The problem is that I am very liberal; however, being liberal does not mean being totally stupid.
I am a failed chemist with many hours in science. What they taught me in college was facts, not religion or fables. Then I started to work for the railroad in sales and marketing. They did not need the science hours, so I was forced to take business classes at Louisville, North Florida and Johns Hopkins. So, I got a good blend of factual things along with economic theory and Smith's "Wealth of Nations".
Liberal ideals (the real definition) are "new ideas" that don't depend on accepted ideals of the past. Today “liberals” are not “liberals”. They want to change the word to mean political ideas of the socialist left. They are not liberal at all. They all fall back to Karl Marx’s ideas that have been proven to totally fail in every instance trued at the cost of 100,000,000 lives just in the 20th Century.
Today the "liberals" are fools who have majored in sociology, liberal arts or some drama courses that have little to do with the earth or how our society or capitalist systems work. Human are not bees or ants. We are individuals that work for ourselves. Any governmental system that is socialist works against what we humans want.
California has the most resources of nearly any state in the Union, except possibly Texas and Alaska; however, they have taken a course where the "political" opinions are based on socialist ideals that have been proven over and over to fail every damned time that they are tried.
What we see are instances where the citizens of the failed socialist or non-capitalist systems are forced to move to survive. They seek out the countries where opportunities are the best. Yet when they get to that country they bring the same virus that infected their parent country. The U.S. does not need that crap.
In 1970 I was liberal as hell. I wanted total freedom and equality, both social and economic, for all folks in our country. I wanted total, equal access to all things. If you busted your butt and worked hard you could make it. I did bust my butt and worked hard and ended up with a little money. I am still liberal as hell and I still want the same things that I wanted in 1970, except now they call me conservative. I am not conservative.
Why do they call me conservative?
I lost a lot of my good friends fighting the god damned communist in this world. Now the Liberals are damned socialist and I doubt that they are one degree removed from a damned commie. They do not want total freedom and equality for all folks in our country. They want economic subjugation.
They will have a hard time ever getting me to vote for those slim balls.
Screw them.