I'm off of here before I say something negative. Catch you tomorrow.
Once again. Damnit.All you have to know is the backup quarterback has burnt Kentucky for years. Hopefully not this time.
Watched the game at the neighbor's. Stunned. One of the most disappointing losses I've witnessed.
BTW. Targeting is killing the game.
.Shit. We didn't deserve this.
They're taking away what these guys do naturally. They tackle. How can you change your flight in mid-air when going for a tackle?I agree. Once the tackler is committed, all the ball carrier has to do is lower his head and make contact with the tackler's helmet and it is a 15 yd gain and an automatic 1st down. Plus, the defensive player is ejected. Crap, they allow more contact in basketball, and they don't wear equipment. They may as well play flag football.
I agree. Once the tackler is committed, all the ball carrier has to do is lower his head and make contact with the tackler's helmet and it is a 15 yd gain and an automatic 1st down. Plus, the defensive player is ejected. Crap, they allow more contact in basketball, and they don't wear equipment. They may as well play flag football.
That was truly horrible.When their QB went down they out scored us 19 to 0. Ball game
It was.That was like a damn extra point kick! Very poor.
I would say Chance Poore.That was like a damn extra point kick! Very poor.
Up and going fishing. Need something to get the taste of that game out of my mouth.
That is pure truth. Stoops and Gran have something against extending leads. We get a few touch downs ahead and and think we have to slow it down. It is like we go into a four corners stall to use basketball terms. Last night we put on the brakes way too early and started playing not to lose. Against a team like Florida that gets you beat. And it did once again. We have all seen this movie before and we knew how it was turning out..
This is what happens when you play not to lose and go conservative
Tough loss last night. I'll leave it at that.
Speaking of Tennessee, Georgia State got beat 57-10 by Western Michigan yesterday.The Tennessee game has become a huge one for us now that we let Florida get away. We have to make up for it somewhere on the schedule and beat a team we lose to much more often than not. Georgia is far superior and we play them in Athens so that leaves Tennessee. We have to beat them this year and can't choke it.
But we have a long way to go before Tennessee so I need to quit looking ahead.
Speaking of Tennessee, Georgia State got beat 57-10 by Western Michigan yesterday.
Even Furman played Georgia State closer than Tennessee. The sad part is that Tennessee fans were talking smack about UK losing to Florida earlier. Yes it was a bad loss, but nowhere near Georgia State's level.I saw that this morning and just laughed. Tenn. did beat up on a powerhouse Chattanooga team. So they've got that going for them, which is nice.
The Tennessee game has become a huge one for us now that we let Florida get away. We have to make up for it somewhere on the schedule and beat a team we lose to much more often than not. Georgia is far superior and we play them in Athens so that leaves Tennessee. We have to beat them this year and can't choke it.
But we have a long way to go before Tennessee so I need to quit looking ahead.
....and meanwhile, UT is looking a little better each week. I'm looking at UT and South Carolina as "toss up" games right now. As UK fans know all too well, no UK lead is safe.
When we do our preseason predicting there is one team I never put down as a win. Tennessee. History is against us. They have beaten our best ever teams in the past such as a win over Bear Bryant's Orange Bowl team that won 10 games and of course last year. At least Bryant got beat by a good Tennessee team. Last year's UT team was sorry. The great 1977 team had a hard time with Tennessee. They won but the game was much closer than it should have been. So if I feel as bad after this years UT game as I do this morning it will not be the first time.We are better than both those teams, but after last night, that really doesn't mean anything. That's sad to feel that way.
Thanks that was great. A giant VW bug.. LOL. And hand made to boot.http://videos.usatoday.net/Brightco...7/29906170001_5061733501001_5061717547001.mp4
Pretty neat video for the car guys.