Good morning all,
My home is full today... (Workers doing repairs to our "new" home.) Glad for the work they are doing BUT, the big ticket items are yet to come since this "manager" has yet to contact me back. He acts like we are playing phone tag but he's using a number per his VMs that I have NEVER been associated with.
The lady that told me in a VM that My Darling needed to learn how to cook is what damaged the cabinets, Was here earlier as well. Stated she never said it BUT it is amazing how VM's provide transcripts now.
Amazing how My Darling cooked for three children who are now 40, 39, and 33 along with all their friends staying with them as high as thirty girls at one time in our home multiple times while they were growing up and we built three other new homes over the years and My Darling's cooking caused the cabinets to wharp and laminate to peel off now.... as Nipsy used to say, "Yeah right..."
Of course the BIG items are yet to come.
It is hopeful we will not need to go through arbitration but I am prepared to do that immediately.
Have a good stock of RC, Ginger Ale, 7UP, and water. (My Darling drinks an RC and Ginger Ale at times but we keep them for guests. Comes in handy when workers are here. (I used to do that type work they do for a lot of years so I know a good drink comes in handy...) I pointed them to the fridge and left them at it.
We shall see, I am thankful in any event.
Have a blessed day...