to the South Mountain Civil War battlefields, then on out to Antietam. I like that eccentric old War Correspondents Monument at Gathland Park, having held that job for 15 years or so in my younger days. (There is a plaque there with the names of four journalists likked in Iraq and Afghanistan - Daniel Pearl, David Bloom, Michael Kelly and Elizabeth Neuffer. I worked with all of them at one time or another.)

And I like a couple of the restaurants up there - the Irish pub Bushwaller's and the sprawling old-style banquet hall Duchess' Daughter. They stayed open all through COVID when the nannies in my county shut everything down, so for a while we were driving up there as the closest place to get a steak and a beer.
I always enjoyed taking a Tuesday or Wednesday off and doing a bike ride at Antietam. Especially in the fall.
A long time ago, I was prescribed a lot of sinus meds. They all said take with a full glass of water. Eventually I figured out the water by itself worked without the meds and wasn't bad for the prostate. Wish I had figured that out sooner.
I have bad sinus problems....I started using a over the counter product from Whole Foods called Quercetin W/Bromelain. I take two in the morning when I am having and works for both myself and the Director.
I have a baseball story....kind of........I have a grandson who is getting married on May 18th. His fiance was just diagnosed with Thyroid cancer which had spread to her lymph nodes.........she had surgery and seems to be recovering........I had told my grandson that just because I was old didn't mean I couldn't attend a bachelor's we was sitting at the hospital when she had surgery and he invited me to his bachelor doins.......since his girl was such a big Reds fan his party would be everyone getting together and getting a suite for a Reds is going to cost the Director and myself $400 to cover our part. I haven't payed any attention to baseball since the Louisville Redbirds was trying to break some kind of attendance record.........The Director's interest in sports is -0............ya just got to be careful for what you ask for.........
I have a baseball story....kind of........I have a grandson who is getting married on May 18th. His fiance was just diagnosed with Thyroid cancer which had spread to her lymph nodes.........she had surgery and seems to be recovering........I had told my grandson that just because I was old didn't mean I couldn't attend a bachelor's we was sitting at the hospital when she had surgery and he invited me to his bachelor doins.......since his girl was such a big Reds fan his party would be everyone getting together and getting a suite for a Reds is going to cost the Director and myself $400 to cover our part. I haven't payed any attention to baseball since the Louisville Redbirds was trying to break some kind of attendance record.........The Director's interest in sports is -0............ya just got to be careful for what you ask for.........
Best wishes for the young lady.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 53°F and partly cloudy. Today's high may reach 87°F. Yesterday afternoon = gorgeous.

Doctor impressed with my condition. Everything "perfect". Reassuring. She also prescribed Tramadol after I complained about joint ache going up and down stairs over in Germany. Stepping down = freaking painful. We'll see if any positive effects result.

Still can't win that doggone Powerball. Bah!

Wishing y'all a fine day.

Good morning folks.

Glad to hear that good news Austin. Very encouraging.

Another long work day ahead. I assume we all know what it means to be in a funk at work where as much as we want to be inspired and energetic it all feels like going through the motions. I’ve been there for a couple days. I hope to bounce back quickly.

Cloudy and cool in the east. I can see a beautiful crescent moon in a gap in the clouds out of my subway car window. Hope you all have a great day.

Know what I am doing today?

Yes, after taking the monster for a walk here shortly, I will head out for a little fishing. Well, hopefully not little.

Mid 40's this morning with very light winds, but it is supposed to warm up early should be good temperature wise around 9am. That is my target time to get out there.

Good news Austin. Prayers continue.

Stay safe out there folks and God Bless.
Good morning all,

At the DC VA getting my business done....they've treated me well for a long while but... Today, had my blood tests, visited with the supposed to drop a pint.... No appointment for that. The nurse that took my blood last time made the appointments... Sigh..working to get me in now .. just darn but, I am thankful...
Go figure,

I dropped a pint in about 6 minutes. Got in and out faster than I ever have without an appointment to drop a pint. Working from home today, I am thankful! I need some sustenance... and coffee.. Have a great day!
I must state it again...

Kings wish they could eat on special occasions how I eat regularly... (I am thankful...)

This is a squash pancake with hamburger (lean burger) and sharp cheddar cheese...

My Darling usually doesn't add the burger but she did today...

My Darling is on it today..... (I was nice to her and bought "Her" a steamer...)

This is rice cake made with pure rice flour with Black-eyed Peas and Black beans with just a hint of sugar... I cannot explain the taste, just enjoyable....

This is still steaming and I now have a good portion and am eating it. Just a piece though, that will be breakfast for several days and a nice snack too... I cannot understand why my doctor today told me I am trending in the wrong direction from where I was at... (I eat too much but I eat well...)



I am thankful...
Good morning folks. Checking in before heading out for a long walk.

Been a busy week and a busy Friday ahead. Glad to be on the edge of the weekend.

If the weather is nice I’m going to try my first Appalachian Trail hike of this year tomorrow up around the place where Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia come together near The town of Harper’s Ferry.

I hope today goes well for all of you.
Good morning and Happy Friday from ATX. Currently 58°F and clear. Calm. Today's high expected around 87°F.

Wife and I dined at Salt Grass last night. She ordered Filet Mignon and backed potato. I git pork ribs and grilled chicken. Tasty. Good service. We tipped our waiter well.

Weather might turn overcast for next Monday's solar eclipse. Step-daughter purchased wife and I glasses. Stay tuned.

Wishing y'all an awesome end to your workweek.

Good morning everyone

Snow here the last couple of mornings but it didn't stick around long. When it snows here in April it brings back memories of the first year I moved to the mountains in 1987. The snow was measured in feet instead of inches. 1 & 1/2 feet in downtown Hazard where I lived at the time. Where I'm at now it was closer to 3'.

Going on a 7 mile hike in the mountains of VA tomorrow. We haven't hiked that distance since last fall. @MdWIldcat55 Have fun tomorrow. We've been on sections of the AT a few times when it intersected other hikes. One of my buddies has hiked the entire AT. No thanks.

Sigh....and it continues. Edwards is gone. We all know he really isn't a "one and done". But, he's the new UK definition of that term. As turkey season approaches and nighttime striper fishing gets hot I will be at the lake more and on here less. I'll try to check in the D-League some but it will be good to get away from the UK news and RR.

I hope everyone has a great day.
Good morning all,

My home is full today... (Workers doing repairs to our "new" home.) Glad for the work they are doing BUT, the big ticket items are yet to come since this "manager" has yet to contact me back. He acts like we are playing phone tag but he's using a number per his VMs that I have NEVER been associated with.

The lady that told me in a VM that My Darling needed to learn how to cook is what damaged the cabinets, Was here earlier as well. Stated she never said it BUT it is amazing how VM's provide transcripts now.

Amazing how My Darling cooked for three children who are now 40, 39, and 33 along with all their friends staying with them as high as thirty girls at one time in our home multiple times while they were growing up and we built three other new homes over the years and My Darling's cooking caused the cabinets to wharp and laminate to peel off now.... as Nipsy used to say, "Yeah right..."

Of course the BIG items are yet to come.

It is hopeful we will not need to go through arbitration but I am prepared to do that immediately.

Have a good stock of RC, Ginger Ale, 7UP, and water. (My Darling drinks an RC and Ginger Ale at times but we keep them for guests. Comes in handy when workers are here. (I used to do that type work they do for a lot of years so I know a good drink comes in handy...) I pointed them to the fridge and left them at it. ;)

We shall see, I am thankful in any event.

Have a blessed day...
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Good morning folks. Checking in before heading out for a long walk.

Been a busy week and a busy Friday ahead. Glad to be on the edge of the weekend.

If the weather is nice I’m going to try my first Appalachian Trail hike of this year tomorrow up around the place where Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia come together near The town of Harper’s Ferry.

I hope today goes well for all of you.
One of my co-workers retired to Harper's Ferry. Good section of the country.
One of my co-workers retired to Harper's Ferry. Good section of the country.
Harper's Ferry is a beautiful old village with lots of history. Thomas Jefferson once called the view from the cliff there overlooking the Shenandoah River where it merges with the Potomac River "one of the most stupendous scenes in nature" and said of it, "This scene is worth a voyage across the Atlantic." It is at least worth a 45 minute drive for me tomorrow, if the weather holds.

A last little bit of work now from the "cabinet guy" he is fixing a couple of small items.

Had nine people in here working earlier. 12 "soda pops" gone... ;) No issues, I was glad to do it.

It's the builder (Company and management I have issues with not the workers though I am betting most of them crossed the border..) (Seriously)

This is a large builder who builds in several states. (Yeah, I done my homework...)

Seems all the "little items" are fixed now BUT, I have several "major" items that ye ole manager thinks he is going to snooker me with I am betting... I am estimating about 25k worth of reworks and repairs minimum. We shall see....

A major New York company is the HOA owners here. HOA's are a HUGE nefarious racket that also must be put under control as they have tremendous power and confiscate money illegally. (I was a board member for an HOA in Texas so I am not talking randomly with my feelings.)
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I live in a rural area and the new place I bought is even more rural. My nearest neighbours are Amish and usually the loudest sounds are the creek running through a woods on my property. An HOA wouldn't like me and I wouldn't like them.
I've had colleagues who worked out in rural Virginia or even out where Bert mentioned around Harper's Ferry WVA and commuted to DC.

There's actually a morning train -- a real train, not the subway -- that comes in from that area to Washington's Union Station, which is a ten minute walk from where I work. My wife and I toyed with the idea, but didn't want to uproot the kids. Now I figure I'll just wait until i retire and revisit the whole question.
I've had colleagues who worked out in rural Virginia or even out where Bert mentioned around Harper's Ferry WVA and commuted to DC.

There's actually a morning train -- a real train, not the subway -- that comes in from that area to Washington's Union Station, which is a ten minute walk from where I work. My wife and I toyed with the idea, but didn't want to uproot the kids. Now I figure I'll just wait until i retire and revisit the whole question.
There is both good and bad to living in very rural areas. For me ( at least for now) the good far outweighs the bad. As circumstances change, who knows?
There is both good and bad to living in very rural areas. For me ( at least for now) the good far outweighs the bad. As circumstances change, who knows?
My wife day dreams of living like her aunt who lives on the upper east side of Manhattan. I’ve threatened to take her to Bracken County where I have family. We’ll probably split the difference and stay in the DC suburbs.