
It's crazy what you can find once you start digging into extended family trees.
Thanks for sharing. I love these type of stories. I discovered the same thing when I started digging. From an entry in the family Bible (served in the War) to my grandpa(born in 1883) telling me as a little boy "we sided with the South" I found out acts of sacrifice, bravery and dedication that are foreign in today's world. Those were hard times but families were strong.
It's crazy what you can find once you start digging into extended family trees.
You best start worrying when you run into my family names. Then you know you are in deep trouble.

Martin's, Elmore's, Lee's, Cook's, Webb's, Self's, Stallsworth's, Blair's, Howard's, Edwards' you know you are in trouble. If you run into a Higginbotham, just stop! Maybe consider running for the border!

Oh I left out the Rich's. If you find a Rich in your background that means that you may have family with @_Rooster and me. You may want to consider something even worse! o_O
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You best start worrying when you run into my family names. Then you know you are in deep trouble.

Martin's, Elmore's, Lee's, Cook's, Webb's, Self's, Stallsworth's, Blair's, Howard's, Edwards' you know you are in trouble. If you run into a Higginbotham, just stop! Maybe consider running for the border!

Oh I left out the Rich's. If you find a Rich in your background that means that you may have family with @_Rooster and me. You may want to consider something even worse! o_O
Rumors are not facts . . . yet. Perhaps a family of dirty-rotton priest hunters. We'd know a lot more if they hadn't used the cemetary stones to build the moonshine still. Linky1 Linky2
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He changed so many things with his talent and his persona. A true American original.

For those who might be interested, here's the story I commissioned Jon to write, and a short video interview with Lonnie.

It's not a light read -- it's about the challenges of dealing with caring for a person with Parkinson's. But it captures what he and Lonnie were dealing with later in his life, and I thought we treated him and the situation with dignity. By the way, if you care enough to open this, scan down the the black and white photo of Ali kidding around with his wife Lonnie in Louisiville when she was just a young girl. Amazing they met again later and became life partners.

I have a poster-sized copy of that cover photo of very frail Muhammed and his wife on my home office wall.

A good read. Thanks for posting.

BTW I recall another Ali story. If my memory serves, it was in the Frazier fight where Frazier's people threw in the towel. It was in the late rounds and Ali began to taunt him with these words: "You're getting tired and you are in the worst place in the world to be tired."
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Something just hit me as I responded to a tweet. My words:

"As a kid, I asked my mom why grandma put so little butter or peanut butter on our bread. Mom said, "it's because she lived through the Great Depression. You never knew when more might come. You always saved".

Yeah, they had it tough. Grandma and mom visited me in Germany back in 1984. As I described hardships Germans endured during WW2, Grandma got really upset while we were there.

"Your grandfather worked so much overtime during WW2 on the railroad supporting the war against the Germans and Japanese. I rarely saw him. Don't talk to me about sacrifices."
Just sitting down... I do hope all's day went well. My Darling and I hit the Navy Recreation Center again in Maryland. The day was different but we had fun. Not as many caught as we wanted but we weren't skunked.

Red Drum... we caught three of these. (The Game Warden stated those were as close to 18" as you can get. I stated that is what my tape measure said. (It was close but he was cool.)....

Caught two others types about that size but I don't know the name of them. My Darling stated they were good eating and that was good enough for me. They were legal too...

A real strong wind all day but we drove 75 miles so we were going to fish. Cooler too...

White caps most of the day...


The warden stated these were definitely keepers... (They were...) BUT that was all we caught...


I don't envy much as it's not biblical but I envy the view SC gets a lot more than I do...

I followed that view until the sun was gone... Just mesmerizing...

We left about 9... It was a good day.



If the Lord doesn't take me home I want a pan of biscuits with eggs in the morning....

I won't eat these type as I like to sop my eggs with my biscuits....(Over easy...)

I had these the evening before last...


Have a peaceful sleep and God Bless you all...
You best start worrying when you run into my family names. Then you know you are in deep trouble.

Martin's, Elmore's, Lee's, Cook's, Webb's, Self's, Stallsworth's, Blair's, Howard's, Edwards' you know you are in trouble. If you run into a Higginbotham, just stop! Maybe consider running for the border!

Oh I left out the Rich's. If you find a Rich in your background that means that you may have family with @_Rooster and me. You may want to consider something even worse! o_O


Did you happen to know Roy Rich in E'Town? Curious... (He owned E'Town Exterminating.)
Good Saturday Morning D

Game Day. I may put on a pot of chili and enjoy some good games. It would help us if the Gators beat the Vols but it may be to much to ask this year.

Our weather is pleasant with a current temperature of 69° and the high will be 84°. The humidity is 91% and wind 7 mph out of the NE. Next week is expected to start a cooling spell. I got stung 3 times yesterday by wasps and I don't like it one bit.

I trust all are well and in good spirits. I am craving boiled peanuts, I get that urge every once in a while. They have some good ones over there where Elvis use to eat.

Good morning D-League.

Congratulations to Albert Pujols. I was hoping he'd get 700, and now the pressure is off him.

I think somehow the era of Bonds, McGwire and Sosa has dampened the excitement over the great home run feats. Or maybe it is just me, and my drifting away from baseball a bit. But when I was a boy and young man, someone approaching 700 HRs would have been gigantic news -- as was any run on 60 home runs in the regular season.

No one has done what Pujols accomplished legitimately since the 1970s, and only two others all time.

I was in Riverfront in early April (I think it was the second day of the season) when Aaron TIED Ruth. Of course, that ended up not amounting to much -- breaking the record in Atlanta a couple days later was the huge national news.

And Aaron Judge is the first person to legitimately hit 60 since Roger Maris more than 60 years ago. A remarkable baseball season.

Hope the Cats can use today's game to get everything lined out ahead of the SEC meatgrinder.
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Thinking about Pujols and Judge got me recalling the steroid era and how it really did warp the perspective of baseball forever.

Already you hear apologists saying “yeah Bonds cheated, but he would have still had Hall of Fame stats and maybe set home run records without steroids.” Probably a HOF career without steroids but bullshit on the home runs.

To me, the best example of how steroids ruined stuff is not Bonds or McGwire or Sosa. Look at the largely forgotten Brady Anderson. I was going to a lot of Orioles games in those years. Anderson’s HR totals in a six year span were 13, 14, 16, 50, 18, 18…He later admitted he used massive amounts of steroids to hit 50, then got scared and tapered and quit. So he was basically a guy capable of averaging about 15 home runs —or 50 with steroids.
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Thinking about Pujols and Judge got me recalling the steroid era and how it really did warp the perspective of baseball forever.

Already you hear apologists saying “yeah Bonds cheated, but he would have still had Hall of Fame stats and maybe set home run records without steroids.” Possibly a borderline HOF career without steroids but bullshit on the home runs.

To me, the best example of how steroids ruined stuff is not Bonds or McGwire or Sosa. Look at the largely forgotten Brady Anderson. I was going to a lot of Orioles games in those years. Anderson’s HR totals in a six year span were 13, 14, 16, 50, 18, 18…He later admitted he used massive amounts of steroids to hit 50, then got scared and tapered and quit. So he was basically a guy capable of averaging about 15 home runs —or 50 with steroids.
Not baseball related but my biggest disappointment during the steroid era was Lance Armstrong. Got by with it for years. Lied for years and the only regret he had was that he got caught. A cancer survivor, charity organizer, etc. he was revered by many including kids. Turns out he was a scumbag all along.

EDIT: After I posted this he decided to hit 700 tonight as well

Albert could always hit and I liked him, but his defense bothered me. They tried him in LF and 3B with negative results. They finally moved him to 1B and he picked it up well, became a good first baseman and at that point I went all in on him. I'm happy for him that his farewell tour has been so happy for him.
Albert could always hit and I liked him, but his defense bothered me. They tried him in LF and 3B with negative results. They finally moved him to 1B and he picked it up well, became a good first baseman and at that point I went all in on him. I'm happy for him that his farewell tour has been so happy for him.

They had to put him in left early on cause we had that two year stint where we had Tino Martinez at first...gawd, he didn't hit at all for us like he did for the Yankees (granted none of our stadiums have ever had the short porch in right field like Yankee stadium).

Albert was a very good first baseman once they moved him to his natural position, won a couple gold gloves. And his batting stats those first 11 years of his career as a Cardinal were unreal.
They had to put him in left early on cause we had that two year stint where we had Tino Martinez at first...gawd, he didn't hit at all for us like he did for the Yankees (granted none of our stadiums have ever had the short porch in right field like Yankee stadium).

Albert was a very good first baseman once they moved him to his natural position, won a couple gold gloves. And his batting stats those first 11 years of his career as a Cardinal were unreal.
Speaking of Cardinal ball parks: My first live game was when I was a kid. Dad took us to the old Sportsman's Park in St Louis. It had a screen from the right field line to deep in right center. Must have been 40 foot high. Busch put it up because he was losing to many BP home run balls to the fans. I saw Stan Musial get a double off the screen that day. A reporter once asked Stan about all the homers he lost to that screen. Stan said, "Yeah, but it gave me a lot of doubles."
Thinking about Pujols and Judge got me recalling the steroid era and how it really did warp the perspective of baseball forever.

Already you hear apologists saying “yeah Bonds cheated, but he would have still had Hall of Fame stats and maybe set home run records without steroids.” Possibly a borderline HOF career without steroids but bullshit on the home runs.

To me, the best example of how steroids ruined stuff is not Bonds or McGwire or Sosa. Look at the largely forgotten Brady Anderson. I was going to a lot of Orioles games in those years. Anderson’s HR totals in a six year span were 13, 14, 16, 50, 18, 18…He later admitted he used massive amounts of steroids to hit 50, then got scared and tapered and quit. So he was basically a guy capable of averaging about 15 home runs —or 50 with steroids.

I think Bonds would have been in the Hall of Fame without steroids, his numbers were really good before, but I don't think he deserves in because he cheated and I think without them he is a guy that hits something like 500-550 HRs...nowhere near 762. He hit 46 once at one believes he was on them then, but hitting 45 or more (including 73) for five straight years at the ages 35-39, of course he was cheating.

The one ridiculous one I remember from the steroid era was Brett Boone. He never hit 25 hrs, never had 100 RBIs and then shows up one season with these huge forearms and batted .331 with 37 hrs and led the American League with 141 RBIs...before that season he had only one season where he had more than 74 RBIs. He was this little second baseman and then all of sudden he is participating in the HR Derby.
Thinking about Pujols and Judge got me recalling the steroid era and how it really did warp the perspective of baseball forever.

Already you hear apologists saying “yeah Bonds cheated, but he would have still had Hall of Fame stats and maybe set home run records without steroids.” Possibly a borderline HOF career without steroids but bullshit on the home runs.

To me, the best example of how steroids ruined stuff is not Bonds or McGwire or Sosa. Look at the largely forgotten Brady Anderson. I was going to a lot of Orioles games in those years. Anderson’s HR totals in a six year span were 13, 14, 16, 50, 18, 18…He later admitted he used massive amounts of steroids to hit 50, then got scared and tapered and quit. So he was basically a guy capable of averaging about 15 home runs —or 50 with steroids.
Another one almost as bad as Anderson was Luis Gonzalez. He hit 57 home runs at the age of 33, which was 26 more than his previous high, coincidentally set a year earlier. It gets overshadowed by the fact it happened in the year where Bonds hit his 73 home runs.
I did not know him, but we may be kin.

I looked him up after I posted. He died in 2020 (86). I worked for him about 6 months. He wanted to make me his supervisor then but I turned him down. (He ran an excellent company but I had my own vision by that time and started working on it. I think somehow that hurt him in our relationship but I never wronged him nor he me that I know of.) His son Shawn and I got along well. Five to ten years younger than me and I was in my mid-twenties when I knew him.

Just thought I'd mention it in passing when I saw the last name. Roy was engrained in Kentucky for sure. Used to pass out the tickets to ball games...(Business stuff...) I knew he had graduated from UK and was an Alum. (He stayed active doing things with UK but I was not privy to them other than in passing.) (I was too busy..."catting" around...)
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Good Morning all,

Had my biscuits and over-easy eggs... with coffee it hit the spot. Yes I am sore but My Darling was ready to go again. We do love it on the ocean. When we lived in South Carolina we stayed on the ocean, almost daily after work and never tired of it.

A cleaning day for me, I will be milling around in my office and Garage. A cool day it seems but things will heat up. ;) Have a great day...

GO CATS!!! (REFINE yourselves!!!)