
  • How long of an incision?
  • Is blood going to fly?
  • It is located where I can't do the incision. Can't get at it.

Just a small lance. Nothing too big and deep. And yeah, you're gonna have to get someone to do it. Blood prolly won't fly until you apply pressure at the base of, hence, what 93 said about the "pop"
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Damn Willy, thats messed up. Ive known 2 people like that. I knew their situations. Thats a heavy load to carry brother.

Yeah, the shitty part is, they always seem real. Regardless if it's mafia or monsters. LEK, every single night I have go into nightmare mode. It's crazy.
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@Willy4UK's a dream catcher. Old indian folklore...supposed to catch all of the dreams before they go into your head...the good dreams get through but the bad dreams get caught in the dream catcher like a bug in a spider web and then vanish at first light.

But I'm not sure a pic would work. Go to your local Indian trading post and trade a bag of weed for a real dream catcher. YWIA.
@Willy4UK's a dream catcher. Old indian folklore...supposed to catch all of the dreams before they go into your head...the good dreams get through but the bad dreams get caught in the dream catcher like a bug in a spider web and then vanish at first light.

But I'm not sure a pic would work. Go to your local Indian trading post and trade a bag of weed for a real dream catcher. YWIA.

I'll actually do that. We are in an Indian area here. But I don't want no bullshit commercial dream catcher. At this point I'll try anything once.

Twice if I like it.
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Actually willy, you would probably be better served making the thing yourself. Personalize it. Use pot plant leaves instead of feathers. Suspend a TongCat Ali root from in the middle. Use hemp to make the circle and the web.

And you are supposed to hang it so that it can dangle in the wind...kinda like a drunk Willy4UK howling at moon naked on his back porch after a good ol' fashioned drunken bender.
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Actually willy, you would probably be better served making the thing yourself. Personalize it. Use pot plant leaves instead of feathers. Suspend a TongCat Ali root from in the middle. Use hemp to make the circle and the web.

And you are supposed to hang it so that it can dangle in the wind...kinda like a drunk Willy4UK howling at moon naked on his back porch after a good ol' fashioned drunken bender.

hahaha, sigh, if only I were crafty enough to be a Michael's kinda guy.
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Figured Michaels was a little too snooty for your style. Had you pegged as a Hobby Lobby aficionado. BTW can you imagine an arts and crafts class taught by a stoned willy? That would be a trip.

In my best George Costanza voice, "That's it...that's the show. Willy. Smoking weed. Then teaching an arts and crafts class. Boom. There's a show."
Figured Michaels was a little too snooty for your style. Had you pegged as a Hobby Lobby aficionado. BTW can you imagine an arts and crafts class taught by a stoned willy? That would be a trip.

In my best George Costanza voice, "That's it...that's the show. Willy. Smoking weed. Then teaching an arts and crafts class. Boom. There's a show."

hahahaha, Oh it would work, Imagine if Slingblade and Forrest Gump had a baby. That's me. So the instruction would sound choppy, mildly slow, and very forgetful.
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INT: Psychiatrist's Office

<LEK rests quietly, eyes closed, on a very expensive leather couch. Dr. Ganesha sits in a chair adjacent to the couch, camera pans to her taking notes in a small leather bound notebook. She looks at a stop watch, slowly lifts it......and clicks it.>

Dr. Ganesha: (with a soft Indian accent)
"LEK, wake up........can you hear me?"

<LEK stirs and opens his eyes, camera closely focuses on his face and slowly rises to ceiling revealing a very well furnished office>

"....whuh......where am I?"

Dr. Ganesha:
"You're at Dr. Ganesha's office, LEK, and I'm Dr. Ganesha. How are you feeling?"

<LEK slowly sits up and takes a look around as everything floods back. He remembers what happened, but he isn't sure how to describe it. A million thoughts rush through his mind as he fights to ground himself. What was he seeing? What were they telling him?>

LEK: (with a hesitant light chuckle)
"....I'm ok.......that was strange."

Dr. Ganesha:
"I'm not surprised you'd say that. It's a very common response. The nature of the experiment is unpredictable....we unfortunately can't tell which patient will have a nightmare, a pleasant dream, or even a simple dream that provokes no real emotion."

<LEK laughs in his head. "No real emotion............ha!" he thinks to himself. The dream was pure emotion. It was horrible pain, it was was joy, it was absolute elation.>

Dr. Ganesha:
"Well.....we are done for the day. You did great....we have plenty of data to work with this week. The admin will give you a call in a few days to check up on you and schedule another appointment for next week. Any questions before you head out?"

<There were too many questions. Too many to even focus on one to ask. This was the fourth appointment. In the dream, the same scenario. The same people. The same feelings. He'd never seen the faces before.....but he felt so close to them.>

"Thanks Dr.......nothing is coming to mind immediately, but if I do come up with any questions I'll let you know."

Dr. Ganesha:
"Ok, fair enough. Have a great week!"

<LEK walks to the door, grabs the handle and pulls. As he is halfway through the door, he stops in his tracks. Compulsively, without even thinking about it, he turns to face Dr. Ganesha.>

"Hey, Doc?"

Dr. Ganesha:
"Yes, LEK?"

"Have you ever had anyone tell you they dream the same thing in these experiments? Has anyone ever told you they feel like someone else?"

Dr. Ganesha:

< Dr. Ganesha glances away quickly while sternly closing her notebook. The camera pans back to Dr. Ganesha slowly>

Dr. Ganesha:
"........Can you explain that in a little more detail?"

<Dr. Ganesha takes out her recorder. This makes LEK very uncomfortable, and he looks back to the door.>

LEK: (lightheartedly)
"You know what, never mind. They're dreams....they're supposed to be weird, right? Who knows why people dream what they do."

<Dr. Ganesha's face is stone. She takes the recorder off of her desk and sets it back in the drawer. She looks back to LEK, and the camera focuses very closely on her face.>

Dr. Ganesha:
"LEK......I want to remind you about our agreement. This experiment requires full and honest disclosure of the events of your dreams. The experiment will not be successful if you do not comply. When I read your log yesterday while prepping for this appointment, the events you recorded in your dream diary do not sync up with each other. I'm not sure why you would ask me that question."

<He knew he should have just walked out the damn door. But it was becoming too much. It was too real. She was right to be angry.....he had lied in the diary. But he lied......he lied because he had to. Camera pans to LEK>

"I'm sorry was silly of me to ask that. I'm just wondering if anyone had that experience, that's all, I swear."

Dr. Ganesha:
"I'll see you next week, LEK."

<The camera follows LEK as he walks out of the door and to the parking lot. He grabs his keys from his pocket, and gets into his car. He pulls the car to the exit of the parking garage, pays the attendant, and embarks on the two hour journey back home. It was a long drive, but that didn't matter anymore. All that mattered were the dreams.>

<The camera follows overhead to his driveway, where he parks the car, steps out, and stretches. Every week that passes, more questions arise. Who were the people and why did they seem to know the man in the dream? Why did he feel so close to this man, who he had never seen? And most of all, why is it always that dream? He walks to the front door and types the alarm code, 2012. It was the last year the Cats won it all. He liked that year.>

<He unlocks the front door and then remembers to check the mail. He walks out to the mailbox and looks into the distance down the street. Lincoln Navigator, parked on the street. He hadn't seen one of those in a while, not in this neighborhood, anyway. But it looked familiar. Black with limo tint....a blue front license plate. He hadn't seen that Navigator......since he saw it parked near the security entrance at the doctor's office about two hours ago.>
I'm getting a nice medium-large sized dog. One who likes to nap and explore stuff. Also he/she will be pro-gun, pro-pot, and potty trained.

Argubs really went in.
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I'm back. Been busy, but unfortunately for me, women weren't involved.

Like the dream stories. I need to write a book about mine. For those of you that need a laugh, my all time favorite funny dream was one where my good friend Edward and I were actually part of a Planet of the Apes movie. He was a gorilla and I was an orangutan. Our faces were just grafted on the primate skulls. I never told Ed about it because he could damn near fit in with real gorillas...he'd just be a skinny one!
Haha this place is a hoot.

Karl Gump Childers Jr. - Life is like a box of Biscuits and Mustard.

Planet of the Apes dream sounds fantastic.

Great writing argubs.

Mash - I have a Border Collie mix. Perfect dog , other than the shedding. Got him from the shelter. Potty trained , likes walks, but is otherwise calm. Couldn't ask for a better dog. My real advice when looking for a dog is to look at the dog's temperament.