
Small amount of time spent fishing because I needed an excuse to go to the flower shop and gift shop for wife's anniversary gift for tomorrow. Did about 2 hours worth however and caught 3 about this size. Catch and release of course.

Next picture is of a coworker's deaf son who is 13. They were fishing at a friends pond yesterday evening when she sent me this and a few other pictures with other bass about as big.

He and some other special needs kids will be at a weekend getaway with pro fishermen starting 5 July in Dallas I think.

Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston among others will be there.
My prayers failed for the poor bass!
The problem is that I am very liberal; however, being liberal does not mean being totally stupid.

I am a failed chemist with many hours in science. What they taught me in college was facts, not religion or fables. Then I started to work for the railroad in sales and marketing. They did not need the science hours, so I was forced to take business classes at Louisville, North Florida and Johns Hopkins. So, I got a good blend of factual things along with economic theory and Smith's "Wealth of Nations".

Liberal ideals (the real definition) are "new ideas" that don't depend on accepted ideals of the past. Today “liberals” are not “liberals”. They want to change the word to mean political ideas of the socialist left. They are not liberal at all. They all fall back to Karl Marx’s ideas that have been proven to totally fail in every instance trued at the cost of 100,000,000 lives just in the 20th Century.

Today the "liberals" are fools who have majored in sociology, liberal arts or some drama courses that have little to do with the earth or how our society or capitalist systems work. Human are not bees or ants. We are individuals that work for ourselves. Any governmental system that is socialist works against what we humans want.

California has the most resources of nearly any state in the Union, except possibly Texas and Alaska; however, they have taken a course where the "political" opinions are based on socialist ideals that have been proven over and over to fail every damned time that they are tried.

What we see are instances where the citizens of the failed socialist or non-capitalist systems are forced to move to survive. They seek out the countries where opportunities are the best. Yet when they get to that country they bring the same virus that infected their parent country. The U.S. does not need that crap.

In 1970 I was liberal as hell. I wanted total freedom and equality, both social and economic, for all folks in our country. I wanted total, equal access to all things. If you busted your butt and worked hard you could make it. I did bust my butt and worked hard and ended up with a little money. I am still liberal as hell and I still want the same things that I wanted in 1970, except now they call me conservative. I am not conservative.

Why do they call me conservative?

I lost a lot of my good friends fighting the god damned communist in this world. Now the Liberals are damned socialist and I doubt that they are one degree removed from a damned commie. They do not want total freedom and equality for all folks in our country. They want economic subjugation.

They will have a hard time ever getting me to vote for those slim balls.

Screw them.

I used to be a liberal, also, but even JFK would probably be a Republican today. He was for less government, strong military, supported Israel. No way the Democrats would nominate him as their candidate the way their party leans today. I became a Republican because they believe in most of what I do, strong military, less taxes, less government, right to life, less free stuff to people who do not want to work, or come into the country illegally. I suppose I still am somewhat liberal, just not a Democrat, which is so far left that nobody that was a Democrat and died in 1975 would recognize their party, today.

And my personal favorite, "Do you own stock in the Electric Company?"
If people would have known how rare common sense would become, they probably would have named it something else.
Today common sense is considered privelidge by the lemmings.

I still am somewhat liberal, just not a Democrat, which is so far left that nobody that was a Democrat and died in 1975 would recognize their party, today.
I'm still a registered ass but haven't voted for one in decades, will not vote one anytime soon with their unpatriotic path to dissolution of history and the republic.
This is the menu and price list during the time I worked at McDonalds. I worked at the one on New Circle Rd during college. The only item we had that is not on the list was an orange drink. Also the fish sandwich was introduced while I worked there. It sold for twenty cents

The owner was a transplant from Boston and he was the most unethical person I have ever worked for. For example all of the restaurants in town put aside one day to donate all of their coffee money to a children's charity. He disconnect the coffee pot that day and told us to tell all of the customers it was out of order. Lie to them. So what did I do. I told them our coffee pot was disconnected but Burger King just down the road made some great coffee. You can do that when you are a kid and don't give a hoot.

About 1959/1960.
I am a social conservative but I do not believe in trying to impose my social values on others. Yes I will state my opinion on the issues without hesitation. But live how one will as long as it doesn't affect others in a negative way..

I am a fiscal moderate. I recognize that in a capitalist economy there has to be losers. So there are people who deserve help. But there are multitudes who scrounge off the taxpayers their entire life without any shame and need to be cut off the teat.
I was born and raised a Southern Yellow Dog Democrat but the Democrat Party left me many decades ago. I started regretting being a Democrat during the term of LBJ. The last one I voted for in the Presidential election was Jimmy Carter. I still ask God to forgive me for that. I have always been a conservative both social and fiscal. I too do not want to force my Christian beliefs on anyone as that is not going to change a person's heart. Only Christ can do that. We give the message and God changes hearts and souls.

I finally broke down and changed my registration from Democrat and the lady at the courthouse got mad and threw the form at me. My grandfather was born in 1884 and was a hell raising Democrat. The day I registered to vote he told me "the Republican Party was born in the pits of hell and if you ever vote for one God help your soul". I think grandpa would have left the party before I did. Or rather they left him. He died before they completely went crazy.
I was born and raised a Southern Yellow Dog Democrat but the Democrat Party left me many decades ago. I started regretting being a Democrat during the term of LBJ. The last one I voted for in the Presidential election was Jimmy Carter. I still ask God to forgive me for that. I have always been a conservative both social and fiscal. I too do not want to force my Christian beliefs on anyone as that is not going to change a person's heart. Only Christ can do that. We give the message and God changes hearts and souls.

I finally broke down and changed my registration from Democrat and the lady at the courthouse got mad and threw the form at me. My grandfather was born in 1884 and was a hell raising Democrat. The day I registered to vote he told me "the Republican Party was born in the pits of hell and if you ever vote for one God help your soul". I think grandpa would have left the party before I did. Or rather they left him. He died before they completely went crazy.
I have some relatives in Kentucky and North and South Carolina that are blue dog Democrats. We don't talk politics.
Happy Fathers Day to all D-Leaguers who carry that esteemed title.

My older daughter is in Kansas City, as is my only grandchild. But I’ll see two out of three of my children today. I hope all dads get to spend some time feeling special.
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Good morning D League and Happy Fathers Day

We are expecting a nice day today, sunny and clear. I hope all who are fathers are able to sit back and relax today and take it easy. I miss my father every day as we did so many things together and had deep but meaningful conversation. My Big Blue blood comes from his veins. Rest In Peace dad and I am looking forward to the day we can be together again. We have lot to catch up on.

Good morning! Woke up and looked outside to see what I will be up against and it was wet. Can't say I'm surprised since I had no expectations.

I'm going over to see Dad later today and I'm going to watch the US Open. That should be enough to get me through today but tomorrow through Wednesday will be a flurry of activity.

Planning on putting the carpet down and the screen on on Wednesday. I won't be done by a long shot but it will mark a major milestone.
Funny story from yesterday! At least I thought it was funny. Mr. M wanted to go out and get a bite to eat, so we went to our BBQ place here in Central City, KY. We had to wait to place our order, because a lady was in front of us picking up hers.
The lady says I am here to pick up our salads I called in, the lady behind the counter checks and tells her we don't have an order here for that, but let me check with the others working.
She comes back and tells her no one has taken an order are you sure you called here?
YES I Am Sure she said!!! It"S RIGHT HERE ON MY PHONE!!
I am thinking this could get bad over two salads.
Very politely the lady said I can fix you a salad if you want us to?
It's supposed to be ready, see right here it says right here, Brother's BBQ
LASSSS VEEEEGGAAAS, NEVVVVDA!!!! I am so sorry she said!!!!
Here's the funny part, the lady behind the counter says, do you want us to fix the salad or do you want to drive to Vegas and pick yours up???
Every body had a good laugh including the lady! She told her could you please fix me a couple salads!!!!!