
Crocodilian enrichment coordinator
Good Monday morning D League

The temperature is 72° and thunderstorms are in the forecast. My lake is back up to full level now but the rain is always welcome. Our high will be 82°
The man on the radio, a county commissioner is proposing the county build a another "long gun" rifle range. We have a lot of forest land around so that would work without a problem. I live in a very, very gun friendly county.

Have a great day all
Good morning! Watched a lot of Open this weekend, loved it.

Weather is looking kinda iffy round these parts. Need a break in the rain for Wednesday. I bought 5 gallons of paint yesterday to put on the roof of my porch. Also bought a 12' extension for the paint roller. This has "fun job" written all over it. What could go wrong?
71.2°F and cloudy. We got .03" of rain over night. We got up to near 90 yesterday afternoon.

I hope all you guys got honored yesterday. I am not a big father's day fan but it seems like facebook likes it.

My 55 high school reunion is this coming Saturday night. Only 30 scheduled to show up and that includes spouses. I guess we are running out of survivors who can still move around. :flushed:
My 55 high school reunion is this coming Saturday night.
My 50th will be Aug 31. I made airline reservations for 2 weeks in Kentucky. Dad lives next to the Ohio River & I will see him every day I'm there. Mom has past. Dad is 86. Sits on his porch, smokes like a chimney. drinks beer all day and watches birds.
My 50th will be Aug 31. I made airline reservations for 2 weeks in Kentucky. Dad lives next to the Ohio River & I will see him every day I'm there. Mom has past. Dad is 86. Sits on his porch, smokes like a chimney. drinks beer all day and watches birds.

Maybe a few of us can get together this time when you're in town.
Afternoon D.
Late Happy Fathers Day to all of you...
Celebrated my parents 60th wedding anniversary over the weekend also...great role models. They probably deserve a little bit better of a son....that's what I tell my brother.
Got to see some great blues/music over the weekend at the WC Handy festival in Henderson KY...Chubby Carrier and the bayou swamp band, Dwayne Dopsie & the zydeco hellraisers, the Keeshea Pratt band, Coco Montoya, Vanessa Collier, and Chicago Plays the Stones (minus Buddy Guy). And that doesn't include Saturdays performers.
Oh well...glad to see all are doing as well as can be expected.
I would like to try and meet up sometime also Im only 2 hrs from Lville and/or Bowling Green. I'm always looking for a reason to take a vacation day...
Good day yesterday but had a leisure afternoon Wanda she took me out to eat and we had a great time then watched a good movie.

I had a good day yesterday as well. My wife took me out to Walmart so I returned the favor by taking her to Lowes. I watched golf for about 8 hours and drank a few beers. She cooked up a bunch of bacon, sausage, and country ham yesterday morning and we grazed on that all day with biscuits and bread.
Good day yesterday but had a leisure afternoon Wanda she took me out to eat and we had a great time then watched a good movie.
This was our pattern yesterday as well. We drove down to Sand Key and ate at Columbia Restaurant. Just great food. And I got to choose it. Then we came back home, got in the pool to cool off and watched a movie of my choice. My son is vacationing in Arizona so I picked Tombstone as it is a man's movie and I enjoyed my visit there years ago. If you have never been to Tombstone, AZ and Boot Hill try to go. It is history and fascinating to me. On Father's Day we do not watch girly movies or chick flicks. I get to pick.